>"Hurhdudhru no result, you should stop doing this and go back to doing nothing lmao"

>ello Veeky Forums, its me zyzz u mirrin bruh ?? look az my HGH body u mirri n bruh??

Do you think I want to be skinny? Do you think I like being a skinnyfat looking degenerate that can't even squat 130lbs? It's killing me, Veeky Forums, I skipped gym today simply because I missed the bus and didn't feel like waiting 15 minutes at the busstop. I was telling myself: "This is a sign, you should just go home. The gym is nothing for you." And I listen. I listened to that skinny persona in my brain that doesn't want me to become natty. On my way back home I bought a six pack of redbull and a big mac menu. 2 weeks, Veeky Forums. 2 fucking weeks.
Last time, about a year ago, I quit going because I didn't want to cook food because I'm a lazy mother fucker.

tl:dr: how does a lazy mother fucker like me stay motivated

I need help, Veeky Forums. Please.

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tl;dr lol

shut the fuck up obnoxious shit posting faggot

Learn to read you subhuman little shit.
It clearly has a tl:dr.

I ain't even motivated user

Lifting has become a passion and a lifestyle for me and I'm sure most other fitzens would agree. I Love eating healthy. I love waking up at 4am to lift my dream while the world is still sleeping in theirs. I'm 6'5" so I already stand out and above average with height, I want to be better than everyone I come across.

I lift because I love it, you should too

How do I learn to love it?

Motivation won't get you anywhere. Dedication and discipline will. NOTHING has given me so much results as going to the gym when I don't feel like it - those workouts are sometimes the best.

Yes but how do I make myself go when I don't want to go?
This is the third time I'm trying to start lifting. I keep making up excuses to stop (not knowing the technique so might as well stop, i hate cooking, it's too far [future excuse]).

if you can't motivate yourself to not be a lazy piece of shit you'll never make it.

We're not here to motivate you. Just to tell you how to lift.

I don't want you guys to motivate me, I just want to know what motivates you .

Just do it until you do. Take some pics now, eat well and consistently train, then in a year take some more pictures and compare the two. You'll be amazed at the progress you've made.

Also log your lifts, either in an app like Stronglifts 5*5 or in a diary. It'll give you a sense of progression and satisfaction.

I can also attest to confidence levels skyrocketing the better I look and the more I lift. I am literally addicted to the gym at this point, because nothing else gives me the satisfaction and confidence that lifting does.

Still in my noob gains phase as well so the lifts are progressing nicely.

>Not knowing the technique.

I have youtube red so I downloaded form videos so I can check when I have doubts.

Try meal prepping to help with the hatred of cooking. And if you don't have a car then get a bike and ride to the gym on that.

That's the thing. You just go. I know it sounds so casual hearing it from someone else but it's really just that - just go. Even though I promote this I also feel like shit sometime and genuinely don't feel like it but as soon as I put my workout clothes on I feel like I'm one step closer. Do it step by step. You could try PWO as they get you pumped up but should never rely on pwo.

At first it was just to get big. Now I genuinely enjoy lifting.

>doesn't want me to become natty
what? what do you think "being natty" means? lol

No that was just an old excuse, my form is pretty good now (except for OH press, still looks a bit awkward). Cooking isn't my concern either.

The problem is that I always keep making excuses.

Yeah but that requires me to keep going since results don't show in

I meant natty physique


Didnt read your post.

We're all gonna make it breh.

Motivation gets you to work out, but you have to learn to enjoy doing it.

I look forward to going to the gym and slamming weights, I don't need any other reason to get up and do it. Fuck even getting doms the next day after a good work out, fucking nice man.

>how does a lazy mother fucker like me stay motivated

>"Do I want to be healthier and look better?"
If the answer is no then stop. Why is this so hard?

>natty physique
kek and what do you think that means? pic related is a natty physique.

Pre-workout, a mix of subtances that make you energized - often just alot of caffeine. Purchasing caffeine alone is cheap as fuck compared to the entire PWO, try 150-300mg of caffeine before a workout.

It's called discipline when you do something even though you don't feel motivated. You need discipline.

I remember those times in the first ~6 months when I'd look at myself in the mirror and think "what are you even doing...you're never gonna be big or strong...this is just a phase and you'll be embarrassed about it later when you give up"

now 2 years later of extremely consistent lifting and eating and I look and feel better than ever and I'm so proud/happy that i never quit. I'm honestly more proud of my work in the gym than my college degree.

Maybe think of going to the gym as a punishment for having bitchass quitter thoughts.
"oh no i missed the bus i should just go home" nope, just for that you have to work even harder after you wait those 15 minutes for the next bus to get there.

Try supplementing ashwagandha or getting PWO with it in it. Definitely improves the effects of caffeine and lessens fatigue from consuming too much.

No, you are not autistic. The autistic thing is to think "I need to go all times this week", "do all reps", etc.
In short, get the fuck out normie ree and all that.

In seriousness though, it's good that you feel bad about not going because it means you do want to keep doing it. You'll start liking eventually and just go because it's fun and feels good.


Really agree with the "i have to train 6 days a week to make it". Do fullbody routines 2-3 times a week.

>Maybe think of going to the gym as a punishment for having bitchass quitter thoughts.
>"oh no i missed the bus i should just go home" nope, just for that you have to work even harder after you wait those 15 minutes for the next bus to get there.

This desu for you OP. You need to focus more on dedication and self-discipline. The motivation will come from you being proud of yourself from going and the thought of what will happen to your gains and your mindset if you don't. YOU CAN DO IT OP, I BELIEVE IN YOU MAN! You just gotta go on your allocated workout days, even when you don't want to. And if you really hate cooking, either try to learn to like/love it or get in to meal prep, because eating shit will result in a shit body.

These. Lifting does not require motivation or discipline once you've learned to love it above most things.

How can you not be so excited about lifting the next day that you can't sleep? Working out is what I look forward to the most every day. But I've only been lifting for two months; what'll keep you going when/if the passion dies isn't motivation- it's discipline.

you spent time making this thread. why can't you just go work out?

I stand in front of the mirror, and open my eyes.

Buy some preworkout and consume it. If you're still new to lifting you'll suddenly have more energy than you'll know what to do with and have no choice but to lift.

I think about it in two way
>Former starting off
If you've ever played an mmo or any RPG you know you gotta do some grinding to get past lvl 1. You see those other badass players or enemies and think damn how will I ever kill that but when you grind you get xp which makes you stronger. Same goes for working out

Similar to that is that everyone was born a dyel and was a dyel at some point

>Even though I promote this I also feel like shit sometime and genuinely don't feel like it but as soon as I put my workout clothes on I feel like I'm one step closer
This is true. Sometimes I'm tired and don't want to do it, but as I walk to the gym I somehow get more energetic, and once I'm there I just start and the rest is inertial, I stop feeling tired.


that's the wrong word to use. try to build DISCIPLINE

lifting is a part of my day now, i don't need motivation to do it.

i go to the gym when i'm supposed to even when i don't feel like it, unless i'm bedridden-tier sick.

you should quit. working out while your estrogen levels are this high isn't going to do anything for you anyway.

nice projection midget bitch lmao

fuck off back to your safe space bubble, you shit posting idiot

