"You were hot before user. You went too far with the gym"

"You were hot before user. You went too far with the gym"

protip: if a girl tell you you look bad it means your looking better than her and its making her uncomfortable

oh, so when a girl tells me i'm ugly i'm actually model tier looking and she is the one that is ugly and insecure?

got it

Yeah I'm really glad he cleared that up for me

sometimes the ugliness is on the inside

Post before and after pics

when will they learn

"It's the inside which counts anyway" ;) *proceed to flex*

>I showed my gf a picture of my goal grapes
>she said the grapes were way too high up on the tree and looked sour

shes worried you're gonna leave her ass for someone better


Well, yeah, OP, you can go too far. Ask yourself this question: do my muscles serve any purpose outside the gym? Do the exercises you practice have any benefit except making your muscles look bigger? Do you feel more comfortable in your body, more fluid, or is it all a matter of feeling accepted?

When I made the GR20, which is one of the hardest trails in Europe, the people struggling were the huge gymbros with 6-packs and whatnot mocking other people at the start for being auschwitz mode or not defined enough for their taste.

Well, all along they trailed behind other less "aesthetic" people because they were simply not build for this. They were build to lift steel in a gym environment and that's about it.

You can say whatever you want about normies and girls and whatnot but most people can guess when it's all show and no go, when you start to look out of place to people it's because
>sometimes the ugliness is on the inside

>They were build to lift steel in a gym environment and that's about it
Where the fuck does this misconception come from? They failed likely because they didn't do their cardio and had little endurance. Lugging around logs, rocks or hay bales or climbing rocks doesn't give you a different kind of strength or endurance than you build in a gym. The only difference is that proper form and balanced weights wear your joints and back out less than lugging around heavy weights.

>don't get any bigger user

>not posting the pic where the guy clearly got fat

>not posting the pic where the guy clearly posted the pic where the guy clearly got fat

Women want to keep you down. They want to be in charge and in control. They hate men who have better options.

>hes right

Redpill harder m80

Are you gonna post a before and after or are we supposed to play along and assume you look like a greek god who makes girls insecure??

Not just women. Everyone hopes all good for you and that you do well AS LONG AS you don't do better than them. That's something I've learned along the years and it holds true both when it comes to men and women

Whenever I hand out with one of my super buff douche friends and do a workout after that I add one extra rap to each set pretending that if I do it it makes them loose their gains.
I'm not proud of my highly autistic actions.

Dunno if I can chime in a discussion about women, since I'm unironically a faggot, but this is objectively true for all the female friends I have.

They want you to have a nice physique and be hot, but not hot enough for them to feel threatened that you may leave them for someone better than them.
When you reach that point, they'll either consciously try to keep you down with all kinds of mental shit or actually try to improve themselves as well.

thanks maybe there is hope for me yet

This. I've had a combination of "you don't need to change, you're perfect as you are" and "I'm going on a diet, I want to be better for you" with nearly every single woman I've ever been with long-term. The closer she feels your value is to hers, the happier she is, I find

>Don't sweat it. This is all hard work and the eatings costing me a fortune I'll be smaller again in the future.

If you heat something like this, you r face is ugly.