/gas chambers/

Is there a concise mainstream/official/academic summary posted online about how the holocaust gas chambers were operated on a physical basis (e.g. in terms of physics, economics, medically, etc)?

We can discuss the physics of it ITT but I don't want the thread to be used to debate the existence of the chambers themselves (not to mention that topic is politically charged on this site and therefore more suited to ).

Debating the existence would require looking at the totality of the evidence and interpretations of it, rather than just the physical side for which this thread is for.

>irrelevant to their existence or not, how did these chambers operate, physically?

>put people in room
>lock door
>put Zyklon-B in hatch on top of the room
>burn bodies

debunked. try again, cuck.

Your summary doesn't take into account the need to protect the executioners from contamination.

This is why I asked for an academic source.

Where? I remind you not to post anything that comes from outside the mainstream academia.

If you can't do that then I provided a link (in good faith, I'm not disparaging denial or whatever, I just want questioning the existence of the event to be completely excluded from my thread) for you to discuss it elsewhere.

just because some retarded american says its debunked doesnt make it so, try learning to read and leave your state steven, i promise the world will kill you gently

They wore gas masks.

They had gas masks that they would wear


not an argument

>doesn't take into account the need to protect the executioners from contamination.
stand outside of locked door

No amount of academic sources will convince you when you've already decided not to believe a historical fact.

Stand inside one of the gas chambers, they are still around. It's quite easy to see how it would work.

What you're doing is like asking an oceanographer to prove the ocean actually exists. Like, just fucking look at it. There probably aren't many sources because nobody has really had to prove it before.

Let me guess, you voted for Trump didn't you?


t. cuck

just a heads up posts like this will get you banned on this board

>Stand inside one of the gas chambers, they are still around
I thought they were all recreations because the Soviets chimped out when they arrived?


>back to /pol

But wouldn't there be tons of remnants of the chemical on the clothes of the executioners as well as throughout the stacks of bodies waiting to be cremated?

Yes, but they were trace enough not to harm them.

It was mostly sonderkommandos doing this work, not the German guards themselves. Also they had hooks with which to handle the bodies

So going into it they didn't really care if it would contaminate them too or not? And luckily for them it didn't?

Sonderkommandos loss rates were damn near 100%

Then why do the memes only focus on Soviet infantry being disposable..

Probably because the Germans killed them all every few months

Why were there only chambers in Poland?

There was gassings in Germany too, but on a much smaller scale, it was largely confined to the "euthanasia" program, which did claim the lives of over a hundred thousand people, mostly non-Jews.
The Nazis had at least two good reasons for building the death camps outside of Germany. First, they were easier to conceal from the German people. Given the chaotic wartime conditions in the territory surrounding the Altreich, they were easier to conceal in general. As Richard Brietman pointed out while writing about the so-called "euthanasia" killings:

"It was one thing ... to kill hundreds of thousands of East European Jews on site in the East -- in inaccessible places, with police cordons preventing spectators from attending. It was quite another thing to murder Jews in Germany or Western European countries... "
...The false causes of death reported raised some suspicions, the residents in the vicinity of the gassing centers began to realize what was going on nearby, and other leaks occurred as well. Adverse public reaction and even signs of open protest induced Hitler to shut down the gassing centers ... the euthanasia killings continued in a more decentralized -- and even less noticeable -- fashion. Still, the experience did not generate confidence about the secrecy of killing on a large scale within Germany." ( Breitman, Richard. Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew, New York: Hill & Wang, 1998. pp 69-70)

Second, the vast majority of murdered Jews came from conquered territory to the east and south -- why go to extra trouble to ship them back into Germany?

As i recall it happened somewhat like this

>train gets to camp
>everyone lined up by age
>though mothers get to stay with young children
>everyone between about 16-40ish whose healthy sent one way, to join sonderkommando
>everyone else, the old, young, sick, pregnant, disabled, and mothers of youn children sent for 'de lousing'
>everyone enters gas chamber, some work out what is happening but germans enter gas chamber aswell to reassure people
>once everyones in all guards suddenly leave and lock door
>since room is locked all guards now basically go back to the camp
>truck turns up with poison
>one or 2 officers get out, exact method varies from camp to camp but usually poison is in the form of dust that is dropped down chimminies into the gas chamber
>officers get back in truck and drive away
>30 mins later sonderkommando show up and start removing bodies and taking them to the crematorium

>30 mins later
How do the sonderkommando avoid poisoning? Isn't the gas dispersed from the first chamber?

Fucking prove it. That’s bullshit and you know it.


>prove that the Germans wore gas masks

>hydrocyanic gas is several times more lethal to humans than gas to the order of magnitudes.
>lmao, just give them gas masks they are fine.

You literally know nothing about chemistry, any concentration that could kill lice would certainly kill people as well and render their items pretty unusable for at least until they were cleaned.

They just need to wait for the gas to mostly disperse or be vented out. Human lethal concentration of hydrocyanic gases is roughly 300ppm.

my bad, I thought he was talking about Jews.

>In science and engineering, the parts-per notation is a set of pseudo-units to describe small values of miscellaneous dimensionless quantities, e.g. mole fraction or mass fraction. Since these fractions are quantity-per-quantity measures, they are pure numbers with no associated units of measurement.

Their clothes would've been taken off them before they entered