Seriously Veeky Forums do we produce the best memes?

Seriously Veeky Forums do we produce the best memes?

/pol/ has barely good ones since they are way into their ideology (excluding last year with Trump)

/int/ is just full of Neet Fags and Shitskins who think they are diplomats

/tv/, Veeky Forums and /sp/ have decent ones too, but the memes on the Veeky Forums are the only I genuinely laugh about

Other urls found in this thread:

No, our memes are shit.
/tv/ has the best memes.


Veeky Forums hasnt produced a piece of original content worth a second thought since 2013. /tv/ is the memeforge of this website

Veeky Forums produces a meme every 2 months. Veeky Forums is dead.

>Veeky Forums
/pol/ was godly during the primaries but then it opened up a warpgate to /r/eddit


/pol/ memes reached mainstream media. They got CNN to discuss pepe the frog. I'd say they currently hold the title of mememasters.

Veeky Forums has been slacking lately

First to get dubs gets to stay on my thread.

>tfw When you want to be Vasya, but you know you're really Boris

/tv/ and /pol/ produce the best memes. /pol/ mostly just takes them and makes them funnier though. All Veeky Forums could come up with last year was the *sip* meme.

no? almost all of the older Veeky Forums memes came from misc, later from /tv/ and such. there's very little OC that actually started here.

Fuck off back to plebbit

>tfw want to pick Artyom and go find prewar artifacts in the ruins of Moscow
>can't since most people who hang with artyom end up dying

/pol/ uses meme magic to bend reality to it's collective will. Memetic mastery has only been achieved on that board thus far.


/pol/ has the best memes bar none.

The only good meme Veeky Forums has is the Chloe meme and I created that.

/mu/ made spongegar so there's that?

why do I keep seeing this guy why is he a meme?

/pol/ and /r9k/ are still the best

Veeky Forums honestly produces the shittiest memes on all of than.

/tv/ and Veeky Forums produce the best.

when was the last time /b/ produced anything noteworthy in the last few years?

/pol/ has the best memes by far

the best meme of Veeky Forums is strong chloe, and that is just spillage from /tv/
the first sip of the day meme is forced as fuark, and Piana has no real appeal

The thing I like about /int/ is that our general has quite a few spicy memes in my native language. Kurva anyátok hől.

hehe tymen

heres a rare chloe

Somebody get this hothead outta here.

fit didnt put trump in the white house though

/b/ is edgy kids general now.
They will never produce anything noteworthy anymore.


Eh. We have "Can't stand this cunt" and the "You have been visited by..."

That's good in my books

Both started on bodybuilding misc.

Absolutely pissening.


Veeky Forums used to be know for squats n oats and GOMAD.There haven't been notable memes that aren't forced as fuck for a long time.If you browsed other boards you would see how shit tier Veeky Forums is on average


Does anyone have the picture of Tom Platz squatting but with the Quaker oats-guys head shopped in place and oat canisters in the place of plates. That was the prime of Veeky Forums

I don't see any record of "Can't stand this cunt" on there?

Eh, /tv/ crashed a plane.

>/pol/ makes good memes
/pol/ is a normie board Tbh, maybe even worse than Veeky Forums.

/tv/ are the greatest meme producers, /r9k/ are the second best.


I think /wsg/ has arguably better ones, they just get ruined by people who don't know how to use them (to be continued, "look at the top of his head", etc.)

That's because you're a samefag who created that shitty "meme" and want to spread it.

It's worse than shit tier just fucking give up faggot.

/pol/ is a contrarian board by definition and will therefore never be a normie board. If the pendulum finishes swinging to the right /pol/ will most likely veer more to the left again.


fins create the best memes m8tey


Kyllä näin on.







didn't the big brained wojak start here? i swear i saw it here months before it showed up on other boards

>tfw to intelligent to lift

Because he's a big guy.

Those didn't start with wojak, but I had seen the first big-brained wojak (none of the insane edits) before the lift meme

no it started on r9k

Nothing can compare to /tv/ 2bh. They mass produce quality memes at an incredible rate.

>tfw the latest one is "brapppf"



>tfw high IQ /tv/ poster
The best part is using forced Disney shill memes ironically and creating real memes from them (i.e. DORMAMMU, I'VE COME TO BARGAIN)

I don't samefag it, fag

nah /tv/ and /pol/ are the best by far. Veeky Forums mostly borrows old memes from other boards and sites after a couple of months. we live in our bubble of zyzz and ripletits memes so we are a bit left behind, and i'm ok with it, that's exactly what i enjoy about Veeky Forums


thats not dubs :^)

What is this roll for

I hope I get Boris, he seems cool.


/tv/ created the chloe meme

Veeky Forums has alot of memes that don't spread across boards though. Alot of them are complete shit like the forced "8x6 breh" meme, but there are a few good ones there.


>God tier:
Veeky Forums

>Good tier

>Shit tier:
Everything else



>implying the board that got a cartoon frog declared a symbol of white supremacy by anti-defemation league and a presidential candidate for the most powerful country in the world, is not the best memers.

We got coverage too once

That picture makes me feel sad for Dima. He seems like a nice guy with his farm life and Jackie Chan movies and has based taste in music, but he's retarded and somehow that just makes me sad 'cause it seems like he's the butt of a lot of jokes.

that was misc not Veeky Forums

What's the difference? :^)


Bro, bodybuilding misc (me particularly) created the Chloe meme in 2015 and it spread to Veeky Forums.

Gtfo with your bs.

>/int/ meets Veeky Forums meme


>Has been playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 for 16 years

haha jesus why is this so accurate

>Triggered Shitskin in Sweden


/pol/ most definitely has the best memes

>t Alberto barbosa
>everything relating to trump
>the delegates Donald
>religion of peace
>carl the cuck
>triggly puff
>really makes you think
The list goes on

Half of those are /int/ memes faggot. Also you didn't mention a single meme from before 2016 which makes me want to deport you to newfag town.

>how can they keep getting away with it?
>i wonder who could be behind this post/jew meme
>Kek becoming a deity
>Shart in mart
>Poo in loo
>Don't talk to me or my son ever again
>Polandball remixes
>smug country winking and smiling

Country memes
>German = Hans

Aside from the memes their achievements include literally memeing trump into presidency and proclaiming kek a deity with repeating digits happenings.

Pepe reached national infamy and Baneposting is probably the most pervasive meme. Veeky Forums memes have yet to match that scale of meme.

>smug country winking and smiling

>the best memes?


>German = Hans
this is no longer relevant. German = muhammad

dont forget that /pol/ DEFINITELY meme'd pepe into the MSM as a "symbol of white supremacy". PROBABLY meme'd a reality TV star in to the white house. and POSSIBLY memed the awakening of a multi-dimensional chaos god

>/pol/ has barely good ones since they are way into their ideology (excluding last year with Trump)
>Dedicated people cannot produce good memes

>/int/ is just full of Neet Fags and Shitskins who think they are diplomats
>Neets cannot produce good memes

Newfag. You would do well to understand that the most powerful memes come from autistic neets.

He didn't mention a /pol/ meme from before 2016 because 2016 was the year of /pol/. Veeky Forums's traffic has increased by millions because of the election. It's no surprise that most of /pol/s memes would have been made in a year when their traffic ballooned. And yeah, they're well known for stealing every worthwhile meme from /int/ and Pepe from /r9k/.

Interestingly, data shows that Veeky Forums never really experiences significant drops in traffic, so those are permanent residents.

That stuff all predates the existence of /pol/ and btfo isn't really a meme.

fuck off contrarian


>newfag redditors, underage and /v/-tards are something good

Anyone who isn't a newfag migrated from 4cuck /pol/ over 2 years ago mate. Anything of value has come out of the other place.

thicc, high test, london all are Veeky Forums

also height mog was shilled on Veeky Forums long before i saw it anywhere else. like legit 2014


[power gap]


[power gap]

Veeky Forums

[power gap]


Every other board is either shit or I haven't visited it enough to know the memes

>me particularly


garbage list. kill yourself

Worthless opinion by a sub human

Haha these faggots follow my german nationlist gf and routinely comment sad beta compliments on her instagram selfies lmao

/pol/ elected the leader of the free world. /pol/ produces fresh memes daily and gets media coverage because they are a force to be reckoned with.
Veeky Forums is good if you're looking for soft-core gay porn and the monthly meme.

/bleep/ on /mu/ has the best memes

any man in?