Historically speaking in what way is President Trump like the dictator Joseph Stalin? Some Senator resisting the Trump dictatorship said that because Trump called the American Media the enemy of the people he compared it to the dictator Joseph Stalin. That's scary that our president is taking talking points from a mass-murdering dictator like Stalin. So what are some similarities and differences between the Trump regime and the Stalin regime? Discuss.
>hur dur pol is that way. Enjoy your ban faggot. Saged and reported xD
Historically speaking in what way is President Trump like the dictator Joseph Stalin...
Both took 2 scoops
If he sends his own son to a death camp instead of pardoning him, then yes Trump will in fact be just like Stalin
Lol what idiot compared Trump to Stalin.
>Historically speaking in what way is President Trump like the dictator Joseph Stalin
No, otherwise Clinton would be ACTUALLY in jail and Soros would be killed by fucking icepick.
> American Media the enemy of the people
Trump, literally, has stated the political equivalent of "2+2=4". It doesn't make him literal Stalin. Hell, media and journalism is considered "Second oldest profession" specifically because of their "total unbias".
>So what are some similarities and differences between the Trump regime and the Stalin regime?
Trump doesn't kill rich faggots that are whoring off USA and subverting it to degeneracy.
Trump is an opulent media mogul.
Trump will rather save his ass and his family instead of willing to sacrifice them for the sake of the nation.
>hurr durr every leader who is authoritarian, anti-social and narcissistic is the same
A Republican.
At least comparing him to Stalin is a welcome change of pace from always Hitler and Nazis.
he deported millions
If this is accurate, I'm waiting on Steve Bannon to get icepicked.
I don't agree he's like Stalin verbatim, but if you look at the context of the comparison you can see where the senator (I forget his name and am too lazy to google it) was trying to illustrate. He only criticizes media sources which report on subject matter that doesn't support his ideological narrative. Presidents aren't supposed to comment on the media, they are suppose to be impartial. You didn't see Obama attacking Fox News despite they're relentless attacks on him and his party. Stalin and Trump are similar in the sense they are directly attacking dissenting opinions and using political capital to propagandize the populous in pursuit of his goals. Even tho it wouldn't be the fist time American politicians have have tried to change public opinion in the past, never have they done it in such a directly subversive and unethical way.
If ussr had mexicans i doubt stalin would pledge them amnesty from immigration law
He'd do what he did with all the minorities in Russia essentially and deport them to Central Asia or Siberia. Would be pretty funny tho if instead of sending Mexicans back we sent them all to live in the Alaskan wilderness in internal exile.
to save quintillions
retarded comparison as expected from brainlet US senators
Trump is nothing compared to Stalin not only in terms of absolute power but also in sharpness, knowledge and dedication
The statement was designed to be in brainlet liberal news websites and has nothing to do with reality
>That's scary
Are you a faggot? Or am I reading too far into leftist larping joke?
By "faggot" you mean resistance fighter and someone who knows about the history of tyrants and dictators, yes I am proud to be one of the "faggots" resisting the Trump regime. His attacks on the press like Washington Post, CNN and other reliable news sources that uses facts and logic instead of emotion is more proof that Trump is following the footsteps of dictators like Stalin and Saddam. I have never seen a president call the press "enemies of the people" using Stalinist language.
They're just both ego driven autocratists with a loose grip on the basic nature of reality. Not really much in common ideology wise, other than a seeming lack of commitment to the shit that comes out of their mouths.
Why is he compared with Stalin? Did Trump win single handedly the II WW and achieve the biggest GDP growth ever experienced by a nation in history or what?
Jeff Flake is just dumber than a sack of hammers. Like most people from Arizona.
You're larping a little too hard. This isn't reddit.
Both seem pretty imperialist.
That's about it.
"fuck off, america first"
"fuck off, we will assimilate"
>"fuck off, we will assimilate"
Please pretend my shitty borg=soviet joke was less trash
I don't care if this isn't reddit or not. I go on r/politics all the time and it's scary to see our so-called president behaving like Stalin and using Stalinist phrases out the old Soviet Union. It's freaky that Americans voted for a fascist and a dictator in the White House.
Seriously here at Veeky Forums we have actual discussions. Now stop being a faggot and base your statements on reality.
How is it scary in any way for anyone with an IQ above room temp?
"yeah, I really like the color red. Let's kill those who don't"
"yeah, I really like the color red. Let's paint some stuff red"
Look at that spooky language similarity and identical goals. Oh, wait...
>It's freaky that Americans voted for a fascist and a dictator in the White House.
You're a faggot.
he called CNN reliable, he's obviously joking
>he's obviously joking
But I asked him if he was larping and he said no. Who would just lie like that?
In what ways are Obama and Idi Amin similar?
hes Lenin though
Who ever wrote that article comparing Trump to Lenin is an idiot.
Same goes to you as well. You're an idiot and the OP is an idiot.