Why does it feel so good when you consume alcohol shortly after a workout?

Why does it feel so good when you consume alcohol shortly after a workout?

You should be sipping alcohol before and during exercise, after isn't really necessary. Personally I prefer to sip on a delicious mix of monster/ alcohol.

>not sipping corner shop cheep brand energy drink that looks like unhealthy piss

Not gonna make it

>that first sip and jager
It's delicious tßh try it out sometime la

Your brain gets tired and frustrated and wants a drink.

Your muscles get tired and torn and want a drink.

>drinking alcohol anywhere near the time of working out

fucking lol

read up on why your liver preoccupies itself with filtering alcohol before processing proteins before you make a thread on Veeky Forums complaining about no progress

like you have any clue about how the liver functions cuckboy

>literally no correct answers yet

Working out increases dopamine, so does drinking. It's like why drinking and smoking weed work well together.

about as bro science as it gets

I'm not familiar with the label but that's literally why it feels good. Alcohol also works on GABA so it makes you relax and releases inhibitions, a good contrast to the worked up state you were in while working out.

Bro science

Feel free to give a non-bro science explanation fuckstick.

Because you're a filthy degenerate addict.

Alcohol makes you feel good by stimulating GABA receptors in the brain. They are literally 'i don't give a fuck' receptors. You can also stimulate them with benzos so if you like your health and alcohol just get xanax instead and you won't poison yourself.

>implying benzos are somehow safer than booze

Honestly I feel like puking when I combine both to slightly above moderate levels especially with the lights out and lying down. I get the spins.

Not safer if you take them to your limit the way people drink. But if you discipline yourself to only take 1mg to achieve the same effects as a night of booze then they will do literally no damage to your body. The problem is that since they do no damage people just take heaps and get super addicted because they are more addictive than heroin. But then so is alcohol, it just poisons you too so that forces you to take less.

explain how they are not?

Booze before grass - you're on your arse.

Weed before booze - never lose.

>not drinking Crowtein or Fight Milk
There's no hope for you

Much easier to just down a bunch of pills than strong drinks or several beers.

Happens to a lot of people.

Requires discipline to control.

You are right it is easier. thats why i mix my 1mg xanax servings with chilli water. I personally use 1 part pepper spray to 20 parts water but if you can't get your hands on mace you can get hot sauce or chilli pace. If you make it gross you will take less and you don't poison yourself like alcohol. It's win win.

>Why does it feel so good when you consume alcohol

because you're consuming alcohol

Beer before bud - you're in the mud
Bud before beer - you're in the clear

Lol that's pretty brilliant.

so lack of willpower makes them less safe even though they dont fuck your body up the way alcohol does? also calroies

Lol thanks. Still gotta be careful with all benzos. Can have panic attacks, feeling like you're insane, seizures and death. Same as alc withdrawal though. Everything in moderation.

You say potato. I say potato.

consuming literally anything feels good after a workout

Yeah but if you have no discipline every enjoyable substance is unsafe.

....No it's because it's physically easier to take more benzos than alcohol. Benzos absolutely fuck up your body, the only difference is calories. Your liver and mind take the same effects, you can still get physically addicted.

Your mind has the same effects but you are fucking retarded if you think 1mg of xanax will have the same effect as 100mls (approx 800,000mg) of alcohol.

It is easier to take more benzos specifically because they don't take a toll on your body.

Specifically talking about liver sorry.

Why does it feel so good consuming alcohol in general?

Read the thread. Gaba receptors.

uh im fucking diesel and also an full time alcoholic and all natural sooo

Your glorious Viking ancestors bred it into you.