Lets talk progress.
Today i refunded a game (1 day into the 7day no questions asked refund policy) and spent the money on fatburner powder.
What about you?
Lets talk progress.
Today i refunded a game (1 day into the 7day no questions asked refund policy) and spent the money on fatburner powder.
What about you?
>fatburner powder
So you gave up a game for nothing?
I'm finally starting to get muscle spasms so it means the creatine i have been taking for the past week is starting to take effect
Feels great, next stop: making it town
Hit 180lbs this morning. Started cutting at 295lb. Just over 2 years ago. (6.0ft - 30years old)
My original goal was 250lb, then 199lb, then 180lb. I still have some stubborn weight on my belly and chest, plan on cutting to 170 now and assessing if i need to cut to 160-165lb from there then going on high protein diet and lifting like a mofo.
Still look like shit, have started balding, but actually feel better, dont know how i feel about everything emotionally.
Literally none of my clothes fit me anymore apart from my footware.
Hopefully ill make it.
Im /pol/ac who was making fun at high school of lifters.
6months ago ive started doing calisthenics and this years ive started lifting
but damn it feels fucking good when im lifting, muscle gain is fantastic
Are you a hillary supporter?
sometimes I wonder why I don't spend more time at the gym and *zero* time at the tavern watching sports, drinking Guinness, and talking to female waitstaff 1/2 my age....
but then I get a day off from work.... hit the gym early... (fill in the blanks).
>I've made it already.
I hope you've been lifting senpai, cut from 100kg to 77kg (at 5'10) (around 50 pounds) and look much better (basically skinnyfat with some upperbody definition) and the muscle built makes me look skinnier and more athletic.
Hoping to cut to 70kg and see where I stand then, good luck to you.
>fatburner powder
Using shortcuts means you'll never make it you fat shit. Just eat less you fucking idiot.
please do yourself a favor and start lifting as soon as possible. left pic is me in 2013 after i "cut" down with zero lifting. i looked sickly and felt sickly. as a result i quit and over the course of 2 years gained all the weight back. then i tried again but started lifting from the start. these pictures are the same weight. i know it seems like since you're at a deficit you won't be able to gain muscle but just trust from experience that the sooner you'll start lifting the happier you'll be. learn from my mistake homie.
I have drastically changed my diet for the past month. Feeling flat and burnt out from daily trips to the gym, ive decided i needed assistance. Go back to /b/ you troll faggot.
Got a job so I can start dieting properly and actually bulk.
Bros, what BF% am I?
How much weight should I be gaining?
61kg 180cm
fat burners don't work user. The only fat burner that works is DNP. Don't get memed
that isn't how that works user. creatine just gives you a water pump/swole and make it easier to blast out "that last rep" (tm)
call me autistic but I think there a benefits to taking creatine when you are plateauing but it's good to take breaks from consuming it also..
like 12 % ?
t. user who doesnt know shit
you need about 15-20kg of muscle more desu
my own progress
Hopefully my gyno goes away, but im afraid ill need surgery bulkin atm
went from 84 to 90kg in that time
My goodmorning has gone up by 40lbs so thats cool
It is a common misconception to think that creatine builds musle. It allows YOU to build your own muscle better by making sure the muscles can't be little bitches and be like "nooo user fuck this shit i'm to tired to go on".
Creatine is useful to all levels of bros, dyels but body builders too and unless you are retarded and take more than 5g/day you never need to take a break
by assistance do you mean placebo
few percentages from creatine wont make difference if yo uare still moving bitch weight because you dont put real effort into your lifts.
Mindset > macros >>>> any of the meme supps
It is important to do both low weight and high weight exercises to build muscle efficiently.
Creatine is intended for low count high weight reps, which is what most people do, but tons of people completely forget about the importance of low weight high rep exercises.
Please do your research.
>low count high weight
i am fucking dyel as it gets, lifting for 4 months only, and i do both hypertrophy and strength rep ranges.
on both 2 gyms i have been people almost exclusively do memesplits with muh 8-12 reps range curls and other "low risk" movements
Literally no one squats/deadlifts heavy, sometimes bros bench relatively heavy but thats considered "cool".
i bet my ass 90% of normie gyms are like this
The problem is that lots of people just read some meme article somewhere on the internet and think they are now lift PhDs for some reason.
I just don't get it, before i started lifting i did a shitload of research to make sure i won't be wasting my time with inefficient shit. Like before i started putting creatine into my body i read so many articles and studies i was like creatine neo after he came out of that chair and was like ".,.. i know creatine".
Falling for the powdered jew and insulting others trying to help is probably correlated
Will it help me blast through my 200kg deadlift block?
Objectively yes.
Yeh u dont know shit. 20kg of muscle is a fucking lot
10-15KG in first year is achievable though
>for the past month
Just how new are you, actually? Falling for fucking fatburners, jesus christ am I laffin
I've gained just over 15 lbs since I started SL 3.5 months ago. Going pretty good.
Diet & sleep has been fucked up over the holidays so I had a few shit workouts, but at least I still went to the gym on a schedule. Kind of excited to get back to school today.
Gonna finally hit lmao2pl8 diddly next week which is exciting. Squat is getting tougher, hoping I can pass 155lbs tomorrow. OHP is still shit at 75lbs. BB Row is getting tough as well at 105lbs.
at least I'm still making progress, slowly but surely.
are you me
idk, post pics brah
I don't have a camera
>fatburner powder
read the sticky and stop wasting mommy's money please
Moar on this delicious tits