Will Jason dethrone Phil Heath at the Olympia this year?

Will Jason dethrone Phil Heath at the Olympia this year?


nah politics bro


He's actually gotten fatter than he was in the Hindenburg era
AND he's no longer a fake fake natty it looks like he's pinning
m'lord really does always find a way to fuck up simple things

Jesus does Genova really upload pics of himself on snapchat

he's fatter and lost most of his muscle mass but probably thinks a few weeks of popping dbol and clen randomly (his usual cycle) will save him
yes his sc is kingdomsith

>it looks like he's pinning
How exactly does it look like he's pinning? Do you honestly think this retard would be able to inject himself without either hitting a vein or contaminating the needle?

Look at his glutes during his last nude live stream (no homo)

It's not even entertaining at this stage. He is obviously suffering from some kind of mental disorder and needs to be checked by psychiatrist.

His mom takes him to some old-fashioned Jewish doctor who gives him haldol which is some outdated shit from the 60s that makes people more braindead over time

How do you know all this?

Been following the Genovaverse for years, I think the first mention of it was in one of coath Adam's videos

He's kind of hot.

... and that was the day we all found out about user's retard fetish

Can you briefly summarize his character to me? I've been avoiding threads about him for years, but now I got curious who this guy really is and how he got popular, but google isn't too helpful in this case, this meme has gotten out of hand.

Weightlifting-community Chris Chan but less of a shitty person

>Roiding for this




Gonna read the fuck outta that shit!

Apparently he does orals and he put them on his snapchat a while ago until one of his wranglers told him to take them down. Or at least that's what some user told me

>last nude live stream
D-does that mean there are more? Oh God

Can someone tell me why people refer to him as Piss Lord?


1.)He considers himself sith Lord;
2.)He once posted pic of himself eith pissed pants;
3.)2+2 equals piss Lord.