Enter gym

>enter gym
>see regulars there
>workout for 50min
>finish workout
>regulars still there as I leave

How fucking long do you cunts work out? Am I doing something wrong here? These fuckers say they spent 1.5hrs in the damn gym yet I can barely break 1hr if add cardio

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I dick around at the gym because if I go home I either a)procrastinate an obligation or b)wallow in self-pity

I need to catch my breath for 10 min between sets
Not even fat, just asthma

I stay an hour and a half, need my rest time and do 10min of stretching at end

I'm usually in for 90min min and I'm doing 24 sets avg.

1.5 hours for me too, i like a bit of cardio at the beginning and end, and do a bit of stretching/small weightless exercises as a cool down. i do go to a small gym though so sometimes i need to do other things while waiting for a machine or squat rack.

2:30 to 3 hours. Doing SL and then accessory work plus stretching and showering up. Could be less if I don't have to wait for things to be free and not being used by some guy

I unironically go for around 2-2.5 hours
Are you doing the barebones of a LP program?

i go for an hour 30 maybe a lil longer but i usually screw around for the first 15mim

Usually a little less than 2 hours.

My long days include cardio,2 compounds, 2 dumb bell lifts and farmers walks.

I workout for about 2 hours every session.
I also do full body workouts if I split its about half that but I rather train hard 3 days a week then drag myself to the gym an extra day to do a split.

>How fucking long do you cunts work out?
1.5-2h on a stenght or

So outside of dicking around, if you guys walked into the gym, lifted then left how long would you take? My gym is pretty empty so I never have to wait and I go alone so I don't really chit chat, it's just lift and leave for me, am I still fucked


Includes 5 mins of warmup cardio
10-15 minutes stretching / mobility / prehab work
10-15 mins static stretches / myofascial work

Zero fuck around itis

I'm at the gym day and night because my 8 hours arms workout
You Plebs

I've started going recently, and have found myself going for 90mins to 2 hrs a day for 4-5 days a week

Some people take longer rests in between sets.

I spend an hour in the gym, my brother spends three. Most of that he spends chatting to his friends.

I've wondered this as well
I take 2 minutes rests, do a 10 minute warm up and run for a half hour when I'm done with my workout and some dudes are still there when I'm done

What app is that screenshot from?
Ive been looking for one to use for a while and it looks pretty good compared to the rest

For me it just depends on what kind of workout routine Im doing. Sometimes Im in the gym for 2 hours, sometimes Im out in under an hour

I don't get it either OP. I stretch in between each set and I do a mile run at the end of my workouts and I'm in about an hour and 15. Idk how people stay two hours or more.

i text between exercises, do a 1km run at the end and im at an hour as well. I cant imagine being in for longer.

I hit the gym after work or class meaning i have about 4-5hrs remaining in my evening before bed, to spend half of that lifting when i dont need to makes no sense

Probs rest time

I only rest 30 seconds or so between sets some people tske 5 minutes

I'm doing sheiko, combine that with quick foam rolling, mobility and post-workout stretching sessions, it's gonna take a while.

Normally about 2hours i keeps me occupied and away from home so i dont get beaten

Bro as a fellow asthmatic and a med student get that under control. They got good steroids that are low risk and relatively cheap

Not having your asthma under control is literally the gains goblin and life goblin

>I only rest 30 seconds or so between sets
and you wonder why you're dyel as shit

>all that extra shit

dont take offense but are you a neet? How do you fit all of that into a normal work schedule? How are you even here to post when you run on 2hrs of sleep with such a routine?

Genuinely curious

1.5-2 hours

I'm a university student.

The other stuff takes 20-30 minutes, I also consider it necessary to do, as the quality of my sets would decrease, rate of injury could potentially increase impeding long term progress.

oh i can definitely understand why the other stuff would be necessary but it seems like it would be approaching half a day at such a point. I suppose student is the best time do go so hard, any plans once you graduate and work full time?

you take 2hrs without dicking around? what routine are you on

Nah, it reaches 3 hours at most, it's not all that bad. I am working on cardio and GPP though, so that I could possibly shave off even more time from resting and such.

I don't know what I'll do once I graduate. Probably keep going as far as it's possible to do.

best of luck comrade

Looks like Progression Fitness Tracker

Time to go from 6 exercises of 3x10 to 8-9 exercises I guess from this thread, I apparently haven't been going hard enough

At my current gym with 1 squat rack, 2 hours if not more
At my old decent gym used to be able to go in and out in 50-60mins if needed

I'm working with higher weights and don't have to rush either tho