>tfw to smart too be tall
Tfw to smart too be tall
Intelligence is positively correlated with height. You just BTFO yourself there lmao
>what are chinks
To smart too lift
>tfw to smart too be natty
They operate on a kinda hivemind as oposed to regular humans
we asians are NOT a hivemind dirty gaijin
monkeys can become skilled at specific tasks if you hit them as much as asian parents do their children
>tfw to smart too have evolved from monkeys
Anyone can get as swole as arnold if you took as much gear as him. You see how that kind of thinking is toxic. Stop being a bitch that discredits other peoples hard work.
That's the think though, I'm advocating hard work.
Chinks are smart because of the culture of hard work.
>tfw to Veeky Forums to be smart
they have backwards culture
>be 5'11"
>get bullied by lanks for being manlet
>get bullied by manlets for being lank
Life is not fair sometimes.
>tfw too dumb to be short
Why the fuck am I laughing so hard? This is so retarded. God damn.
looks like those two girls who were born with brains that only work at the level of basic functions
Twin Sissy Retards? Yeah they suffer from microscopically and their parents are so delusional their display their potato spawn to the world for attention and self-validation.
>tfw too dumb to understand sophisticated brain memes
>tfw Indo-Aryan master race
>white people on the Internet talk about the 'asian hive mind'
Lol kys untermensh
>tfw to intelligence to poo in loo
>they suffer from microscopically
God damn.
Makes me feel bad just looking at them.
I do feel sorry for their parents.
Fuck what would you do?
>tfw vegetable with a 13 year life-span
Succ is the thinking man's meme