What do you think?

Hi Veeky Forums,

What do you think of this article?


"Having six-pack abs can make you as vulnerable to spine injury as having a gut."


>Take biceps. "Bulging biceps are required by almost no sport. You don't need them to throw a ball, swing a bat or a racket or a punch, swim, or climb," Nic Berard, 32, who runs a physical therapy practice in Los Angeles, told VICE. "They get in the way. And yet guys want those big biceps because they want to look good in a shirt. Or without a shirt."

>"Sex for me was over in ten minutes," he recalled, "You're doing shitty cardio. Your hip muscles are too tight. You can't thrust. I felt sorry for the girls."

>Their giveaways, he said, are their protein bars and shakes, their endless peacocking about "chest days" and "leg days," and their disbelief at the fact that many skilled rock climbers often can't do pull-ups, a gym favorite that has surprisingly little real-world application.

>What can we write about next to make fat lazy teenagers feel better about themselves

Author is jealous and projecting his insecurities while cherry-picking to make his point.

Obviously it's true for some people but again, cherry picking.


Vice interviews Mark Rippetoe.

Why wouldn't a rock climber be able to do pull ups though. Isn't it the same up motion you use to get up a mountain?

also, he's pretending bodybuilders see themselves as athletes. but they're just competing in looks, like a pageant. It would make much mire sense to criticize powerlifting or whatever...

Vice removes the ability to comment on their articles... Starts posting edgy crap.

>He segued to CrossFit until a herniated disc forcibly segued him into gymnastics


You can't make this shit up. Article is obviously a circlejerk of cardiofags that look like shit.

it's mostly legs. All the arms are good for are getting good holds on rocks.
Bouldering people should be able to though, since they find themselves in awkward positions that require a lot of upper body strength.

It's just something else the writer got wrong. Climbers can bust out pull ups like spider monkeys.

This. People who train for sports are fitter, stronger, more flexible and agile all whilst looking good. Try telling a rugby player that his muscles "get in the way" or that he is unfit and has tight hip muscles. Jfc

"Marcus Jecklin is fucking gorgeous. His body comes at you like an old Batman fight"

Fuccccking DROPPPED

Every talented climber I've ever met, and I've known/climbed with several, could not only do pull-ups with ease but could also bust out several one-armed or even with just a couple fingers for grip.

So many things wrong here.
>points aren't backed up by anything

Just more vice garbage. Nothing to take seriously.

When I was in Marine Corps bootcamp the Recruit record for pull-ups was 225 or someshit like that and that was done by a rock climber they said.

>They are second-generation Schwarzeneggers, contemporary iterations of the chicken-legged meatheads of yesteryear.


makes me want to bomb vice offices

>Local man not good at things he doesn't do

Lmao my physics advisor was an avid rock climber. Had ridiculous forearms and could probably do 15+ pull-ups easy.

The thing about the skilled rock climbers who can't do pullups?
Yeah, no.
I don't buy that shit.

Compared to ronnie, he looks chicken-legged. But compared to ronnie, everybody is chicken legged.

Fun fact: Arnold has 18.5 inch calves.

>Biceps not needed to punch, climb or swim

This guy can't be serious.

He also CLAIMED to have 22inch arms.

>implying I'm interested in DYEL propaganda

The column that had him claiming 18.5 inch calves had him saying he had 20 inch biceps, and bemoaning the fact that his calves are too small, since neck-arms-calves should all the the same circumference.

neck should be bigger than both calves and arms

> Local man not good at things he doesn't do, mocks those who are


I know a guy who does rock climbing and he was advised to never rely on his upper body strength, you find good footing and use your legs

Only if you're a calflet

>what is rowing

What is this guy even trying to accomplish by writing this wall of things that stand no ground?Who is he catering to?The insecure DYELs who infect Veeky Forums with their "STOP LIFTING" propaganda?The fat bitches who were turned down by a lifter and had to settle with a fat guy??
Nobody who is truly serious about lifting will take anything written there even remotely serious.Was this supposed to make us think "Damn,maybe all my efforts are in vain and I should stop lifting"?Anyway,fuck Vice and everything they stand for.Fuck their shitty "writers" in the ass.

The author is picking and choosing his examples to fit his anti-muscle agenda. We could counter his examples all day long with ripped guys who can fuck well, play sports, and easily hike trails.

Boy, was he wrong...

It's literally for beta males and fat 'body positivity' whales.

i don't see how this is any different than the >he doesn't lift for a sport shitposts every once in a while.

i may be projecting but i feel like it's kind of true that a lot of guys put so much effort into their appearance through lifting that it becomes a point of insecurity when their athletic abilities don't carry over because that's not what they train for. just look at all the mad people in this thread. lifting is half fitness and half vanity imo and you should keep your vanity in check.

I watched a rock climber do 30 perfect form very wide pullups...

Try bouldering and then tell us how little you use your arms.

This drivel was likely written by a hungry skeleton hipster fag who's only claim to masculinity is balding and his ability to grow a shitty patchwork beard.

exacty, they are the gods of pullups and especially grip strength, this just proves that the author is retarded af

>It would make much mire sense to criticize powerlifting or whatever...
Pro-tip: We do plenty of GPP and mobility work.

At least those of us that use modern training paradigms. Hell, I even used to play rugby.

This article is valid though, most of these le aesthetics normies are wasting their time and don't know how to train. Today at the gym I saw a pack of teens in XS t-shirts with extremely poor posture (hunchback from extreme forward rolled shoulders) doing a ton of 60kg bench presses, curls and dumbbell benches, all while sipping on a BCAA, using no form whatsoever and taking off their shirts every 5 minutes.
