god tier: AoE2, Vicky 2, Total War Rome
great tier: CK2, Total War Empire, Total War Shogun 2
ok tier: EU4, HoI4
shit tier: any historical FPSs, Civ 6
bonus comfy tier: AoE3 and 1, all other civs
god tier: AoE2, Vicky 2, Total War Rome
great tier: CK2, Total War Empire, Total War Shogun 2
ok tier: EU4, HoI4
shit tier: any historical FPSs, Civ 6
bonus comfy tier: AoE3 and 1, all other civs
Man, that screenshot looks nice. Is it from one of the new expansions for AoE2?
hoi 3 vs hoi 4 discuss
I want to give dominions thrones of ascension an honorable mention for being packed with every kind of myth from history
>AoE2 and no cossacks
I kinda wish Vicky 3 (if they ever made it) just got rid of the bizarre, broken POP mechanics and teleport economy, but deep down inside I know the game wouldn't be half as fun without them.
Probably a reskin mod.
Exceedingly normie opinion at the moment, but i'd like to nominate the Witcher series for it's comfy European folklore
Silent Hunter 3 and 4
Il-2 Sturmovik
HoI 2 + Darkest Hour
Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm
Steel Panthers WaW
Close Combat
Vicky 2
HoI 3
AoE 1+2
Total War series
Operation Flashpoint
EU 4
Civilization (any of them)
War Thunder
World of Tanks
Company of Heroes
Verdun / Tannenberg
World in Conflict
Call of Juarez
HoI 4
Valiant Hearts
Battlefield 1
Far Cry Primal
Assassin's Creed
Move HoI4 to shit
5 being in real time sounds interesting
What did you expect? Dude didn't even have Medieval 2.
What are the inaccuracies in Cossacks?
Ptolemaics vs Seleukids
great diadochi anime rivalry or greatest diadochi anime rivalry
it's literally 2.50$ during sales or you can pirate it
and you only need one mod to make it timeless
Why don't people like EU4? I got all the Paradox games in a bundle but that's the only one I've played so far since the time period seemed most interesting. I did the latest start so I could try to have Napoopan conqured Russia.
I started Victoria II for a bit as France too but haven't gotten far.
Or is this just your usual nostalgia goggles where everyone likes the older version of X until the new X comes out and now the older one is suddenly a classic?
This definitely happened with Civ 2 and 3.
Would even verdun be considered shit?
EUIV is completely raping historical accuracy, plus nowadays your every 3rd ruler is a female because progress
>EU4 is completely raping historical accuracy
>pic related is from some dumb mod
>complains about female rulers because "muh progress"
I don't really like EU4 but you're a moron.
why is civ 6 in shit tier? im playing it right now and I enjoy it, its pretty much just as good as civ 5
i think by historical he means stuff like the new cod of duty
i refuse to believe there's anyone who hates rising storm or red orchestra
>I did the latest start
Should... should we tell him, guys?
what, i just have visual and extended timeline mods, nothing that could anyhow cause reinessance starting in Beijing
>complains about female rulers because "muh progress"
I wouldn't mind them if it was exceptional like it was in actual history, but its literally every 3rd ruler.
In real life, France never had a solo queen and Austria only had Maria Theresia.
In EUIV you get female heir as France after twenty years of playthrough.
Its even more fucking annoying since females usually lose any personal unions and also imperial title, so playing as Austria as emperor is literally impossible.
Hoi4 is for normalfags
Hoi3 is for autistic faggots who spend 3 hours planning an assault on a minor nation
>i just have visual and extended timeline mods, >nothing that could anyhow cause reinessance starting in Beijing
Connect the dots.
>actually thinks rulers follow some historical lines and it's not a sandbox where dynasties can freely go extinct
>complains about Austria being hard
Just stop playing EU4.
>Rome Total War
>Not babby's first Total War
>Empire Total War
>Not biggest embarrassment from CA
>video games here
Empire Earth
>no rise of nations
guys, imagine a civilization+hearts of iron type of game, BUT everyone gets to create their own country? You get to choose what sort of government it has, what sort of leader it has, even design you own flag.
Theres really only one reason why Veeky Forums doesn't like EU4 and if you have posted here for more than 6 months you would know.
This whole site is built on being as contrary as possible. Before that game got hot, a lot of 4channers loved it. Because it's a fun game that is pretty nerdy, and normies didn't play it because it was too complex.
As the game started catching on, normies discovered the learning curve was really not that difficult and started playing. Before long it was the most popular grand strategy game.
Posters of Veeky Forums have a complex severely insecure ego that can't handle liking anything that normies do. They immediately started hating the game. They have turned to other insanely deep and complex games that takes 100 plus hours to learn and pretend they love it (or the more likely, they talk about these games they don't even play) all to spite normies.
I played Austria 1440-1570 so far and have never had a female leadership.
There is a Women in History DLC that comes with base. Just uncheck it. Wala!
You fucktards putting Total war above EUIV are fucked in the dick.
>he doesn't play DeI
Age of Hegemony mod
The ones I played:
Crusader kings 2>age of empires > total war medieval 2 >other various total wars >>>>>civilization
/gsg/ hated EU4 before it even came out.
if they did it's only because the rest of Veeky Forums played it. there used to be ongoing threads on /pol/ about it. and /b/ and other boards.
even last year there was eu4 threads on /gsg/. but i didn't start visiting that board till last year. but they end up banning eu4 talk because too many normies played it so i quit going there. it's all to be contrary. i'd bet that 90 percent of the posting in the /gsg/ threads aren't even playing those games.
>not going for the patrician's choice
Shogun 2 is by far the best in the Total War franchise
Prove me wrong
>posting year old footage
>using missile cav for charging
>charging into one of the best units of the game, that has a morale bonus, resistence to flanking, and an even BIGGER morale bonus by being the general unit
>this is before the mod creators figured out how to unfuck the melee defense and flanking system so they actually worked
You gotta try harder than that.
>i'd bet that 90 percent of the posting in the /gsg/ threads aren't even playing those games
Well you wouldn't be wrong, but it's more that vic 2 is the dominant game of the general and they dislike any streamlining of their games, something they perceived as happening when EU4 was compared to EU3. EU3 was actually a popular game in the early days of the general.
Saw an user posting his CK2 Roman Empire and so I decided to do the same since its been years since I played it myself. It is extremely tedious and boring playing a large Empire.
I started as a Latin culture fellow, its present as the local Italian culture for the Papal States in this mod. Eventually painting the map "Latin" was more interesting than anything else.
I frequented /gsg/ when Paradox first showed footage of EU4, they hated it before it came out and before it was ever "popular" which is a joke because Paradox games aren't popular.
Listen to this man.
Also, if you prefer HoI3 or HoI4 to Darkest Hour, you are a Veeky Forums casual and do not belong here.
Forgot to mention. General units have bonus hitpoints and wedge formation is shitty to use because of the matched combat with the engine effectively making it so only the first couple units get the charge bonus and engage properly. So to gather some more memes for your future shitposting.
not popular for all normies. but the most popular of the gsg games and thats why they can't stand it. it's just popular enough normies know of it
Also, there is a DH mod called Edge of Darkness, simulating the rise of Hitler, his consolidation of power and rearmament, all the way from 1933. That's probably peak historical accuracy of any HOI game. It's as good as it gets.
Includes historical events as well as many alternate ones like pic related.
oh and steam just released their top 100 sellers from last year and eu was on it so enough people know about it. ck2 or hoi or any of the other autistic games didn't make it. if they ever do, then /gsg/ will hate them.
I witnessed the games release the the reaction it caused in /gsg/, they hated it because it was completely bare bones on release compared to EU3, it poisoned the well for a lot of people in the same way Rome 2 did on release. Stellaris, CK2 and HOI4 are all in the top 100 list for 2017 what are you talking about?
First, the biggest flaw: 171(ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ONE) DLCs. I don't like the mechanics personally. I don't enjoy it's lack of random interesting shit going on, it's moslty the same outcome, every state, inclding the africans westernize quickly, with little difficulty, and playing anything but a major nation is getting you nowhere.
>Total War Rome
its Rome Total War
the new total war naming convention can suck my cock
In the base game the renaissance is HARD CODED to spawn in fucking Italy
Adding onto this, female rulers are nowhere near that common in my experience, and even so you can just disinherit
Also, play MEIOU desu
/gsg/ mainly hated it on launch due to being bare-bones as hell, butbyou can just use CreamAPI to get them free
It still has shit DLC practices but I personally like it, fully understand why people wouldn't though (much more gamey, casualised in many aspects, etc)
nice list you fucking normie faggot
Are you people serious? You actually find EU4 difficult?
The game is linear as shit. Once you have a functional economy, just ally your rivals rivals and blob. This works for literally any nation.
The thing that always bugged me about the civilization series was how static its histories become. The same 7 or so civilizations exist for thousands of years without ever crumbling into successor kingdoms or being swept over by barbarian hoards. The fact that my city could build a granary, a unit of warriors, or a barracks, not all not at the same time, just seems like contrived mechanics. Great wonders imbue magical powers and one civilization invariably ends up hoarding most of them. It just never seems to really capture the dynamic movement of history, whoever wins the land grab wins the game so nothing like, say, Alexander’s conquest of Persia and the subsequent fissuring into diadochi states who get conquered by newcomers like the Romans and Parthians is ever possible, smaller states are permanently at the mercy of larger ones.
The one place where this formula actually worked plausibly was Alpha Centauri, a civ spin-off about humans colonizing a virgin planet while trying to manage each other’s ideological differences and takes place over the course of hundreds, rather than thousands of years
Assassin's creed origins
Battlefield 1
>last 25 years
pick one
People don't play Civ for historical accuracy though. You are right about SMAC though, the faction differences were much better done there.
I challenge any of you to name some titles that aren't an RTS and aren't pixelated ancient shit-tier graphics. Oh wait you can't can you?
No Mount and blade?
Half the titles in that list don't fit either of those criteria, dumbass.
I wouldn't call that a historical game.
>shit tier
It's because the mechanics are fun and it's what people are used to. All that other shit wasn't feasible in 1991.
>if they did it's only because
They didn't, you're being baited.
>In EUIV you get female heir as France after twenty years of playthrough.
This is not impossible but highly improbable. France starts with the King and heir that they had in 1444 IRL. Charles VII and his conniving son whose name I forget. In order to get a female heir "in 20 years" as France Charles VIIs son would have to die before him and then he gets a daughter. Either that or Charles VII son (Louis XII I think) would have to die at the age of 20 then Charles VII dies then a female comes. In certain countries there is a 5% chance of a female being the only legitimate heir.
In short, you are talking out your ass. If you want to go on about SJW influence in EU4 then you can talk for years about how Islam is the ultimate religion and gets you your techs and institutions faster than Western Europe when in reality it is backwards barbarism that holds any sort of research or scientific method as "heresy".
I enjoyed tw3
Empire is NOT a great game
Not historical unless modded
Play Ryse and Fall then.
The idea behind it is. Same with Victoria 2.
What fucking stupid shit is this? I don't play a game and say "Man that game was executed really poorly but it had neat ideas." You don't an "A" for effort.
Never really liked Age of Empires 2. All the units are European and it doesnt feel like I'm playing different cultures,
Hope when they updated it they did what Rise of Nations did where cultures might share the same unit (i.e. spearman) but have different skins per culture.
AOE 3 blows them all off the water
>Steel Panthers WaW
ok, this man knows what he is talking about
>Dude lets make a series known for its international setting Americacentric.
AoE3 was a fucking disappointment.
They failed in defining their scope on top of bad engine implementation
>Being this wrong
The main thing that literally ANY eu3 player hates about eu4 is the mana system, it's the reason the game is so easy, the way it ties into technology, expansion, and literally everything in the game.
Has anyone mentioned Mount & Blade or Holdfast, yet? I've recently bouth Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars, and was wondering how that ranked here in game quality and historical accuracy.
How come no one likes HoI 4?
The Wargame series is literally cold war historical military autism, the level of details, variety and realism is pretty much unique to it, if you mention world in conflict you must mention wargame.
AI is extremely retarded and the game lost a ton of depth from HoI 3. While the new production system is generally agreed as better than the old, the AI is also better, but the HoI 3 AI was scripted to fight a traditional ww2, and when that happened (every time except with player intervention) it worked well. On the topic of traditional ww2, theres also a ton of dislike about hoi4 going too far in being ahistorical. Personally i believe hoi4 will become good enough to be objectively better than hoi3 in around 2 years.
>he doesn't play HOI3 with HPP
I'm okay with EU4, since it was my first GS game, but it's hard to deny that the only real way to play is to blob like a mad man (or at least until you're large enough to survive a war with a serious power), since there really isn't a whole lot to do in peace time other than to develop land and to improve relations.
Also, mana is broken and you either end up in situations where you will never have enough for certain starts, or if you deliberately be cheap and play a large power/get large, you have more than you know what to do with and hit the cap regularly.
It doesn't help that without the Content Packs (or at least Art of War and Common Sense) the base game is borderline unplayable in Europe and completely unplayable outside it.
>all these EU4 posters
dude I LOVE the new Paradox games!!!!
All that DLC really adds to the game to make it super EPIC
You don't HAVE to pay for it you know, just like Paradox doesn't have to make it mmkay?
Panzer general, both I and II are fuckin great
> A world where Finland, Yugoslavia, and Israel are the dominant military powers.
k senpai.
Who /americanconquest/ here?
>tfw it won't run on Windows 10 no matter what I try
Listen, just buy red orchestra 1 and install the darkest hour mod for free.
best ww2 online shooter there is.
>ooooooeeeerrr it's dead!
no it's fucking not. so do your part and make sure people play it.