Is there any generation in history more spoiled, lazy, narcissistic and entitled than Millennials?
Is there any generation in history more spoiled, lazy, narcissistic and entitled than Millennials?
you're a millennial
I would say the boomers because unlike the millenials, they actually forced all they shit they wanted to happen
The baby boomers.
t. millenials
Nah I'm actually a Gen Xer. We're known for nothing, except maybe creating Scooby Doo.
And Wu Tang Klan.
>Be boomers
>Bankrupt social security
>Accumulate trillions in debt without a real reason
>Want lower taxes without the corresponding spending cuts
>Waste time, money, and people invading unimportant shithole countries
>Stagnate wages
>Make university unaffordable
>Make living in cities unaffordable
>Send all jobs to Mexico
>muh millenials are entitled
Millenials just want the same opportunities that Boomers had but promptly destroyed, passing on their debt to the next generation so they could get muh free stuff.
Are you that poster that shitposts (pun intended) about the "subhuman milennials and their sinful diaper fetishes?" Or some stupid shit like that?
The baby boomers are a generation to whom much was given, most was wasted, and more was demanded.
"Generations", at least in the way people talk about "Millennials" or "Boomers" or whatever, don't actually exist user
It's funny to see how much hate some Gen X'ers have for the boomers.
Understandable though, they pretty much ruined the western world
We were the first generation to grow up with the consequences of their mistakes.
Well you listen here you young whippersnapper. It's true that you are subhuman milennials who can't let go of their diaper fetish and the sin of wearing diapers. You're a hell bound heathen that ruined America with your constantly whining and complainin, you hush your mouth boy and learn some manners. I know I says is true and now you damn young whippersnappers need to stop acting like subhumans and sinfully soiling those undergarments with your sinful muck. Truly this is degenerate behavior.
>Be OP
>Ask about all generations in history
>Only the last three or four generations are mentioned
go post your shitty memes on facebook, boomer trash
>le wrong generation XD
You do realize every single generation in history thought the same about their new generation right?
The only reason anyone's asking for """free""" shit is because of how much more expensive it is now. Boomers would have wanted tuition breaks too if college had a $60,000+ investment for them.
le ebin generaton wars XD
Social security is completely solvent, why will this meme never die?
> boomers "GIVE IT TO ME IT'S MINE"
> millennials "T R I G G E R E D"
They're both equally bad and we as a society need to fucking learn how to raise our children
I'm what you American faggots would call a "millenial" and I agree the insane intergenerational whining against so-called "boomers" is ridiculous and stupid.
Today people live longer, have access to more goods, opportunities and affluence than at any past point in history. Previous generations before 1900s had to live with the perpetual fear of starvation. In comparison, millenial snowflakes' incessant complaining seems extremely petty.
Maybe YOU are a failure because YOU could not take advantage of the AMAZING OPPORTUNITIES, LITERALLY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS, 80 years ago only rich people could afford an education, now you can simply GO ON THE INTERNET AND LEARN whatever skill you need to suceed in the world.
There is literally NO EXCUSE.
On top of that, most millenials are already into their late 20s and 30s, that is, fully responsible and capable adults.
Stop blaiming your parents for the state of the world or your life, take some personal responsibility and grow the fuck up.
Not always. That kind of complaint was not that common in the 90's, but very common in the late 60's.
And they were right when they complained about the youngsters of the late 60's. They ruined Western Culture.
No one is interested in what some poorly educated retard from a shithole has to say. You sound like you are from some former commie country we now outsource our jobs to for 2 cents an hour.
that surely aint nuttn to fuck with
gr8 b8 m8
>Stop blaiming your parents
It's our grandparents though
>Previous generations before 1900s had to live with the perpetual fear of starvation
You're a fucking idiot. Where do you live, sub-saharan Africa?
You are literally looking at a drawing from 1639 and concluding "Nah, people didn't always complain about the next generation"
>hurr durr if we print enough things that say full faith of us treasury on them, then there is no problem
Fuck off Keynes.
>Scooby Doo and Wu-Tang Clan
That's enough to qualify it as one of the best generations desu.
I would like to, but some faggots decided that stealing 8% of my wages to fund faggots.
If I could opt out of social security, I would have very few problems with boomers.
Fun fact, monthly contributions of 8% at a piss poor 4% real growth amounts to absurdly lot more than 8% monthly contribution at a -2% real rate of growth.
Ah, it's going to be a
>there is no such thing as a social problem, everything is just a personal issue, an obstacle to tackle on your way to fulfilling your ambitions
episode. Christ, how I hate you.
t. sociology student
"words" don't actually exist either, so i don't know what do you think you are doing writing them, faggot.
You will always find examples of everything if you look at the entire history of mankind.
But complaints about the next generation are not something that happens every generation.
It literally is
I'm Greek
Why do you think European peasants were leaving their continent in droves?
Well maybe you should be studying something that makes you more money than sociology.
Past generations whined less and did more with the chances they were given.
>not being able to write on a wax tablet
What a fucking nigger sub-human brainlet
It is common when you have a particularly awful generation like the hippies in the late 60's.
People always complain about the youth. That is correct. But that doesn't mean that society is equally good at any given time or that the current generation doesn't observe the norms of society more or less than the one preceding it. Which is to say, this kind of complaint is perfectly reasonable, as long as it is supported by something. In my country it was found in a relatively comprehensive study that the current youth has a much less positive attitude toward law and society than the ones preceding them did in their own time. I do not blame the generation itself for it, but I do consider the trends in the development of the society I lived in predominantly negative.
>Well maybe you should be studying something that makes you more money than sociology.
I don't particularly care about my income as long as it keeps me in the middle class, and I've no idea in what way it's related to my post.
>Past generations whined less and did more with the chances they were given.
They fought to improve the chances they were given much more than we do. Chartists, striking workers, suffragettes, national-liberal revolutionaries of 1848, militant parties all over interbellum Europe...
But, more importantly, tell me, how is my personal effort going to prevent me from getting randomly beaten up in the face of ethnic tensions? How is it going to protect me against abuses of power? How is it going to protect the middle-class man in the United States whose operation isn't covered by his shitty health insurance?
The fact is that there are problems permeating the entirety of society, and they are ones which are supremely difficult, if not impossible to solve on a personal basis. And they are to be tackled on the basis of society.
You’re a millennial
>They fought to improve the chances they were given much more than we do. Chartists, striking workers, suffragettes, national-liberal revolutionaries of 1848, militant parties all over interbellum Europe...
Yes, of course, they fought for what they wanted to achieve. They didn't sit on their collective asses on some Senegalese Cavepainting Webzine complaining about the previous generation.
>The fact is that there are problems permeating the entirety of society, and they are ones which are supremely difficult, if not impossible to solve on a personal basis. And they are to be tackled on the basis of society.
And I never argued otherwise.
But the attitude on this website ever since /pol/ took over every single board is a defeatist, hateful, toxic narrative that pretends to convince young people that their life was somehow stolen from them by "retarded boomers", and that we are somehow entitled to live in a 1950s utopia that never existed in real life, where everybody has comfortable office jobs, buys a house at 19 years old and a stay at home wife.
It's true, the world has problems, crippling problems even, that threaten our existence as a species.
But it's also true, that the world is also a much better place to live than 30, 50, 100 years ago, and that we have opportunities available now that didn't exist decades ago.
Instead of whining with dangerous revanchist rethoric, people should be uniting to tackle the challenges ahead. Nobody has stolen anything from millenials. We have been handed opportunities people only dreamed about decades ago.
It's like 1930s Germany rethoric, except the Germans were actually starving and had real reasons to be pissed off about, there was no booming job market like the USA has today.
would someone mind explaining to me the age gaps between the gens up to gen Z? i under stand them but i don't get the groupings as depending on the description millennials ended 1996 to 2001. cheers.
Booming job market? Nigger I can't even find a solid lead to a position with Best Buy. I got to school and pursue my studies in a good field without pretensions of grandeur. I'm frugal on most things and I don't hit the bar or club every weekend. None of that counts for shit when your potential employer wants 7+ years of experience in package handling before you can even consider a near minimum wage job.
Fuck your retarded optimism, the wonders of today mean nothing if they don't enable people financial independence. Fact is that machines are going to take away most "stepping stone" careers, and even white collar fields that are dedicated to "optimization" of services like design engineering or data entry. We have maybe a few decades of reliable work before society implodes from mass unemployment and social upheaval, and even then the boomers refuse to die/retire. Not only will we pay to keep them alive, we'll also pay to keep them from retiring. All of this given to a generation that utterly raped the moral, economic and political foundation of this country.
>80 years ago only rich people could afford an education,
user in those times you didn't need an education to do well.
>now you can simply GO ON THE INTERNET AND LEARN whatever skill you need to suceed in the world.
Peopel want credentials unless you really know the right people and I really mean like Kanye West knowing th right people to propel him into a career.
>Thus Of Ould
>tongs being used as a crippled cowboy's splint
>The Bibble
>a lance?
>Thus Now
>beautiful dancing shoes
>fun and games
>fine drink and opiates for those who can afford them
I think I like the Now generation better.