2017 goals

What are your goals for 2017?

Mine is to preacher curl 1pl8

There's no reason to attempt a maximum single of something like a curl are you kidding me

for reps

Fitness Goals
>get back under 10% bodyfat to regain my cheek and jaw lines (currently around 12-15% so no biggy)
>get my left knee to stop hurting so I can do high reps on squats again

Relationship Goals
>meet a girl that I have genuine interest in beyond wantong to fuck her
>date that woman when I find her
>fuck her hard
>so hard

Career Goals
>find a new career
>follow my dreams cause #YOLO

Personal Goals
>take control of my stock investments and have my investment manager only handle my mutual funds and 401k etc
>buy a house and rent it out

to finally be rid of my excess bodyfat

I've gotten rid of the moobs, now just one thing left.

I'll be thin for the first time in my life.

Alias, you're still a NEET who's obviously delusional

legit can do this already for sets of 5. feels pretty good desu. hurts your wrists a fuck ton though

goal would be to play sports and leave gym behind

can do 7 reps of that, still have tiny arms, no visible biceps. guess 2pl8 is the real norm

1/2/3/4 for reps I'm at 1x5/2x1/3x5/4x0

get a gf
get a job
bench and squat at least 2pl8

Try curling an empty bar for 100 reps in one set instead.

Bet you can't do it :^)
This, using stupid amounts of weight on literally any bodybuilding exercise is pointless, even shit like good mornings there is pretty much no reason to use more than 2-3pl8

Mine is 1/2/3/4 while dropping from 240 to 210 by the end of May. Current lifts are 90/110/160/235. 6'3"

Thinks it's possible?

get down to 12% bf

Gain 12lbs of muscle

Is this guy really doing curls on the back hyperextension bench?

I think he's doing spider curls.

poverty bench compared to ohp.

how come?

pretty much this

gain 15 pounds

push press 85-90kg
bench 125-130kg
bor 120kg
chinup 30-35kg
squat (wont tell)

No, spider curls are when your arms point straight to the floor.

Your argument is completely subjective. You don't make any fucking sense. Go fuck yourself.

Lose 25-30 pounds of fat, showing Abs and show the little muscle I've earned.

6 foot

No idea. I can't get my bench up lately. Hoping that will change once I get into a more regular schedule next week.

Lose 70lbs
>lost 8 already, mostly water weight.

Bang a girl in her teens.

Get 10% pay rise

Move out of parent's house forever. (3rd attempt)

>Tuck planche 5s
>Don't get injured
>Advanced tuck front lever
>Full back lever

I want to finally be able to do 20 proper push ups in one set.
I haven't been able to get there in the last 8 months so hopefully this year i will make it
(Yes i am serious, my body is just refusing to put on any muscle)


>stop porn forever (have full brain reboot)
>transfer to a four year school for the fall
>become independent (im 19)
>lose virginity/acquire qt gf
>gain a minimum of 20 lbs (hungry skelly here), gain at least 10 lbs in muscle
>get close to 1/2/3/4
>score architectural internship
>make $30,000/year
>get back into reading
>drop toxic friends
>drop alcohol/weed (it holds me back)
>learn to love myself

if i gain half of these i'll be happy

>I've gotten rid of the moobs



Have 2/-/4/5.

Then next I guess is 3/4/5/6 by 2018. Could see -/-/5/6 realistically, maybe 3 if seated OHP.

Get my goal body