>18y/o ausfag >had .4btc >got LINK'd to .13btc >still HODLING >10,000 in stocks (wagecuck money) >1,500 in cash >freshman compsci/law student >majoring in cyber security >considered dropping law but scared of being pajeeted in compsci >got new qt 18y/o 7/10 gf >she's had 1 sexual partner >tfw major performance anxiety >had sex for 2-4 minutes last week (1st time) >went limp switching positions >tried again the other night, couldn't even enter..
If anyone else is having this same problem, look up 'death grip syndrome'.
John Bell
Never did it much, 1-2 times a week maybe.
Hudson Reed
>29 >merchant marine officer working offshore, well payed >saved lots of money >have 0.6btc >btc is too expensive to buy >hoping it will crash to buy more
Anthony Price
1st time is always like that mate. Chin up, concentrate on your partner, not yourself. Just let it happen as it's going to happen.
You will inevitably suck at boning your first partner, so just make them happy.
Don't do any sort of porn related stuff for at least a month and apply this at least once a day, it works. You're still young so don't even try using things like viagra. It'll make you quite sensitive.
Wyatt Wood
(the cream will make you quite sensitive, not viagra)
Logan Thomas
Luke King
No. Fuck this. That advice is not for someone that's 18 years old. Jesus.
Performance anxiety is a psychological thing. Laying off porn for a bit will help, but not if you're only jerking off once a week.
OP just needs to keep in the game and concentrate on his partner, rather than what he's doing.
Sebastian Nguyen
>20 >in college for mechanical engineering >no friends but am used to it >hate living with mother >has accused me of some of the cruelest shit >scraping every corner to get out of this hell hole >can't get a job because of unreliable transportation >can't get a license because am in the middle of nowhere and no one to take me to dmv I keep thinking things are going to get better but everyday brings with it more challenges and roadblocks.
Charles Campbell
I didn't finish the first time I fucked a girl. With that said, the second time I managed to get a nice money shot, I think it was just mental anxiety ( I spent too much time psyching myself out the first time I had sex, the second time I gave less of a fuck so I actually manage to enjoy myself)
Jacob Fisher
That's true. It's just another option, should nothing else work.
Bentley Ortiz
Thanks man, really appreciate it. I don't think it's ED, I'm hard for hours when we're making out, 3rd base etc. It's only when the time comes for sex.
Also I just ordered some decent water based lube, she used this jelly shit that felt gross..
You fucking legend! I think I'll get her off first next time, so I don't have to worry about doing well etc.
I'll keep it in the back burner. Thanks
Joshua Reyes
Dude do you wanna some reliable info about how to last more during sex, I'm not gonna lie you I want some BTC back for some info around the internet but you don't know what or where search at
>tfw just hired a high class prostitute for my first time
Not only did it get rid of the first time anxiety, but I explained my situation and she taught me everything I needed to know to not be shit with future girls.
Best teacher ever
Kayden Martin
>18y/o Fuck off you stupid faggot. You have your entire life ahead of you. Stop fucking whining and take charge for once. You aren't a kid anymore.
Luis Turner
Your genetics is getting the signal from its environment to procreate
But its previous environment has been getting a negative signal to live.
To activate the genetics that support procreation, you have to start running on a regular basis, every day.
After a period of time, your genetics will begin expressing survival and competitive genes. It might take weeks, it might take years.
Camden Mitchell
That's a good advice tho
James Johnson
I've started exercising and eating healthier. Is it worth joining a gym?
Colton Flores
I do go to gym, but I will recommend you to go if you feel it like something you want to keep in your life, if not just find the sport that fit into that condition. Going to the gym just for MUH GETTING Chicks is lame
Parker Powell
All sports help to produce testosterone. That a protip. BTW I changed my mind I would like to tell you that info for free but only if you want to hear it.
Julian White
>an australian that uses the word "freshman"
looks like you got burger'd
Jayden Bennett
OP here (phone posting)
Yeah I'd like to hear it
I also finish all my essays with spell check set to "English (American)"
Liam Sullivan
Sorry I went out. Wait a minute
Owen Thomas
Lol I'm also phone posting so I'm slow at the moment. The thing is just to control and exercise one fucking muscle or esfinter which is the responsible of ejaculate. Note when you are cumming that there is contraction on the base of your penis so if you learn how to "squeeze" it you are pretty much controlling when you cum. It's called the kegesl exercices get deeper into it. I used to be shy about the fear of premature ejaculation but I exercised it and tested on a hooker and actually it was amazing. The first time I fucked I finished to fast and it was really disappointing. The rest is up to you. Btw any scraps are welcome 1NcAJYmYBA6BAY3dB5VcNurbfhHaFVYTJW
Liam Harris
the best time to buy is always the past my friend. might as well start now.
Lucas Williams
yeah you're fine. if you are hard for all the foreplay its just all in your head when it comes to sex. Just keep trying at it. No such thing as too much sex for an 18y/o
Christian Taylor