Why are there so many dumb people who believe in "rest days"?

Why are there so many dumb people who believe in "rest days"?


that's undoubtedly a dude in a wig

It's not stupid. I play trumpet and even with that we take one day off a week to ensure the muscles around the mouth have time to repair before a new workout. Ensuring that your muscles have time to return to standard form is an absolute necessity, as much as proper sleep and diet is.

this is not a bad post but i kekd anyway when i read it

I havent heard any decent bodybuilder with huge ass arms say they dont train them every single day. not only they dont do skip days but they train the same group of muscle every single fucking day, and thats why they have huge ass fucking arms

you forgot about the part where they pin 1g of test e into their glutes every week

If you are lifting heavy enough then you should NEED rest days.

I've fucked my shit twice by being too gungho (nothing serious, just really bad pain in the affected area for 2 months).

Lift heavy, eat well and rest properly and your gains will come.

Depends on the person. I'm fine not resting for a few weeks, then I'll take a day off and go for another few weeks. I also know a dude that has to take rest days 2 times a week or he'll get sick and feel like shit. He's also a hard gainer and I'm naturally muscular if that makes any difference. Maybe I just have high test levels.

46 y/o male
I need rest days.
train harder/inc intensity

Even Bradley Martyn says "don't train arms everyday." That's retarded. Not only should you take a rest day or two throughout the week, but you should also take an entire rest week every 8-12 weeks of working out.

t. 25% bf pajeet nutrition.

not even phil heath trains arms more than twice a week

Some people actually train hard and need rest to recover

Of course you need rest days. You are tearing muscle and need to wait two days for that muscle to repair before training it again.
Why do you think you work different body parts per day?
Post pic OP so we can see if you have any gains. Guaranteed you don't if u train the same muscles daily.

this is exactly what resting days are for

Wow you are a fucking idiot

IS it ok when i lift 6 days per week and one day is a rest day?

ive just started to lift recently

if you lift heavy then probably yes

>ive just started to lift recently

Do SS.

The fuck you doing here grandpa

"Rest" day doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything.
On my rest days I usually go for a long walk or even hike, clean up the house, do some long ass streching sessions, foam roll, and generally be active.
It's called active recovery mate.

If you don't need rest days, it means that you're not putting in enough effort