So is starting strength a meme or not?

So is starting strength a meme or not?

I'm doing the Reddit PP and are stronger than most of the Starting Keks here who spend the same time lifting

starting strength is a meme is a meme

thats a meme

I'm doing SS and am stronger than most of people spending 6/7 days a week doing reddit PPL who have liftet for the same amount of time

>going to the gym twice the numbers of times to hit your muscles with less frequency than a full body split

I'm only going 4 days since I'm just doing Squats twice a month, because I don't have leg and are heterosexual.

Kinda. It's more about getting people into the habit and used to training. Definitely not meant to be a long-term program

an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

it fits that definition pretty well.

as far as it's merit as a program, it will serve beginners well. it's not the only program that's good for beginners, but it is a good one.
