Every empire in history falls sooner or later. When will America's time come?

Every empire in history falls sooner or later. When will America's time come?

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What ever time the white population is only 20% of the country.

We fell in 1803.

What if it already happened and we didn't notice?

Ya best start believin in failing empire stories OP. You're in one.

We need to start directing investment intelligently and having a more centralized government that gets things done SOON

When China overtakes it economically and whites become a minority

>do the thing that has caused every empire to fall to not fall
Sure thing.

It's going to fade away British style, after one last cataclysmic war against the arch-enemy (Germany for Britain, China for America) the exhausted Americans will peacefully cede world leadership over to us, a united India that rules over Pakistan

America died in April, 1865

>the date when the country ended infighting and unified once more is when it died


Either WW3 (withe the US losing or getting really badly rekd) or some super bad financial crisis leading to a very bad civil unrest that would fuck up the country.

Also the only realistic options for a new super power are the EU and China, but both are far away from this.

It's already waning and you'd have to be a feel to say otherwise.

>yeah we're violating the constitution, but that's no reason to revolt

I never said that the South didn't have a good reason to revolt. I'm just saying that the United States did not die because it reunited after splitting for some time.

The share of migrants and first generation children of migrants in 2018 surpassed previous highs from early in the 20th century. Full stop, America has more migrants than it ever had before. In in 8 Americans.

By 2050 this hits one in 4 and 50% of Americans are foreign born or have at least one foreign parent.

The social and economic gap between America and European immigrants before and America and Mexico, Africa, China, and India today is much larger.

This is the largest migration ever, also the least diverse. Overwhelmingly Catholic. Overwhelmingly Mexican or from elsewhere in Latin America. Overwhelmingly in the Southwestern United States.

Already at Trump rallies in Arizona and California you had Meixans waving Mexican flags at US political events and smashing random car windows in rage. Already Mexican nationalism in the US claims the western half of the country as it's rightful domain. One major party basically refused to say illegals can or should ever be deported and signs for open borders are common.

Meanwhile retard Trump is destroying all our political culture. It won't be long now. Death by migration and backlash against replacement will do it.

Let me tell you a secret polie boy.
Your country Citizenship was once composed on the 100% by migrants

in 30 fucking years you will be embarassed of the shit you talk today friendo

Last time I checked slavery is not legal therefore against the constitution. Last time I checked the south actually started the fighting.
1865 is when the US was born.

You streetshitters will still be shitting in the streets a century from now.

>The social and economic gap between America and European immigrants before and America and Mexico, Africa, China, and India today is much larger.

Abso-fuggin-lutely not. You have to be absolutely delusional to think this. People overseas in every so-called "shithole" are quite familiar with the English language and American/Western culture, although they're obviously not immersed in it, their modern culture is influenced by it and technology.

Compare that to people immigrating from the backwaters of Southern and Eastern Europe who, while "white" by 21st century standards, have no knowledge of English, exposure to American culture, and cultural and religious practices (Judaism, C*tholics) that are not only foreign to the US but despised

>Last time I checked slavery is not legal therefore against the constitution.

Except that's literally not true

Not since independence has the share of foreign born ever been this high retard. America wasn't a nation when the Mayflower settled here.

I do like appeals to Native Americans though. What happened to them and their culture when they became minorities?

Oh, and I forgot, most of the immigrants from Germany, Ireland, Italy, E. Europe were completely and totally dirt poor on coming here and were treated like absolute garbage, so there goes your "economic gap"

The US empire will fade when it piles up enough debt and isn't able to refloat it on the world market. At that point, it won't be able to spend so much on a massive military, and the empire will be at an end.

European migrants you dumbass, these migrants are mostly from Sandniggeria and Coonland.

The per capita GDP of the nations were actually closer, and Americans weren't rich on average back then.

The average Liberian today is STILL poorer than the average German in 1870, but pls explain how they're the same.

Also, being part of Western culture versus 10,000 years of mud huts.

It is now, in the present year (2018).

>people in Africa speak English and know American culture
>people in Eastern Europe don't speak English and don't know American culture

Not him but...you have a point however the Liberians coming to the US are typically above "average" and the Germans coming to the US were typically among the "poorest."

The united states is not an empire

kill yourself

t. John Eagleburger

t. retard foreigner thinks he knows anything

Already happening, slowly.

>Liberians coming to the US are typically above "average" and the Germans coming to the US were typically among the "poorest."

Two things: First of all, I actually have a high opinion of immigrants from Africa (education, appearance, manners, intelligence) and I know it doesn't apply to Africans at large because of this.

HOWEVER, I think that while poor, the immigrants from Europe weren't necessarily the bottom of the barrel because they were at least not too retarded to figure out to get to and how to get to the US. Also, more open to new ideas and risk.

You're actually quite bluepilled if you think it won't fall this precise century we're living in right now as we speak and wrote those words

At the end of this century when the mexicans in the southern states declare their independence and the subsequent civil war that will happen just as it occurs nowadays in Ukraine.

Nigger the federal army would blowout any separatist state. The only way the US fractures is if the government collapses at every level.

>It's going to fade away British style
I figure it'll be this. We'll kinda just give up our colonial stuff that doesn't want to stay and we'll fade away in terms of supremacy. We'll still be around.

>I do like appeals to Native Americans though. What happened to them and their culture when they became minorities?
They got drunk

Rather, it has been because they are falling that they've done these things and then persisted that much longer.

Civilization is inherently parabolic. Like a rollercoaster's first fall.

Last time I checked, the the constitution explicitly prohibits the government from doing anything it doesn't have explicit permission to do.
Granted, last time I checked was 1803. But I'm sure no faggot would be leftist enough to declare the literal meaning of all words, laws, statements, etc to be meaningless in like 1804 or something.

He just wants something to be written one time and then always followed forever. It's not like it's foolish to believe such a thing right?

I mean, if you'e a Christian or a Muslim you believe that even God doesn't agree with that mentality. Honestly shows you how stupid Judaism is.

>we forced these guys at gunpoint to vote something into law
>see look, we made it legal after the fact

After they will shift from 56% to 25% or less.

lol, playground namecalling

what's so important about a white majority?

True, but I think there is a fundamental difference here in that Britain is a tiny island, while America is the third most populous country in the world that takes up practically a whole continent. This means that America will always be relevant in a way the previous top dogs weren't.

t. Shaquan Rodriguez Zhang Goldstein

never has US migration been concentrated so much from a single country, and a neighbour on top of that

take a look at this chart kid
a long, hard look

>Every empire in history falls
No they don't. Some just fade

It means the fall of the American Empire as we know it

>ur an ethnic minority

Is not an argument

How can you be a minority when mutts compose 56% of the population?

Never before have we had the tech and means to accurately chart said migration whilst they were in a war.

When has a civil war not caused refugees and migration?

Mutts compose 100% of the population user.

>civil war

This is literally true though.

>I'm going to be obtuse! that'll make me right!

Wow you sure showed me user.

America has very little race mixing outside of asians.

Literally isn't.

It's a sad eday when you have to argue that africans are better than arabs.

America isnt an empire

No it doesn't.

At least not when you take into account that race has a shifting definition and Italians and Irish were once considered different races.

fuck foreigners who are obsessed with my country

>talians and Irish were once considered different races.
When will this meme die. They were considered lesser like slavs and catholics because they demonstrated themselves to act and behave as lessers.
"you guys act like niggers" =/= "you guys aren't white"

whites are the only ones who can get shit done and not be total assholes about it the way asians are.

Ok then define race as a biological concept in such a way that it includes every intended member. Then explain why it is relevant.

do you honestly believe the things you type?

How are you not total assholes about it? Your only successful colonies are the ones where you wiped out the indigenous population or otherwise pushed them to obscurity.

Exactly what part of that is "not being a total asshole about it"?

you obviously do

Alfred McCoy came out with a book recently called "In The Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Fall of US Global Power" where he paints a very bleak picture that US global hegemony will be gone by at least 2030. Simply put the tools that America has historically used to control its global power system from economic dominance to cultural suasion to clandestine operations are diminishing in effectiveness and political dysfunction only compounds the trouble.

>political dysfunction only compounds the trouble.

So stop sucking Trumps cock and feel the Bern already you god forsaken savages.

How can we save it?

By centralizing government and making it smaller and more efficient.

Our current government is at the right end of the Rousseauian civilization progression parabola. Our nation is going to be dissolved ''''soon''''.

In other words, in the next 300-500 years or so most likely. So what we can do to make sure we don't make society and civilization worse during the process is by literally making government stronger and making it smaller and more efficient.

Just read The Social Contract, I am convinced Rousseau was an 18th century Plato.

How can we save both it and the republic?

> in the next 300-500 years or so most likely
Your time scale is hilariously off. America isn't even 300 years old and it's already clearly past its peak in relative wealth and power.

I'm thinking that maybe it doesn't have to be dissolved, that the necessary timeline of a nation is actually in the long-term something like a rollercoaster. Where as it progresses it becomes more democratic, then as it weakens it becomes more authoritarian. We could expedite and solidify this whole process by creating a world state at the end of the life of the American nation, and if we are to understand politics, America will be a monarchy when it is finally dissolved. In the process, a world government is erected from the ashes of this great empire, and progress with God proceeds. As the nation dissolves, it will become more monotheistic. Guaranteed.

>more centralized government
The founding fathers knew that that was a retarded idea.

Hmmm. America technically began at the beginning of the 17th century through the colonization of the Britain empire (when it was monarchical), then as they progressed they formed, slowly but surely, federalism, which was the first step towards an aristocracy. Then by the end of the 18th century the Constitution made us inherently democratic. And it's been that way for roughly 200 years. If we are to estimate the end of the empire, it would be logical to assume that it might take 50-100 years or so more for the Aristocratic government to reign again in America (because of the exponential nature of a downward parabola), and then possibly 100 more years for the state to slowly become a monarchy and dissolve.

So you're right, it's more like 250 - 300 years more to go. Fair enough.

>unified once more
>once more
The 50 states were never meant to be one nation. It was meant to be 50 nations that worked together.

umm, no sweetie. read the declaration of independence, mmkay sweetie? ;)

You may not be far off, and future historians may divide the US reign into time periods (so I've thought). The American civil war could probably be used as a demarcation point between the rule of a confederation (individual States) and the federal age of the US. The fact that the war was fought over just *that* accentuates the argument for me.

Another soft regime/direction change might be the New Deal of Roosevelt, which ushered in a much more socialist slant to the country.

If America ever "falls" it will probably continue on in a different incarnation without too big a hiccup.

Do you seriously believe pre-industrial timescales can be applied to a post-industrial world?

because the only other capable minority whose numbers are an at least measurable boon to the US, Asians, are projected to remain at their current share of the population. like it or not Empires need an intelligent proletariat to draw their officers, scientists, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. from, and the people whose share of America will increase(dumb and lower class hispanics. even the worthwhile hispanics have low fertility) will not be able to fullfill these functions, or will do so in comparatively incompetent ways.

the united states is not an empire. fuck off chink

The Articles of Confederation didn't work, which is why the current constitution has the supremacy clause.

whatever the fuck you want to call it, and im not a chink, chances are i was probably agreeing with you. my point, if you are feeling reductionist, is that the US is getting stupider and that's no bueno for our 'hegemony' or 'empire' or whatever you want to call it

>centralizing government
I wish you morons would stop saying this. An overpowered centralized government would be worse for the US.

>Asians, are projected to remain at their current share of the population

They're projected to double from 5% to 10%

we're getting there

>When will America's time come?
Not for another 1000 years

What’s your point?
“Didn’t work” how? All that happened was the states gave more power to the federal government during times of war, so they, as a whole, would be stronger. The problem is that the federal government never relinquished that power.
The state governments are supposed to be their own respective “centralized” government. It makes more sense that way, seeing as how each state is roughly the same size/economic influence as a country in Europe.

10 minutes. Maybe 6.

>People in Africa TODAY speak English and are familiar with American culture
>People in Eastern Europe A CENTURY AGO (the previous great wave of migration) didn't speak English or have basic contact with American culture

get back to int you pos

>What’s your point?
It presupposes that America is a single nation
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for ONE PEOPLE to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
The declaration then proceeds to consistently refer to all 13 colonies in the 1st person.

Yellowstone or Race war will finish America off.

What does that have to do with the intent of the governance of the states? Of course the Declaration was going to refer to themselves as one people. They did that in order to make their side stronger when fighting The Crown. And, the declaration is not a legal document.

>a meaningless letter whose sole purpose was to say 'fuck off you faggot'.
>Clearly the words were not literal and nor did they reflect the views of the authors because it doesn't support my claim
... For real?

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it? That or you’re inferring shit.
What does declaring independence have to do with governance? Beyond the fact that they didn’t want The Crown to rule them?
>the phrases they used in a “fuck off” letter totally counts more than how they wrote the constitution.
If anyone is grasping at straws and manipulating evidence to support their claim, it’s you.