/PLG/ Powerlifting General

Welcome to /PLG/ - penis lickers general

Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, etc.

If you unironically use the words "mental illness" and "degenerate" to describe other posters, then please stay outside of this general. /PLG/ Thanks you!

>Official Website:

>The official pastebin

>How to deadlift by some fat dude
youtu.be/tfYez7-h55c [Open]

>How to be a great deadlifter by IPF ATHLETE MIKE TUCHSCHERER
youtu.be/hlBMGsRly1c [Open]

youtu.be/J2p5IcvT8JY [Open]

>How to lowbar squat by IPF ATHLETE JONATHAN CANDITO
youtu.be/7fmrKmJMQnw [Open]

>How to set up for the Squat
youtu.be/nfWlot6h_JM [Open]

youtu.be/593esHz-Oqo&list=UU2AylXQjX_qvxfesfBOYq5A [Open]

>How to build a big bench by IPF ATHLETE CONNOR LUTZ pt 2
youtu.be/XrVZqPkgdXo&list=UU2AylXQjX_qvxfesfBOYq5A [Open]

>How to bench press by some weak dude
youtu.be/_V189hK85BI [Open]

>/plg/ atlas
zeemaps.com/map?group=1252009&location=United States&add=

Other urls found in this thread:


first for trappy is a degenerate with mental illness

Sheiko Programs:

Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

Intermediate Medium Load

Intermediate Large Load

Advanced Medium Load

Advanced Large Load

Guide to Lifting Shoes:

All of the shoes described below are great, including the cheapest options.
Heel height is personal preference.

Remember to look for sales. They're very common.

Based Lith

You've been visited by sheiko the gains grandpa
Post "trappy get out" in this thread

or this is the year you snap your shit up

Winning me over a little Tbh

Which are the cheapest ones?
Also, any idea where I can get somein mexico?
Come on, help an hermano por favor.


trappy get out

Trappy get out

Crepitus? My knee had popping noises last summer and they went away with time.


The cheapest one of all is the VS Athletics.

It's the shoes NORRIS uses for almost a decade. That says enough about their quality.

trappy get out!

Poor little white guy


the Wei-Rui Zen are on sale for $50 instead of $100. Worth?

Trappy get out!!!!!!!

I've only heard good things about the Warrior, never seen or heard about the Zen.

However, the Athletics VS is on sale for even less than 50 bucks, and is the shoes Jesse Norris has been using for almost a decade, in competition and in training!

trappy get out

trappy trip on

Trapo pls go and stay go

>20 posts in

Guess who's the only person talking about lifting?

Guess who fucked it up last time and always causes shit

Trappe pls go

21 posts and 10 posters

trappy a samefag

>TFW you don't care enough about powerlifting to find out more about friendly good or chaotic good

Friendly good pls be my friend and chaotic good, pls don't be a trap and then date me.


Lith and PRutus and the rest of you.

You posted 5 already in this thread, teapot posted 4 helping the guys. So there's only 1 possible samefag.

Chaotic good is trappy-chan aka

My girlfriend sucked my dick before I went to the gym today. Busting a nut caused me to loose a lot of much needed energy.

While I was deadlifting my last rep, my form went to shit and I accidentally scooped the barbell under my penis. This caused me to lightly squish my penis. No damage was done to my penis, but it still hurt enough for me to go to the bathroom and check to see if there was any swelling.

Lesson learned, no sex before the gym.

>pls don't be a trap

Trip on degenerate


I intentionally avoid jerking off at least a few hours if not the whole day before lifting heavy

need the edge of horniness to be at 100%

shoo shoo trannychan

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?

What does your post have to do with Powerlifting again?


Hi /plg/ I'm the 65/50/70 guy from last night, not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes:

I started SS today and i did
40 for squats
37.5 for bench
50 for deadlift
For 3x5

My legs are really weak. my butt rises up first when i squat (i went ATg/lower than parallel) , and at the initial pull for deadlifts my hips/right quad sort of moves inwards and it feels weird. I had no problems pulling it up when i got past that stage though

Should I go lower with the weights and work on form or will i miss out on the 'beginner gains'?

Ps when i warmed up with the bar my form looks okay with the hip drive for squats and deadlift. I have no video because i went by myself but i think i can get someone to film me during the next visit

Max reps on the last set of every workout for the big 3 is fun as

Just got to keep the rpe and form under control

yes, lower it and work on form. record yourself and post here

no, you will not miss out on noob gains in any way

Do a weight you can do with good form then slowly increase from there

Alright thanks guys, will get a video soon on Wednesday!

>yesterdays threads were ultimate comfy
>trappy returns
>threads get absolute garbage

like pottery

they don't have my size :c

Trappy was in yesterday's threads too friendo!

You should start SS with a weight that's moderate and comfortable, not your current max.

Lower it and focus on having perfect form. Then add weight on every workout from there.

You'll get strong fast, grow muscle fast, and avoid injuries.

You guys should edge before going to the gym.

I have a quick 5 minute routine I do before gym.

I think it helps but I still need to do it more to really find out. I can definitely say it doesnt hurt.

trappy get out

>but i think i can get someone to film me during the next visit

Yes please do this

>increasing intra-testiculat pressure before gym for strength enhancement

(citation needed)

trappy get out

There are no studies on this. I am sailing new seas here.

Appreciate what I do or I will stop.

Im not doing this just for me, im doing it for everyone.

upon a little research it seems the only difference is that the upper sole is bicast leather instead of ox leather (when compared to the warriors).

trappy get out

You should be fine then. The Warriors are often recommended and considered excellent for the price.

>not getting the hints


>15 posters
>14 trappy get outs

Someone can't take a hint it seems

I dont see any trapo around here, did he change his username or something?

WELP the questions were all for naught because they are sold out in my size :')))))))
thanks for the help anyway

Adidas Powerlifts are p fuckin sick

Well, the Adidas Powerlift are often for sale as well. Maybe check for those?

actually already have em kek. was just curious about picking up some shoes with a higher heel

If you're feelin real fuckin crazy, you can find a good cobbler who can build you a heel onto your PLs

Power Perfects are also often for sale on ebay and european stores. Not as common in north american though, it's not produced for that market anymore.

DUDE I saw a guy in my gym the other day who was wearing the same pl2's as me but he had probably a good .25inches of extra, black rubber on the bottoms

Was he per chance a gold medal weightlifter?

no! but he was a twink with a hookgrip shirt and squatted more than I expected

Are you doing your part? Vote for Ray Williams as World Games athlete of the year

In this pic we have some very rare shoes, the limited colours of the Adidas PL1s.

Hancott famously has the red and black PL1. He says they're more resilient than the Adipowers, even.

Red Silver -> common
Black Blue -> common
Grey Black -> common
White Orange -> rare af
Cyan Lime -> rare af
Red Black -> rare af

They are so rare you can barely find their pictures AT ALL on google.

I've got the basic bitch blue and white :3

I aint votin for no negro


What's the deal with oly shoes? Why would a powerlifter want to wear those anyway?

Some people benefit from being more upright on the squat.

Me too ;) They're cute af
pic related

Mobility for squats and bench.
Not everyone needs or likes them, specially if they squat lowbar.

For highbar is pretty much a must though.

Some of us have ankle mobility so bad we need them even for lowbar squats, and they're max comfy for benching.

I've been squatting in nike airs the last couple of weeks and tbf squatting feels so much easier in them compared to flat soled shoes, even considering the fact that the sole is rubber. Might have to look into getting me a pair of oly shoes

Don't signal me with paralinguistic respiration you asshole

So do you bring two pairs of shoes to the gym then if you squat and deadlift on the same day? Or do you just pull barefoot?

Give a look at the list at the start of the thread. Some of them are very cheap and very good, like the adidas powerlift, the vs athletics, and the wei-rui warrior.

Either deadlift barefeet, or change into deadlift slippers or chucks/wrestling shoes.

Deadlifting in heels is very rarely a good choice for a powerlifter.

I always have my gym bag with me, and it has both my shoes in it, as well as my belt, wraps, slanger, chalk, etc.

Ray vs Jezza is gonna be HEATED this year. Jez is muuuuch stronger than he was in 2016.

I just noticed how happy the spotter on his right is when he finishes the lift. :)))

Isley says Ray is one of the humblest guys in the scene, and a really nice person.

The two spotters hanging out in the very back are the two that almost killed Kelly.


For those that haven't seen it yet.

Nick? Or someone else?

>My legs are really weak. my butt rises up first when i squat (i went ATg/lower than parallel)

Stop squatting high bar. Stop squatting ATG. Squat low bar to legal depth.

Do video yourself next time if you can, if you'd like more accurate help.

This is good advice. But READ THE FUCKING BOOK first. You can download it off Pirate Bay if you don't want to pay for it.

At least watch the YouTube videos explaining how to do the lifts. You clearly have zero clue what you're doing and you need to leave Veeky Forums to really get one.

But the IPF is a serious and credible fed guys, I swear!

has the huehue trappy claims to be ever posted a shoe-on-head timestamp in this thread or is trappy just some sad lad regurgitating SS knowledge and stealing some girl's facebook pics?

A bit of quick amazon'ing implies most of these are men's shoes. Ignoring the issue that I'd need a size 6 (most brands don't go that small) in men's to have any hope of it fitting, would there be issues wearing men's shoes with female feet?

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19767544 tells me there's non-trivial differences in shape, beyond simple scaling. I wear unisex skate shoes for lifting ATM (knock-off vans), but they're loose enough fitting that I don't think there's any relevant shape differences.

If its a bad idea, any suggested cheap-tier women's lifting shoes?

Can someone tell me how to power clean, i wanna do 2 plate.

90kg here

trappy get out

>Intelligent Neutral

Who is dude weed lmao man?

That spotter is a friend of mine from aus. Dave keong. He spots nearly everything.

Also which button do I have to press for trappy to rim me?

Why is trappy held on a pedestal as if her opinions mean shit? Spare me waifu faggot shit. Give me something that "she's" done that gives her notoriety and respect. Seriously, I see "trappys picks" in the shoe post. Why the fuck should that matter? Who the fuck is "she" and what qualifies her over anyone else with the same amount of "her" basic knowledge?


Raw is such a meme

British Bench Press this weekend lads (equipped for me)

Never posted my stats yet but I've slowly been making progress :))

>OHP: 35lbs
>Bench: 52.5lbs
>Sqwat: 75lbs
>Diddly: 82.5lbs

don't bomb isley

I am giving up powerlifting for this academic quarter lads. I'm doing a PPL bodybuilding routine 6 times a week now.

how weak should i expect to get

I'm opening with an easy weight. 180kg. Same opener as last time



Is PRutus still here? Are you okay?

How is the Navy going?

Did /owg/ died?

Anyway, learn how to rack the bar. You are that dipshit catching the bar with your hands instead of your anterior delts. Just practice unracking the bar in appropriate front squat position (not the bodybuilder style turdery) with some weight on the bar to get the feeling.

Then practice pulling the bar upand catching it on your shoulders. It's going to require a LOT more of elbows "up" and forward than you currently have.

While you're doing that, you can also practice keeping your fucking arms straight when you pull. Your elbows are bending. Locking out and internally rotating your arms at set up can help. By which I mean, making the inside of your elbow joint face more inward and towards you, instead of outward and away in front of you.

Also, get some weightlifting shoes. Adidas Powerlifts are fine.