is Veeky Forums post-modern?
Is Veeky Forums post-modern?
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is post-mortem.
I guess so
Veeky Forums isnt really anything that i can tell. Its a bunch of people who believe in different things pretending to believe in different things to piss each other off.
no its the greatest thought experiment ever created.
all correct
What is it experimenting?
What was Animaniacs? What was Andy Kaufman? What was Marilyn Monroe? What was Groucho Marx?
Same thing.
(you bundle of sticks)
If using the language of a culture to directly critique a culture and using the language of critique to create a culture is post-modern then they're all post-modern.
For example -
means something
This. We are years into the post-Veeky Forums era.
No, it's post-moderation
Veeky Forums is a rotting corpse and /pol/ is the maggots that feed upon it.
does the rats in the maze know they're in a maze?
It's post-truth.
We need to cleanse the /pol/ scum, but every board on here would have to be in on it. It'd have to be heavily enforced by the moderators like what happend with /mlp/
Veeky Forums literally got donald trump elected
4chans influence is greater than ever
Yeah... this site was great in 2006... tons of cool weebs from all walks of life creating original content, trolling for kicks, until eventually a real intellectual debate took place and you could tell the entire site was comprised of smart, ironic 20-somethings pretending to be stupid.
Then summers came and went, EncyclopediaDramatica was created, some retard came up with Chanology, and the actual retards started flooding in.
Now it's the opposite, a site comprised of edgy retards pretending to be intelligent, while taking /n/'s satire and racist meta-trolling for insightful political discourse.
Unironically KYS if you think Veeky Forums memeing a reality TV star to the US Presidency was a good thing.
Or even better, get your ass back to /r/The_Donald
>Imblying Donny McTwoScoops isn’t just a way of fast forwarding the inevitable with the help of useful idiots
Literally yes
This website is full of contrarians who are contrarian just for the sake of being edgy. Look at /tv/, /pol/, almost any board and you can find this
>Yeah... this site was great in 2006... tons of cool weebs from all walks of life creating original content, trolling for kicks, until eventually a real intellectual debate took place and you could tell the entire site was comprised of smart, ironic 20-somethings pretending to be stupid.
Jesus christ, are you baiting?
Now first off. "Real intellectual debate" The debate was just as shit back then as it is now, though it wasnt as bogged down in namecalling, but god damn the religious debates that were had between atheists and christians (or people pretending to be christians) were a absolute shitshow and was a step down from the average angry discussion between creationists and atheists on youtube.
Even /r9k/ which came later (though a hell of alot better than now) was also a cesspool of pseduo intellectual debates over communism, religion, politics etc.
>trolling for kicks
did you not witness the glorious Veeky Forums vs Shia? If that wasnt that, I dont know what you want.
Raiding back then was pretty weak all things considered. Flodding some poor sods myspace, telling people to kill themselves, posting gay porn, rule 1&2'ing eachother and blaming ebaums world was about as good as it got.
>creating original content
creating original content back then was drawing a ms paint comic, posting a flash or vid with some funny music on it.
back then, the internet was a desert. For fucks sake, a gif of a dancing 3D baby became a fucking meme. The standard was abysmal.
Not to mention the pedos. At any given time there was at least 1 or 2 active threads on /b/ dedicated to it, wasnt untill moot put the foot down after getting one too many letters from the fbi that he outright when banhammer whack a mole untill kimmo threw a hissifit and spammed the place into captcha submission.
And the spam, oh the fucking spam.
Is Veeky Forums shit? Yes. Has it always been some state of shit? yes.
You're comparing a turd to diarrhea.
Get those rose tintet glasses off your face.
if a 1000 monkeys with a 1000 typewriters can make Shakespeare, then can +1,000,000, mental challenged men and women with 1 hyper advanced interconnected typewriter could create a better society.
it's post-matter. memes are immaterial
Veeky Forums is post-ironic which is
Post-post modern.
Since post-modern is "we have many selves", Veeky Forums is "we have no selves".
You're really misrepresting them. Sure, being against the grain is part of why they act that way but it's also feeling alienated from society and being really susceptible to bullshit and con artists and thinking they have an "easy way out." It's far from just being edgy for the sake of being edgy.
Since you seem to know your stuff: I only started browsing Veeky Forums in late 2015, is there a good site to read up on the history of Veeky Forums?
too much this
So the captcha thing actually started with kimmo spamming everyday I could have swore the recaptcha came after that because I was like an underaged b& 14 year old back then and sort of had a Veeky Forums hiatus
It has been tried like 4 times. /pol/ retreats to alternate sites and IRC, they then wage years long campaigns.
This is your mind on r/t_d, the murderer of Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums has been dead since 2007, newfag
eh, go fuck yourself. Veeky Forums was never good is a meme, board slide is a reality.
Obviously. The irony is literally tangible whenever you read a thread, and there's literally no topic that is sacred to anyone.
I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if this is the reason /pol/ is so fucking popular, because it's a hard ideological bubble surrounded by constant flailing irony and nihilism.
The ideology of, there was no holocaust but next time we will get them all!
Pretty much. It's easy to believe something like that, when the rest of society practically believes in nothing.
Everything Veeky Forums does is embrace meta-narratives with little to no thought put into it.
Literally the opposite of postmodern, it is ideologically charged by electric retards.
>they fear the mighty internet vikings
it actually is but unironically
>this post
see pic related
>So fucking contrarianist it sometimes is double-triple contrarian
>literally how many layers of irony are these faggots IN
>extremely decadent evolved form of the "for the lulz" bullshit
Veeky Forums is Avantgarde Postmodernism. Its more Postmodern than Postmoderns.
>tfw Veeky Forums is dada
>Veeky Forums being responsible of convincing the thousands on non-internet literated rural americans who voted for trump just because he wasnt hillary/"muh billionaire" mentality
If anything; Veeky Forums made Hillary lose steam. But trump won because of american retard-faggotry; not Veeky Forums autism.
I would say thats still fits within the reason of "being edgy for the sake of being edgy". If they feel alienated then they are going to rebel BY being edgy
>Veeky Forums was never good
>they actually made society regress a couple decades politically
Well fuck
Dont underestimate the relentless autism that powers fascism. Its caos materialized; as long as society exists; they'll exist.
Until the world ends; and entropy takes reality; the retards will be with us; trolling; shitting up our threads and memeing with very low quality shit.
Wrong, Veeky Forums was never good.
really hit the nail there
its pre-post-modern-anarcho-fascist
idk man, the smaller boards are still the same as they always were (like /k/, for example)
Absolute nonsense. /k/ before 2010 was basically /pol/, most of the board were threads about black metal, Hitler, slaughtering niggers and shit like that. Only after /new/ got recreated the mods enforced a rule that /k/ should be weapons only.
Opchan where some people migrated to still talks about politics but they're mostly libertarians rather than outright nazis.
so, what you're saying is that /k/ got BETTER?
I saw the finest minds of my generation destroyed by shitposting
Nice shitpost