How do i get a manly voice?

How do i get a manly voice?

Other urls found in this thread:

smoke weed

Damn did you even try Google?

Hit puberty

smoke, drink whiskey, play a sport with physical contact, learn a trade

My voice used to be deep as fuck, but ever since I've been in recluse I've noticed it's become a lot higher and faggy sounding. It's 'cause I rarely talk these days.

So I think talking a lot and having general confidence in yourself might help

speak from the diaphragm, niggs

Smoke cigars

You can't.

There's voice lowering exercises you can do. Check out youtube. Some exist to help transmen lower their voice naturally if they can't get testosterone so maybe it'll help user.




>tfw regularly get complemented on my voice

Speak from your balls


Elliot Hulse did videos on how he lowered his voice

Shits hilarious


this desu. after a wank my voice starts cracking like a bitch

Kek, I do all except last one. I wanna learn woodworking desu, but I don't tell anyone about theese because it makes me sound like an overcompensating faggot.

Take long deep breaths all the way down into your groin and speak slower. Try speaking fast with shallow breaths. Notice how high you sound?

be mur kunfidunt

If you intentionally lower your voice, it's extremely obvious to the people around and you'll look like a retard.

Great big bulging yarblockos mate.