Are there any recorded reliable UFO cases?
I don't post this on /x/ for obvious reasons.
Are there any recorded reliable UFO cases?
I don't post this on /x/ for obvious reasons.
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tons, but then they were identified and turned out not to be aliens
The Miracle of Fatima is pretty weird, glowing lights in the sky, witnessed by thousands of people. Not saying it's ayy lmao's, just an interesting historical footnote.
Atheist here. The Miracle of Fatima and the visions of Mary by those 3 kids are the most convincing arguments for Catholicism to me. Seriously tempting me to go to church.
UFO stands for "unidentified flying object."
It can be a spy plane, a cloud, reflected light, any number of things. We've never found a UFO to actually be a flying saucer piloted by aliens, though
Off the top of my head
>all the WWII-era foo-fighter incidents
>the 1976 teheran intercept
>the Nixon UFO encounter
>at least 2 military thermal camera videos (including the recent one) that show floating balls of light
In all honesty, they are probably some unmanned von neumann probes.
Aliens arent real you idiot. Why do people keep posting stupid shit like this?
Hi Sigma Z12
>>at least 2 military thermal camera videos (including the recent one) that show floating balls of light
Tell me more
>>at least 2 military thermal camera videos (including the recent one) that show floating balls of light
Please tell me more.
Rendelshem forest, phoenix lights
These are legitimate unidentified flying objects that the Pentagon spent tens of millions trying to identify. Could be top secret compartmentalized CIA tech, but the fact these things outran F-18 and F-22 while the objects were flying against the wind and even outran the tracking of the Jets makes it pretty fucking crazy.
Check out secureteam10's channel on YouTube. You're welcome.
Yeah, no. Only a Catholic would think such a "miracle" as a light in the sky could only be from God.
God confirms c*tholicism is heresy
Aliens are 100% real. They just don't visit earth and might not be anything even close to what we imagine they are like. We anthropomorphise them but they might not even be in any way similar to life on this planet.
But if you seriously think we're alone in the universe I think you're pretty dense
THIS so fucking much.
If I threw my phone over your head it would be a UFO unless you saw it was a phone, but even then it would be a UFP Unidentified Flying Phone because you don't know what phone.
I alway hate it when people get a UFO and Aliens confused.
So every UFO case is reliable, unless you can prove the reporters are lying and did know what it was.
For the "these are interesting"-UFO see and maybe look up USO's.
Brazilian here,
We have a few good down cases.
> Operation Prato (Operation saucer/Plate)
Amazonians villagers being burned and killed by some kind of laser coming from the sky, militaries were involved and coundlt explain what happened, their best explanation: fire-beast
> UFO's Night
Air force jets persecued for 30 minutes to ufo flying at untangebly speed and impossible aero movements
>E.T de Varginha (Varginha's Alien)
Two girls reported they saw a alien/demon in a alley, Police, firefighters and military were called, they captured something and at the first moment they said were going send the body to the U.S to further study, but then denied everything and said it was a hoax.
(even than a whole battalion was alocted to Varginha when the capture was happening)
Days later a soldier involved in the event died for "unknow radiation"reasons.
We have a lot of cases down here.
There are plenty of UFOs that never get identified simply because the people capable of identifying them have better things to do with their time. There is, however, no evidence of ayy lmaos.
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
There is another one near this date.
I can't remember.
No, Imperial cruiser/battleship.
Probably fake anyway or distorted.
I heard about some incidents outside of american nuclear bases, shutting off nuclear missiles. I think there is some official report somewhere.
>we have some few good cases down here
Fucking google translate (I use to correct some wrongly written words)
In Operation Prato a Top general (on his late years) did a interview saying It was aliens and explaining some official documents, two weeks after the interview he was strangley found "suicided" at his home.
There was some “battle” in Germany where many witnessed a bunch of flashing lights in the middle of the day I think back in the 1500s
There are plenty of confirmed and reliable UFO sightings. The problem is that they remain unidentified and as such cannot tell us anything.
However as OP is clearly refering to recorded and reliable instances that confirm extraterrestial life the answer is an obvious no. If we had you wouldn't be asking. News that we aren't alone in the universe isn't something anyone living in an atleast semi-civilised society would miss.
I want to believe
The Miracle of Fatima is a meme that is refuted by the simple fact that the rest of the world didn't notice it.
Why do you assume that the earth is unique when we don't even have enough information to do anything but wildly speculate about it? At most you can conclude that life seems to be a rarity.
Kek, that's clearly a plaguebearer.
Papa confirmed as real!
>Aliens arent real
that seems unlikely to me, the universe is just so incredibly vast and old that intelligent life surely must exist (or have existed) on other planets
now as to the question of if aliens have visited earth that seems unlikely as well. Especially considering FTL is probably impossible.