Same amount of protein and fewer calories then most protein bars.
>19g of SOY BASED protein
>350G of carbs
1 costs as much as 750g of chicken breast in my country, Lel
and you're literally better off eating a regular Snickers and drinking a protein shake
when will people realize you can just eat shit + drink a shake instead of buying stupidly expensive 'protein' variations of foods?
3.50 a bar? Damn, that's a steal!
t. Stupid Consumer
What country can you buy 750g of chicken for £1.89
these things are like 3 euros each, i can get a normal candybar for 50 cents and drink a 20 cent protein shake instead
DM has great cheap proteinbars for ~1€
around 23g protein and 165cal
In the great country of America I can get chicken for $1.49/lb
tesco sells 1kg of chicken legs/thighs for 2 quid(also aldi, but no one should buy anything from there).
fucking posh wanker get the fuck out of marks and spencers.
nice bar soy goy
$1.29/lb here
whole turkeys go for $1.39
Are the ice cream variants of these bars suitable for a bulk?
>more carbs than calories
Not everyone is German you dumb FUCKING NAZI CUNT WHO RUINED EUROPE 2 TIMES.
guess again
Actually ALDI/LIDL are based as fuck
Yes since on a bulk you should aim to consume double your tdee worth of kcals
Actually good energy bar coming through senpai.
Forgot pic
fuck, thats a thing? I'm going to go broke.
>Er ist kein Deutsch
It's called capitalism, if you don't like it move to Cuba pinko.
I buy whole 1.5kg chickens for like 3 quid 75 mate and that's if they aren't on special.
Rossman has bars for 1€ and 25g of protein.
It's still a highly processed bar of shit you fucking schwein hund.
You do know that Germans are the only people who regularly have their own Deutschlandfaden on /b/ or /pol/?
Veeky Forums is a board of Evropa, fuck off
What do you like more:
Cookie cream or Vanilla?
only the 32% ones come in cookie cream here and I don't buy those, but recently I've seen new flavours for the 50% protein one. There's brownie, vanilla, nuts, and strawberry.
strawberry is surprisingly not bad, but vanilla and brownie are my go-to
>All those prices for a lb of chicken breast
Meanwhile in France, just bought a kg of turkey breast for 14€. Feels bad man.
I never get why anybody needs overpriced proteinbars when they could easily get it all with cord, chicken, greek yoghurt, etc.
it's convenient and tastes good, but I get your point. I mean I could just live on oats and quark and hit all my calorie need, but what's the point.
This means that there are a fucking fuck ton of German speaking people on Veeky Forums who might be interested in user's input
wtf i pay 2.49€ for 500g
What quality do you think American "meat" has?
I'm not even german desu I tought most of central europe has DM
The ice cream variant of the mars bar is delicious. It is just some extra junk calories so if that is what you are going for then why not.
It's the same reason why gas stations can charge $5 for a sandwich that is bread, a Kraft single of cheese, and a mustard packet. You're paying for convenience.
That shit is for the people who "don't have time" to prepare something proper. Broken people who can't think ahead, basically.
What an achievement
Sure it's probably pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, but those prices man, it's five time cheaper.
Didn't even know they had different % ones... Gotta go to DM again more often, thanks mate
Wtf I pay 14€/kg
>2 times
The eternal german never rests you know. The third time seems to be the charm for the kraut.
99% of "Germans" on Veeky Forums are Sandniggers
yeah and all "American" posters are 40% white scooter drivers
>Muh hormones
Still better than paying an arm and a leg for a chicken breast.
Even Whole Foods, top-tier organic meat isn't that expensive.
Veeky Forums is probably one of the most multi-ethnic boards while simultaneously being one of the most homoerotic.
Your true colors and lust for BBC are showing, fascuck.
Where the fuck do you live?
>t. snickers employee
it clearly says there's 200,000 calories right on the label and only 350 carbs
are you stupid?
gj meming protien Veeky Forums, now all the pleb cucks will be built under thier pillows of clinical obesity
the fuck?
>shopping for cream cheese and yogurt
>look at label
>200 calories, 3g of protein per serving
marks has a counter where they put the nearly out of date stuff the posh nobs won't touch with their pretty fingers
Norway, and the average wage is similar to that of America so we're not all millionaires
Eat greek yogurt it's not hard.