What was your body type when you started working out?

What was your body type when you started working out?

Blob, but now I'm somewhere around dadbod.

260lbs of fat at 6'5

exactly this desu

6'1 135 lbs
It was revolting, I was always so happy that I wasn't fat, I don't know why nobody ever told me that I looked even worse.

I'm starting at 6' 140

125 lbs
now I'm 153 lbs

How long did that take you?

I started at 6'1 200, and cut to 170 then slowly went to 190 where im at right now

always had a power lifter's physique

270 Lbs

what do you mean started working out

Holy fuck I started at 6'2" 177; I can't even imagine

>always fat

6 months of 500+ of my TDEE and lifting at least 3 days a week.

Hungry skeleton. Now I'm a slightly less hungry skeleton.

5'11 160lbs about 10-12% body fat.

Honestly from the time I hit puberty I have been fit. I assume I started in otter mode until I hit a growth spurt but I dont fucking know the exact details here. Want my growth charts from childhood? Number above is what I weighed in at about 16 when I played football.

6'4" 150lbs. Up to 185, still skinny but looking less shitty

>186cm 67kg
I am a skeleton

Honestly I just started to eat right about a month ago. Going on two. I also joined a gym about a week ago and I love that place. My starting weight was 265lbs at 6'2". I haven't checked my weight in awhile because I wanna give it a few more weeks. You guys actually really inspired me to get in shape after 8 years of doing nearly nothing due to an injury that wasn't treated properly. Doctors say I'll be permanently in a wheelchair by 30 so I wanna get healthy before then. Thanks for the inspiration guys.

I used to be obese but I didn't start working out until I cut to the Auschwitz mode first.

same as now

6'1 175lbs started
pic is 6'1 185lbs after 2 months so basically still starting, so I guess super skinnyfat sedentary mode

Started 6'2, 158 lbs., 13% BF

now 188 lbs., 13% BF


What's up with the hairstyle?

it's not brushed

You still look like a faggot just because of the hair.



And Im still skinnyfat

Cut my life into pieces

5'3 90lbs
now after 5yrs
5'8 165lbs

5'7, 58kg skinnyfat.
Yeah it wasn't nice. I got a lot of my daily calories from soda.


121lbs Auschwitz mode

Manlet. then i hit the gym and got to be 6ft+

Well I've been lifting/working out for 8 years, so..

5'11 320lbs morbidly obese
now 6'4 200lbs ottermode

My gym teacher in high school was the fucking man and helped a lot of the fatties (me included) lose weight and use the weight room after school.


Now I think I'm nearing Ottermode

Skele. When I started lifting I was 5'8 130lbs. Now I'm 140lbs after 6 months, but I actually cut some bodyfat with that so it all looks pretty nice in comparison. All my lifts went up drastically too. Couldn't bench 115 for reps, and I couldn't bench 1pl8 at all period. Had to do dumbbells. Now I can do 145 for 8, which feels nice. Feels nice to improve and be stronger.


are you at least Veeky Forums?

5'3" and 98 lbs


Not really Veeky Forums but I have a decent fashion sense, mein Kamerad.

My current stats are:

165lbs (still bulking)

Literally only ran prior to weight training..I was like 145lb at 510..in 3yrs I've put on 60lbs and maintain around 14-16% bf..did I make it?