Is it possible to becomes Jeff Said/David Laid levels of aesthetic even tho you didn't lift throughout your teenage years? I get the feeling that all the aesthetic gods only achieved what they did because they lifted in the prime time of their lives. Should one not set these kind of expectations if he starts lifting at 20?
Age to start lifting
your teens are not your prime as a male
i thought when you're a teen your puberty gives you gains faster
Yeah itll just take you more work and time
Source me, ran track and played basketball in highschool. I still have a 6pack even tho i barely lift and eat shit
OP here.
From what I've read, lifting during teenage when bone strusture is not yet set will not only positively influence peak bone mass as an adult, but also stimulate a deeper adaptation to resistance trainer in the body. Or maybe these guys has top tier genetics going for them from the very beginning OTHER THAN an extensive and prologed routine.
Are there any stories of people attaining substantial results past 20?
My progress from 15-18 was slow as fuck, i weighed everything i ate, trained 6 times a week and still didnt hit 1/2/3/4 after 3 years. Guess my hormones werent on the optimal level yet.
started at 14 got 1/2/3/4 in 1.5 years so did some other kids that went to my school, one competed in bb through highschool
also lee priest competed since he was like 13 and you can see a lot of 15-16 year olds benching 2pl8s for reps nowadays
15-16 year olds repping 2plate has always been a thing.
yeah im just sayin