He saved millions.
He saved millions
Other urls found in this thread:
from food
of wheat grain
Who did he ever save?
Didnt even save his own son when he could...
From the horrors of being alive
..of kilos of food in warehouses.
He save millions
Of locusts
To kill billions
to starve birrions
He really did. I'm not a Marxist Leninist and am very critical of the Soviet Union but Stalin is one of if not the most complicated historical figures of all time. Don't get me wrong the man is a murderer but he's not in the same league as a Hitler. He's more of a Robespierre kinda guy.
>but he's not in the same league as a Hitler
I disagree
>every life is equal
That is the pathetic ideal behind these supposedly opposing partisan views, and their death counts.
How in the fuck could you ever claim that Hitler was worse than Stalin?
Hitler lost.
To kill billions
Preventing the complete annihilation of his country
No that was roosevelt
Really? What a hero!
Chirp. Chirp chirp. Chirpchirpchirp.
>He saved millions.
from the horrors of communism, by killing them with communism.
The absolute communist.
thank you comrad stalin!
He's saving millions
of shekels
I get the joke. Nice one user.
He didn't want to show favoritism, especially in this context. It would have been inappropriate for him to save only his son when millions of other sons were also languishing in prison camps.
>“You have in your hands not only my son Yakov but millions of my sons. Either you free them all or my son will share their fate.”
Succumbing to his emotions like that would not only betray every German prisoner not named Stalin, but also send the dangerous message to the Nazis that he could be manipulated.
Stalin killed people indiscrimenately.
More deaths are attributable to Hitler, as he started WW2.
>It was revealed that when Dzhugashvili and Gunina told Stalin of their engagement, he became enraged.
>Stalin's rage caused Gunina's flight from the dacha, and Dzhugashvili to attempt suicide in his room via firearm. He missed his heart and hit his lung instead;
>while his stepmother Alliluyeva tended to his wound and called the doctor, his father is quoted as saying, "He can't even shoot straight".
He sure sounds like a wonderful father...
By starving billions
That is very much in favour of FDR.
>unemployment falls because war, depression extended a decade as a direct result of FDR's orders and bills he didn't veto.
How about specifically in germany?
> kill billions
This is the most inflated communist death toll I ever seen
They never change
I get that it means the man stuck to his principles, but it also means he was a cold-hearted bastard
Yes absolutely
That's a completely meaningless distinction to make. Hitler is not any less evil because the people he murdered were murdered on the other side of a border
That distinction makes all the difference actually.
And who has Hitler killed?
and doomed billions
Only to a numbskull nationalist who doesn't recognize that citizenship is arbitrary and irrelevant to human value
>end of Hitler's reign
>Germany is rubble being dismantled for parts by 4 different countries
>end of Stalin's reign
>the Soviet Union is a superpower, quality of life in Russia higher than it's ever been before
Ok stirner are you trying to tell me that every person who has ever waged war on another nation is evil?
If it's a war of aggression then yes, absolutely. Hitler is exceptionally evil because his campaign was the most bloodthirsty ever seen in Europe.
>Hitler is exceptionally evil because his campaign was the most bloodthirsty ever seen in Europe.
Saying this in a thread about Stalin is super ironic
Hitler said 'I want to kill the Jews and conquer the Slavs', he killed the Jews and conquered the Slavs, for the greater glory of his true mentor, his guiding moonlight.
Stalin said 'I want to build a better society where workingmen will have the final say', he built a faulty, authoritarian welfare state on the corpses of millions who had believed in him.
On one hand is a man who did exactly what he was going to say he would do, in the full light of day, in front of the entire human race and did it. This shocks the world, as he did not lie.
On the other hand is a man who broke every promise he ever made, betrayed the trust of the man whose corpse he turned into a sock puppet - before murdering all his colleagues - and who spinelessly used laws codified in the name of the working class to cannibalise the working class.
>Human value
No such thing, there is only value of humans to other humans, which you universalise because you want to be unconditionally valuable to everyone, offering nothing to anyone.
From Sparrows
>Avoidable deaths under Stalin were 10-12 million over a period of 31 years
>Avoidable deaths under Hitler were 20+ million mostly over a period of 5 years, not to mention that whole starting WW2 in Europe thing
by switching to Geico!
>20 million over 5 years
>not to mention
You just did mention it. Or are we working with the new Holocaust figures or what?
good post.
11 million in the Holocaust, then around 9 million (unfortunately I can't find hard numbers) in various other massacres perpetrated by the Wehrmacht.
If we include the total number of deaths from WW2 in Europe, the number becomes way higher.
>How in the fuck could you ever claim that Hitler was worse than Stalin?
>11 million in the Holocaust, then around 9 million (unfortunately I can't find hard numbers)
When did they release a Black Book of Nazism?
>If we include
Germany did not start the war, the Great War started the war.
Some people call it the 'Twenty Years' Crisis', and for good reason.
Brainlets. Hitler's curse ended in 1945, Stalin's curse still exists even now.
to kill billions.
Not that it was bad, though.
>Didnt even save his own son when he could...
Like something bad. Infinitely better than modern faggots who screech about "muh patriotism, muh nation, muh religion", while having all ther assets and sending their children abroad to "not live with bydlorussians".
Sorry, people don't buy when modern degenerates and social darwinists, especially Jewish ones, say that Stalin is bad while literally robbing russians and killing them with the corruption, incompetence and general retardance.
>Germany did not start the war, the Great War started the war.
No the great war was long over because of the peace of the treaty of versailles. The Nazis caused the second world war by throwing out the treaty of versailles because they didn't accept the results of the first one. Without the rise of the Nazis there could be no second world war, there may have been a brief Japanese-American war but there would have been no world war. There would just be a weak, demilitarized and contained Weimar Germany which couldn't cause trouble. Saying that it is all part of some 'twenty years crisis' is denying the Nazis their agency and the credit they deserve for starting the second wold war.