>paying $100 for a hardware wallet when two $10 USB drive do exactly the same thing
Why do you do it?
Paying $100 for a hardware wallet when two $10 USB drive do exactly the same thing
What wallet should I use?
Because a USB drive isn't a crypto wallet.
I would feel safer with a couple of USB drives.
I never understood hardware wallets...
I'm a paper wallet/USB kind of cold storage holder.
Don't even try, these dumb niggers will just break your brain if you try to explain that to them.
Couldn't you just store those fancy new addresses that start with a 3 with one addresses on one usb and another on the second, and then get the best free encryption you can find and have a very secure password for both of the usbs? Is that what OP is talking about?
I just wonder if they're trolling or not.
Yes but as soon as you go to use the key in a program or clipboard or anything its exposed. Hardware wallets keep the key seperated from the software. /thread
i've printed out my private key and meticolously type it out everytime i'm making a send transaction
I also generate a new one every 12 hours, and empty the previous one
While you are right, don't fucking /thread yourself newfriend.
Waste of time and exposed to keyloggers. Next.
What if your USB becomes the private key...
Instead of copying pasting your private key...
The hardware wallet encrypts your private key and you store your
private key
all in a hardware enclosed unhackable hardware solution.
i have USB-drives with relevant information all over the place, they are in a password protected .rar-archive. yes, simple AES356-encrypted .rar-archives, that and a strong passphrase is more than enough.
>What if your USB becomes the private key...
fucking hell...
My wallet key # is tattooed on my inner thigh, home-made. Nobody but me sees it and I can defend myself so it's end of story
Poor larp
Nah, they're genuinely dumb, I wasted like 2 hours arguing with some retard why putting your private key in a txt file on google drive was a bad idea.
>Save $80 and use USB stick instead of HW wallet
>Put USB stick into computer that is infected to send BTC and buy something
>Virus steals private key stored on USB
>Keylogger steals password that was typed to send BTC
>USB drive now has 0.00000000 BTC on it.
>Regret not buying HW wallet that is immune to both viruses and keyloggers because the private key is not accessible and the password is entered directly into HW wallet
wallet.dat has encryption, and you can put it inside a .7z file with a SHA256 protected password and guess what, your USB doesn't scream "THERE ARE BITCOINS HERE".
I just save my stuff on icloud so i can access from any device. The chances of me specifically getting hacked is low since im not stupid and dont click on haxor links
you are really retarded if you think that's all a hardware wallet does
I thought OP was talking about something like Tails or another live cd linux, definitely nothing unencrypted
The whole idea of keepkey, trezor, nanowallet is shield the private key from prying eye including yourself.
I own a trezor.... I don't even know my private key.... it's fully encrypted to access it trezor uses 4 number digits.
If I don't even know my trezor private key, how will hackers know my private key?
it phones home too
With Bitcoin Core I have coin control and I can select exactly what inputs I want to use etc.
In a linux mount there's no fucking way it gets hacked, enter passwords with digital keyboard.
Haha Windoz fags get rekt
I use Copay as my only wallet
How much of a goy am I
idiot, you can use the trezor on your own node too, nice try tho
You're doing it completely wrong if your private key ever is in any form on a computer/device that is or will access the internet ever again.
Having your passphrase or pvt key written down plainly anywhere is also bad.
I use a hidden book chifer referenced to something that will always be accessible but noone will will ever be able to access unless they knew exactly what they were looking for.
t. crypto pajeet
I'm too frugal and don't need that level of security.
I keep my wallet files in an encrypted folder on two 16GB ssds, that's good enough for me and I have a six digits portfolio.
my private key is tattooed around my asshole, as long as I'm not a faggot my btc is safe
>make tails usb put 1 btc on their
>forget to back up seed like i normally do
>forget unique password
>its been 3 years
What do you suggest I do? I'm willing to pay.
You will be surprised how many 'warez' have pre-installed RAT + 100% FUD crypter bypass.
>As soon as you connect your Trezor to a power source such as a computer, without entering any PIN codes or opening any websites, the Trezor device firmware by itself fills the SRAM with all your sensitive secret information
Your tattoo artist is robbing your coin.
patched, and only works if the hacker has your trezor
try again pajeet
booting tails everytime you make a transaction gets annoying
not using that
>he doesn't use airgapped vms in qubesos
it's gone
>mfw he wanted to ask these questions because he was thinking about buying a trezor but didnt want to look like a noob so instead opted to looking like an idiot
enjoy you communication from vm to hypervisor user
i would never trust a cypro specific product, thye would exactly know how to do a hardware backdoor
lol @ not memorizing private keys. fucking plebs.