What foods should I be buying if I'm poor?

i make on average $500 a week
rent is $130
don't have any other expenses but i want to save as much as i can.

what foods should i be buying? i like to eat healthy

rice, lentils, bags of frozen veggies, cheapest protein source you can find

raw vegies, not frozen shit

thanks. also what shouldn't i be spending my money on?

Actually frozen vegetable scan be healthier as they are frozen fresh usually and seal in the nutrients. Frozen is a good way to store them.

1 $5 Taco Bell box per day

$35/week on food


potatoes, rice, beans, frozen veggies, turkey, broccoli

go to the supermarket just before it closes and snap up the reduced stuff

don't drink alcohol

eat shit, nigger

i have some crypto

Pussy. Try and meet places for dates, an no restaurants and other bs. Be creative, but also monetariy minded. Play it off as you are just trying to get to know them. Anyways if you are it will be a much better date not doing the usual bs. Hikes, walks, bike rides etc. No reason to break the bank on dates.

Rice is cheap af. Fruits, veggies. Chicken boobs, turkey etc. Learn to cook. Eating at McDonald's, KFC, taco etc is not healthy, expensive over all and shite food

rice, milk, eggs, potatos, beans, frozen veggies, chicken.

Buy a cheap or good quality sandwich grill
Get baloney, cheese slices and any other ingredients you want to add and make grilled sandwiches
Saves me a lot of money and saves time on cooking

Masters student here, living on loans and they are drying up (no job). I buy tomato and cucumbers (make a salad with salt, pepper and oil or sour cream). Have rice or beans and chicken. Chicken you can make so many ways with different sauces and so forth. This is my staple. It is getting a bit boring but man i it filling and pretty cheap. Of course I have the cereal, coffee at home, never go out to to eat. Everyone wastes so much money on going out.

rent is 130 per month? where?

i love to cook, but lately i've been making a lot of pasta with mince meat or meatballs and buying the pasta sauce to go with it. it's not cost efficient for me even tho it tastes amazing

why do you say thats not cost efficient?

Buy a bag of frozen chicken and frozen tilapia. A couple tubs of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, frozen veggies, some pears, avocado, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, lots of bananas. A bunch of tuna packets. A huge box of eggs.

This probably costs $80-$90.

>cheapest protein source you can find
Classic Veeky Forums advice. You mean the one that pays you to extract it, right?

He should go fishing, buy a cheap rod and go every weekend to a place and stock u on 5+ fish and eat protein.

good to know

well i put what i don't eat straight away into containers and they'll last me another day or so. it costs about $15 for this and i want to spend less than that. i also would like to stop eating as much meat as i do

The healthiest food is expensive no matter what nutritionlets will tell you. Anyways if you want to stay cheap get split peas, milk (preferably raw), eggs and whatever cheap veg you can find

This works great until the ulcers set in.

Nah. Nutrionists are full of shit.

Ketogenics (or paleo diet) actually works and you just need to eat cheap salads, cheap nuts, and burgers with the buns. Doesn't have to be organic shit too. Avoid breads and sugars and eat a lot of red meet.

Often times I will go to McDonalds and buy a hamburger and salad (no fries you fat fucks) and then take the burger off the bread and put it in the salad.

And go out in the sun for vitamin D and do more exercise which turns on ketosis which in the long term makes you less hungry and you eat less in general. Also you think clearer without sugar crashes.

Oh yeah. Eggs and sardines are great for keto and cheap as hell. I put a little cheap ass salt on the eggs.

Doh. Can't type. Burgers without the buns. Bread and glucose just makes you more hungry and you eat more shit.

>nutritionists are full of shit
>wall of nutrition advice

You don't get sugar crashes if you don't eat PUFAs.

I stopped eating fish because of heavy metals and radioactive contamination. Correct me if I'm wrong. But you ought to keep your omegas in balance so I allow myself a daily helping of fish liver oil.

Dude. I lost 40 pounds going on Keto. Maybe its because I also excercised, but cutting out breads ands sugars kept me from going diabetic as I was already pre.

you know im a #thirdworldfag and last time i was in the US i was amazed af watching the prices of fruits and vegetables maybe you have a lot of cool stuff but i have 0 envy about things you live like paying entire dollars for some fruit and healthy shit in general, i dont spend more than $5 on; 10 bananas $0.50, 10 apples,$1 1kg of strawberries $1 1 kg of grapes $1, and shit like this. sorry for you OP

I mean its not like there is a monopoly on growing vegetables?

Student here, can live off of oats and bread for 5 bucks a week here in nz. Pretty shitty though. 15 will get you noodles and spreads which is nice.

Buy a 50lb bag of rice for $30 at costco business. That should fill you up for a year. Poor have no excuse.

Tfw when I spent $6.53 on a bag of grapes yesterday.

maybe there is but here in south america we are producers so its cheap as fuck, i like meeting foreigners (burguers and europeans) and giving them a basket full of fruits, they feel very gratefull and really you dont pay more than $5 max$7 for pic related

Bread, rice, veg, bitbean and chicken

we really shouldn't take fruits for granted so much, they are gift of the gods. I am worried about the bees

Oatmeal, Rice, Beans (they are protein), Potatoes.
Those are the main things I would get.

i really feel sorry to know someone pays entire dollars for some bananas for example, when im used to buy them at $0.05 each one

kek, the bees are dying because fucks like you refuse to buy organic

switch it up with the Wendy's $4 deal and the Hardee's/Carls Jr. $5 box

You can get 30lb of beans for $30. Then get a $50 pressure cooker at costco business, and cook those beans+rice in 16 minutes, so time isn't an excuse. Then get some extra gaskets on eBay for cheap and use the pressure cooker for life. Spices and herbs are necessary to switch the flavor up. White rice has a 30 year shelf life in the cold since the oily germ is pressed out. Poor are lazy so buy premade/full retail.

just curious, how much do you pay for 1 liter of pure raw honey, btw about bees

Costco chicken is sold at a loss, so $5 is worth it.

I call bullshit... or do you look like this?

like $15 in Australia for the type I like

You could eat more and better for $20 a week though

Potatoes, flour, pasta and rice for calories, canned vegetable like beans and carrots and fruits like apples and you and oranges for nutrients, and any cheap meat you find for proteins.
50/month easy.

Rice, beans, eggs, oats, onions, whole chicken on sale or frozen chicken breasts, canned or frozen vegetables, potatos, butter

Oh yeah and milk and eggs, cheap and nutritious.
Can replace meat easily when there's no cheap one.

oh yeah, add milk to my list. Honestly eating well is almost easier on a budget in many ways. You can't afford to eat like shit if you're serious about it

Food is the #1 thing you shouldn't be cheap about

Buy good food and be frugal elsewhere

Learn to cook

canned beans are not cheap at all, thats a a meme

raw beans are cheap though

Mince beef

Spag bol for a week for less than 10bucks.

rice and beans are practically being given away at the supermarket. I mean shit if you wanna go pure survival mode, go oats and eggs + milk in the morning and rice and beans for dinner and maybe grab a multivitamin and you can live for a month for practically nothing

im 65kg 5'10

Raw ingredients are almost always healthy, because it's hard to cut corners there.
As long as you don't eat processed shit, you're good on the healthy meme department.

2k a month is not poor

don't even do this
just buy pasta and tomato sauce, eat one serving for dinner and you can have dinner for a week for like $4

That sounds cheap for a kg of honey in Oz. Never seen it sold in fluid measurements though lol.

I feel you OP.. I make 80k a year and pay 300 in rent... im so fucking poor too. I barely eat now

Oh, so you're mexican.



What the FUCK. My rent is x20 that.

Op go buy a slow cooker for 20 bucks

Then buy 50lb bags of rice red beans chicken and tomatoes with oregano basil salt pepper and lemonpepper also garlic minced preferably.

100 bucks a month will feed you to bursting full easy.

apply for food stamps

what's wrong with bread. I love good bread

Beans+Rice+Tomatoes+Carrots+Sardines. Top with avocado. Whatever spices you like, but include tumeric, salt, and a teaspoon each of flaxseeds and nutritional yeast. Mashing the sardines with spices and frying the mash helps mask the fish flavor if you're not a fan. This will give you nearly everything you need to thrive. Conplete plant and animal protein, combined omega 3 and omega six, a near full rainbow of vitamins (including all of the b vitamins), an extra absorbable form of vitamin c and vitamin a (pairing tomatoes and carrots with fat via the avocado), magnesium, potassium, even hard to get stuff like selenium. You will get used to the taste and can tweak it to have different variations. This is the equivalent of human kibble-- it should keep you consistently nutrient rich when you are money poor.

fuck off

they are healthy as fuck

stop eating bread.
bread is quite possibly the worst food for you

If you're not an idiot then you live within a couple hours of a healthy lake. Preferably one that serves as a public water source. Fish from such water have nearly no heavy metals and no radioactivity.

it's not hard to find rents far below market value even in expensive areas
if, and only if, you're willing to live in truly, life-affectingly shit conditions

no i'd prefer to stay independent

well what is it you spend you money on? if you give yourself limited spending cash you will find it easier to save money and generally make it more mentally inconvenient to spend money.

The guy that said to go to Taco Bell all day is probably fat as fuck

>eat out for every meal if you're poor
Literally poor people logic.

I hate it when people say "but healthy food is expensive!!" That just means they're poor and dumb, their kids are poor and dumb and they will always be poor and dumb.


This. Buy in large quantities to save money. For example, if they have "value pack" chicken breasts at $2/lb, but at $14 (so 7 lbs) you're going to be way better of buying that and freezing some than you would if you bought the $3.50/lb pack that only has a little more than 1 pound. Apply this to everything you buy:
>cheese on a good sale? stock up
>eat a lot of yogurt? buy the biggest tub, buy jam/honey/whatever to top yourself
>frozen stuff cheap? buy a few extra

Over time this adds up BIG time, but does require a higher "investment" up front so it's hard when you're very paycheck to paycheck.

But rly though, you aren't poor. $24k net with only about 7% of your money going to rent is very, very good. Unless you have stupid debt you should be doing OK and can swing $40-70/week on groceries easy and not have to eat like absolute shit.

if you live in aus, go to an aldi or coles and buy 50cents tuna cans.

That will be your best bet for protein

enjoy your mercury poisoning

Pressure cooker beats slow cooker by an hour. Time is money.

rent is 130 weekly, not monthly

$50/week should be no problem then. Maybe do a big shop for $100 and see if it can stretch you 10 days, then $50/week after that.

Buy in bulk however you can. Always look at the unit/count/weight price and not just the sticker price.

No one mentioned quinoa eat that instead of rice

Also fruits and nuts faggots

You can buy an egg for 2 cents in the states.

Buy roasted chicken from walmart for 6 bucks. would last you for 2/3 days yo

I make 100k and I eat eggs for all my meals.

lol as if that will help stop the ulcers

Find your ass a cheap store to shop at, and buy your food weekly, or thereabouts.
If you cook shit for yourself it's usually cheaper.
My situation might be a little different to yours since I live on an island, but I can get by pretty handily on €16/week for all of my food if I stick to lidl/aldi for shopping.
My rent is €75/week split between four people.

Drink meal replacement. If you buy it on discount, it's ~$1.50/meal. For breakfast you can eat dirt cheap oats bought in bulk, usually microwave it with some water.

Your food costs are around $20 a week. Get on my level.

This is actually good advice if you eat one $5 box per week instead of per day. That will give you your weekly protein and fat without overloading your body with unhealthy junk. So load up on frozen veggies and apples and maybe some eggs or something. And then reward yourself with a $5 box at the end of the week.

And no beer. Don’t drink beer if you can’t afford to eat properly


Mostly rice and beans.

But you'll also need food fortified with B12, potassium and zinc if you don't want any deficiencies so something like some kind of fortified milk (cow/sheep/soy/nut). Drink like 250ml of that every day. That will cost you more than the rice and beans by far but it will be worth it so you're not deficient and you still won't be spending more than $1 a day on meals even if you consume 2000 cals.

Isn't one box under 1000 cals? There's no way you can go on less than 1000 cals a week even if you're a 100 lb female.

Meal replacements are actually very expensive for how low calorie and low in nutritional content they are. $1.5 per meal usually means 400 calories so you'll need to be spending at least $6 a day to get the recommended ~1500 calories.

any soy product is bad for men, you fuckwit.

to prevent deficiencies just take a good multivitamin with your food.

yes, rice + beans will give you complete amino acids. try to buy filtered water at 20cents a gallon if that's available in your area instead of buying the typical 1 gallon jug at the store which usually runs around 1usd-1.30 with tax and shit like that. to cut down on protein costs, eat peanuts or peanut butter.

i've been flat broke before and still managed to survive so you should be good at $500/week income.

also how the fuck is your rent $130, do you mean 130 per week.

you can also save by just not eating for 1 full day. look up intermittent fasting.

rice, oatmeal, egg whites & a few vegetables

>any soy product is bad for men, you fuckwit.
Incorrect but I'd like to see why you think that. I'm guessing it's that study where this one guy eats only blocks of soy every day and fucks up his hormones from not getting enough essential nutrients (aka. tons of deficiencies).

>to prevent deficiencies just take a good multivitamin with your food.
Incorrect again. Not only are multivitamins expensive their bioavailability is dogshit meaning your body will absorb maybe 1% of the multivitamin.

>try to buy filtered water
Also bad advice. Assuming your tap water is drinkable you should drink it instead.

>you can also save by just not eating for 1 full day. look up intermittent fasting.
Yet more bad advice. Intermittent fasting messes with your gut flora and hormones. The guys who are ripped on it are on steroids so their hormones are already out-of-whack.