Who here /NoBooze/?

Who here /NoBooze/?

Haven't had a drink since New Years. Didn't bother me at all, but now it's Friday afternoon and I'm sitting here at work with that craving creeping up. How do you guys keep it clean?

>Haven't had a drink since New Years.

Nigga that's been less than a week. You're an alcoholic.

smoke mad doobz brah


I haven't drank in years, and I used to have a rockstar+vodka for breakfast all through grades 11 and 12

Over 3 months without a drink here.

I wouldn't say I'm 100% alcohol free cus I work at a bar and need to taste test new beers/cocktail specials, but I don't have more than a sip/1-2 mL.

I credit Kombucha to staying off the sauce, but it's 0.5% alcohol even if it was aerobically fermented. I don't count that as alcoholic. Tea helps too. Have a drink when you're out with your mates, just make a point of making sure it's not hooch.

If you still can't unwind smoke some weed.

I know. That's why I'm trying to stop.

The craving will pass as long as you don't give into it brocacho. But be ready to feel bored, it takes time to get used to being sober.

I'm 2 years sober.
Getting over alcoholism was the hardest part of becoming truly fit.

I still crave it every god damn time I see hard booze.
Do yourself a favor and drop the habit as soon as you can. If you need help talk to a doctor and shrink. They will give you pills to curb the cravings but it won't help the mental aspect.

Fellow alcoholic here, I'm with you brah

I don't have any social life.

Also when I drink I get super sad so I don't drink alone.

Also I've seen enough drunk people and think it's an ugly sight.

Court ordered urine tests help

I don't even drink coffee desu.

i've not had a single alcoholic drink or cigarette since the 25th November.

Feels good. For me what helped with the cravings was... nothing. It had just gotten to a point where it was ruining my life. I looked back at every bad thing that's ever happened to me as an adult and every single thing I can think of was the direct result of alcohol.
I can't believe I never realised before.

I had a particularly bad binge, spent 3 days just fucking wasted bed ridden and then had an epiphany:

"If I stop drinking all my real problems go away'

So I did. After the first couple of weeks it's just even a thing anymore. I've been out drinking with mates and just drank ginger ale and had a better time than I do drinking mostly.
Now it's a thing that I don't want to spoil. I can't really explain it I just really don't want a drink at all.

didnt drink for like half a year now

my father was alcohollic and he died recently

glad I was born in muslim majority country
alcohol is degeneracy

>Haven't had a drink since New Years
I haven't had a drink since 2014.


You need further treatment if you're still craving bro. 1 year sober, here. I work the steps and haven't had a craving in about 6 months...

What made you want to quit?

THAT's how you keep it clean. You just always have to keep reminding yourself. Being an alcoholic or a drug addict or sex addict or whatever is more of an attempt at a cure than the disease itself. The disease is something deeper and we generally try to self-medicate or forget using substances that help us get there.

Look inside and realize what it is that you're trying to suppress. You have to take a good look at it and really understand what it is that you're fighting against and then look at what else you can do to fix it, not push it away.

Another thing that helps to is: what's the opportunity cost of my addiction? What else could I do with the money? With the time? What could I do if I didn't wake up feeling shitty every morning?

Never drank, never smoked, never [spoiler]fucked[/spoiler], never will.

>why quit?
Tired of feeling like shit, embarrassing myself, and gobblin my own gains

>why drink?
Boredom. Social autism. Generally not a big fan of myself 2bh famn

How do people crave booze? It doesn't even taste good

I want to drink less. I usually go out once a week with friends. I get drunk every time. Debilitates me the next day. I don't like that hangover. My options are to drink less during the night or not go out at all.

Drinking less means I have to hang out with drunk people all night while I'm still fairly sober, or have a low key kind of night. it's hard for me to have a good time when everyone I'm with is plastered. If I don't go out then I won't see my friends.

How do people crave herion? Literally sticking needles in yourself.

I'm just getting to the point that the hangovers are too much.

Had a couple beer watching the world juniors last night and I woke up feeling like shit; just two fuckin pints. I think my body has had enough.

You acquire the taste.

>October quit drinking
>December quit smoking pot

Who /soberliving/ itt?

Getting rid of the brain fog was incredible for me. I've never felt more motivated to work out, eat healthy, and work hard at my 9-5. I'm also starting to see that I'm more valuable than my job so I'll be on the hunt for something better soon.

Smoking weed was the worst for me, drinking I could deal with, but when I smoked I became totally content and didn't aim to be better.

I was in the same situation. Here is what happened. i drunk so fucking much in a couple of occasions that I literally spent the following day crawling with hell's fire in my stomach. Alcohol cravings completely disappeared.

Solution: drink too much, regret it and stop drinking completely

I'm in the same bot, but am definitely drinking tomorrow. I'm not an alcoholic though. I seldom drink by myself and am a pseudo shut-in.

I honestly have never liked it. I have decided to have a drink by myself maybe 5 times so far in my entire life.

>tfw I haven't had a drink since birth

what got you guys into drinking anyway? Did you think you could kick it off or did it start when you didn't care about your body yet?

What are the benefits of not drinking as it applies to weightlifting?

Have any of you noticed a difference in performance or better body image?

I usually drink casually with friends or 1 or 2 around dinner but not sure if I should cut it completely except for special events throughout the year.

sauce? that's hot

>what got you guys into drinking anyway?
I have no idea. Maybe it was at a normalfag afterparty at high school. It was the first time I got drunk and it was fun playing Halo 2 with the others.

>grew up in white trash Midwest
>parents drank
>friends' parents drank
>peer pressure from older kids to drink started around 15
>we all drank throughout high school
>drinking was "cool" in college
Now 27, moved away, good job, still drink a lot but it isn't fun anymore. Sad realizing how many people I grew up with are/will be alcoholics. Including me.

no you've obviously never had a real issue with alcohol. i've been insanely hung over so many times and I still get boozed multiple times per week. If I don't drink, I wouldn't go out with my friends because I know I'd just not have a good time if I were sober.

I'm not totally sure about this, but I think alcohol actually negatively effects your gains even if you're just having a couple. It's essentially poison and even a small amount effects your sleep and your bodies ability to repair so you're not making ideal gains. Obviously it's on a relatively small scale, but a couple drinks per night on a long term basis has net negative effects.

Darwin had a theory about people like you and I do too

no idea bro

Lol wtf? I haven't went a week without getting shit faced in like 8 years

My parents have always been drinkers. They weren't like abusive alcoholics or anything, but my dad runs an insurance/financial advisory business and a lot of that is taking clients out and showing them a good time, being a fun dude, etc etc so alcohol has pretty much always been present in my life.

Highschool I didn't drink until second or third year, but I immediately realized how much easier it made socializing. If I didn't drink in HS I'd honestly probably still be a virgin.

I also was really really fucking good at drinking so it made me cool & popular up through my first few years at college. Dropped out because I partied way too hard though.

Now I drink because literally everyone around me does so it's impossible to not. You get pushed out of "the circle" so quickly around here if you're not drinking and getting fucked up. It's crazy. I've considered going to AA or something but idk if I'd be welcomed because it's not like ruining my life in some horribly dramatic fashion or anything. It's like death by 1000 cuts for me as opposed to the nuclear bomb it is for some people.

Some mates decided to not drink for a month starting jan 1st. I joined because a) I can't go out drinking with them anyway b) should be interesting to see what it does to me. I get drunk once a week at least, and drink on 2 other occasions mostly. That's 3 nights a week where I'm stealing my own gains for fuck's sake.

Yeah I drank a lot in high school too. The reality of alcoholism hadn't hit yet, people still thought it was funny and cool to be drunk all the time. Ironically I slowed down once I got to college because I realized alcohol was significantly impacting my life and goals. If I had a more addictive personality I would probably still be having Irish coffee every morning. Thank god for self control


When I drank heavily I could feel like absolute shit and I would drink to take the feeling away. I used to get drunk everyday for years


I have """quit drinking""" while suffering from a brutal hangover more times than I can count. Sometimes don't even last the whole day.

Iktf bro I drink at least 2 nights a week and get drunk as fuck but the reason I'm slowing down on the booze is because I live in canada and alcohol is expensive as fuck and its making me go broke

In the same boat. Typically get trashed on the weekends but since college footballs over now I've got no events to drink for in January.

Gonna give no booze in January a go and see how I like it. Gonna smoke weed to compensate for boredom, this will also curb my cravings for cigs which I'm quiting forever.

Dont know how bad 2-3 weeks in will be as all my friends like to get shit faced on the weekends too. Wish me luck.

I'm having a vodka tonic right now. Really have cut back though, mostly because of my 5am job so after one or two drinks I get so sleepy.

Also, Im hoping I'll see increased weight loss. I eat well on weekdays but drinkin 15-20 drinks Friday and Saturday each and then eating loads of trash really aren't helping me I think

I stopped drinking. All my real problems did not go away. They just feel worse. I don't crave alcohol, but I do crave having a feel-good crutch of some sort.

But no crutches for me. Just pure crushing depression every day.

>at least I'm Veeky Forums ?

That's where all my weight gain comes from, I drink a lot of alcohol on weekends and eat fast food etc

Yea, the good news is that I can maintain on this current diet while drinking so once I lose the weight I'll be sitting pretty.

Currently 5'10" 200lbs

No booze is dumb just drink once a week and you'll be fine.

t. I drink like a pussy

I actually don't drink at all lmao
Just memeing here

I'd rather not do it that way. Seems dumb. I can control myself. If I feel like having a beer I usually go to a restaurant and order some good food and a beer with it. I think for now I'm going to cut back and still go out. But more to places that have a chill atmosphere rather then places where being drunk makes it more fun to be there. Just gotta build up that non drinking discipline, much to the chagrin of a few of my friends.

And I'll also save some money and not make bad food decisions

>hell's fire in my stomach
>wake up and vomit
>eat some toast and vomit
>think ok I'll just have some water
>vomit it up still cold, ok I won't eat or drink anything
>continually vomit at least once an hour if not more just dry heaving and puking up yellow green bile all day long

Granted this has only happened to me twice in all my years but you know nothing user

12 step programs have no better sucess rates than quitting on your own..plus they are for weak ass fags..

This has happened to me several times. Almost always when I black out & didn't drink water. Last time was a couple weeks back.

It's awful. The splitting headache and exhaustion that accompanies it makes it so much worse. And I can't even lie down without puking. The only way I can rest is sitting with my head on a desk.

>says the non-alcoholic

Not only is it a bunch of empty calories, but it also inhibits protein synthesis. Also, someone told me it lowers your testosterone, but I think that might be bro science.

Any, it's literally a gains killer

I barely ever drink, 1 drink a month, tops. Even in social gatherings.

I don't like not being in control of my faculties while drunk or buzzed, it "numbs the pain of real life" but only for a few hours (instead of solving your problems which would be a better investment of your time) and people act like drinking makes you tough but I personally know very effeminate faggots that are alcoholics.

I don't "get" why alcohol or any other drug is supposed to be so cool.

Five years no booze, I don't like to make a big deal about it. I can't stand sober cunts who act like they're superior.

I just do a ton of kratom now.

2 years sober here. I had to surrender and spend a lot of time staring at myself in the mirror drunk to say to myself I needed to stop. took me about a year and a half to finally start losing weight and get straight with myself mentally and physically. I never want to drink again, it hurts being in that depression that alcohol sent me down. now i run and I think as long as I run I will be okay. sorry for the cringeworthy tier post.

they're a lot more cool if you're not an uptight looooser

How old are you?

since I stopped drinking I lost all my friends

I know dat feel bro. Hang in there.


Grow up

Is that code word for 'give up your morals and bring yourself down to my level.'

In what way? That I don't care for alcohol so I choose to not really drink it very often?

Fuck off.

It's code word for stop thinking you're better than anyone else just because you don't ingest alcohol very often.

It's a coping mechanism that addicts have, they tell themselves that "yo, everyone is an addict, except they hide it, at least I'm a real nigger and I admit it".

When someone explains they aren't an addict they lash out of them to protect their psyche, if not they may be forced to reexamine their worldviews.

I never said that, it just doesn't appeal to me.

Don't be so fucking sensitive.

> it "numbs the pain of real life" but only for a few hours (instead of solving your problems which would be a better investment of your time) and people act like drinking makes you tough but I personally know very effeminate faggots that are alcoholics
Sounds pretty condescending to me. You also assume a lot about drinkers. I don't drink often either, but Im not going to make assumptions about a group of people I know nothing about.

Look, whenever I tell heavy drinkers I don't get the appeal they literally tell me these things. I don't assume, this is verbatim.

I only drink socially. So yes I /NoBooze/

who here /NoSmack/?

Don't be condescending to everyone here since you don't mainline black tar heroin straight into your eyeballs.

As a big time drinker now sober guy I can tell you he's on the money for the vast majority of proper drinkers.

A lot of people will go out and have a couple drinks with friends as a celebration. That's fine, that's relatively healthy. Proper drinkers will go to the same pub almost every single night and drink until they're drunk because it's the only thing that makes them happy.

That's what happens to a lot of us. We are depressed or in pain because of our lives, but not necessarily in any immediate or obvious way, so we become addicted not to drink but to the escape from ourselves that it provides.

This is what British society is fucking built on for the middle and lower classes. Every single weekend everyone of drinking age goes out into town and gets completely fucking wankered. I'm talking disgracefully drunk. Why? Because their lives are fucking miserable. They have shit jobs, they are fucking dumb and ugly and their women are trolls and getting paraletic is the only reprieve they have.

So instead of ever actually working to fix your situation you just use alcohol to cope and things gradually get worse.
That's literally the reason for the vast majority of alcohol consumption.

I think September and probably more than a year before that. I had small glass of champagne, I don't think that had enough alcohol to do anything.

Never understood retards who drink Coors or Bud to get drunk, just drink liquor. So many retards that want to lose weight and but still drink. I think a beer is 100+ calories and even Light is 100 or so.

This is true

fuck that hits home. 2 years sober here

I don't drink except on special occasions where it's socially required of me. I'm not a Puritan, alcohol just totally fucks my sleep schedule up and makes me feel terrible. I have no idea how people can get drunk every night and still function in society.