Why do look at some bodybuilders with contempt and not others?

Why do look at some bodybuilders with contempt and not others?

People like Jeff Seid or Connor Murphy seem like narcissistic cunts while someone like Bradley Martyn seems like an OK dude.

jeff pls go

>Bradley Martyn

this guy looks like a stereotypical douchebag, but after watching some of his videos he's actually funny and seems like a genuine guy

i just discovered him a few days ago and was very surprised

What the fuck is that dorsal fin on his fucking back?

Bradley was supposedly a huge bitch though.
Nobody just try to intimidate him because he's 6 ft 4 close to 300 lbs with a beard.
Jeff wrestled for a decade and was (according to old misc files) went through a "fighting phase" in his teens where he brawled with alot of HS kids and won every time. Which is probably why even though he's a tiny manlet he always act cocky

i have a soft spot for the brad martyn & broscience vids



You can't hide a shitty personality. Nobody likes guys like Jeff Seid.

Bradley Martyn is a fuckin bro. I initially thought he'd be one of those intensely conceited youtube personalities but now I think he's a cool guy. I like how he's friends with Dom and Calum and how he's legit very strong. I think he tries to give honest helpful advice.

Idk much about Connor, just that he takes his shirt off a lot.

I used to watch a lot of Jeff's vids but he's kind of caught in his own world where he's technically not roiding and aesthetics are all that matter.

Because Connor and Seids content is based around the idea of 'aesthetics' and click bait trash where they go round impressing girls with their nice physiques, whereas Brad kinda has the same focus on bodybuilding culture but can also pull 7pl8 and BtN-jerk like 5pl8 which is cool as fuck so he gets respect. He's not very smart though and his videos are FAR too long. They're all pretty shit compared to Natty King Bugenhagen.

Isn't Jeff 6'?
Or is that just a lie?

He competes in the under-178cm class, so if he's six feet tall he's been spectacularly effective at hiding it.

lol yeah except beautiful women bro

It's the content they put out. Conor's videos are all of him getting girls' numbers, and Bradley's videos are him just talking to his friend at the gym. So for Conor, if you only see his main channel stuff, you only see him as a narcissist because that's the only side he shows. In reality though he's a pretty chill, humble dude if you watch his vlogs. He says all his videos of him going out and picking up girls are just to put him out of his comfort zone.

It really all just comes down to which side of them you see the most

>beautiful women
you mean beautiful sloots, my dude

/r/ing the pic of the contest lineup in the 5'8-5'9 division with Joff on it

Yeah, but that's like a symptom of the times. Nothing I can do about that without becoming an obsessive /r9k/ faggot and limiting my options.

Does that mean that chestbrah is a manlet too?

Connor pls go

hi connor. stop spamming your channel on fit.

The difference is that while Bradley often times rambles about random shit, he's a huge r9k spaz at times. He may be mean to Kevin for laughs, but his videos are honest good advice. He even helped me with my deadlift form and increasing my bench.

But yeah, Bradley might be considered a bitch because he puts up with Dom in a lot of videos, and has a good amount of social awkwardness (as we all do) but honestly anyone that's 6'4 and 280lbs is going to be a guy I aint going near in a dark ally. Maybe that's why he's so chill, he doesn't need to compensate for being a manlet.

They all roid btw. All of them.

Btw one of Dom's vids has Bradley text a gf that they're breaking up and she goes off about shitting on his chest. idk if it's real or not but I've been trying to find out if it is lol.

jeff pls go

He's an inspiration to us lanklets.

Ive met jeff both at dubai and LA fitness expo and i can safely say he's no more than 5 ft 10, maybe slightly under 5 ft 11 if i'm being genereous

That scene is at the end of the broscience "swolopoly" video friend. :^)

Exactly the same as me. Started watching his vids a couple days ago. He is genuinely funny!

dude chestbrah is like 5'9. He claims 5'11 though

Kek that part of the video was Mike (Dom) texting him, there's a behind the scenes video where you can see him cracking up at Dom's responses. I'm pretty sure the video is on Mike's channel.

more than "often". The guy genuinely won't stop talking. His videos aren't entertaining at all. Even Calum Von Moger makes better vids, and you can barely understand what that faggot says.