Stop romanticizing white's and Ramonvs (and specially the biggest soyboy himself, Nicholas).
Accept the fact that they were incompetent, unable to educate population, industrialize the country and make it relevant in 20 century world stage and that's why they deserved to die.
Stop romanticizing white's and Ramonvs (and specially the biggest soyboy himself, Nicholas)
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I doubt very much that you could do all that. Does that mean you deserve to die?
it's not the OP's job to do that you dumbfuck
rulers have responsibilities
ok comrade stalin, just let me eat some breakfast first
Kornilov was the dictator Russia deserved. But that retard Kerensky fucked everything up
>The communist revolution was a natural phenomenon and not carefully planned years beforehand by a select (((group))) of people who would eventually rule the country and massacre anyone who got in their way until Stalin replaced (((them)))
Uh yes, it was totally all those evil bad serf things. Nicholas so dumb right? Don't forget to kill the kids too just for good measure, right?
You're right! Damn those laggards Alexei and Anastasia for not modernizing!
>tfw Kornilov/Savinkov compromise never ever
>education is important
>20 century
based mutt bumping good thread
user, if you expect to be taken even semi-seriously (your "thesis is retarded anyway), but you might want to get the proper spelling of the royal house that the Jews murdered-- ROMANOV.
>of the royal house that the Jews murdered
that's not how you spell based latvian rifleman
yeah dude it was definitely the fucking (((((((((((((JOOZZZZZZ))))))))))))
Yeah, no. The Greens where the only good faction, Whites and Reds can go to hell.
There's a great article from the early 1970s (by a Jew) which makes the point that for a traditionally despised minority to be so intricately involved in the murder of the Romanovs was Jewish hubris at its finest.
- The head of the execution squad was a Jew
-They family was kept in the house of a Jew lawyer prior to their execution. When they were murdered, the room in the basement literally had quotes from the Talmud framed on the walls
-2 of the 3 signatures of their death warrant were Jews. Lenin was only 1/4th Jew, but had a Jewish wife with whom he spoke Yiddish.
-The local Soviet that was chosen for their captivity and subsequent murder was chosen precisely because it was an area in the Urals with a heavy Jewish presence and thus it was correctly assumed that they'd have no problem murdering and allegedly raping the corpses of the Tsarina and at least 2 of the princesses.
the Jews have never faced the music for their role in this. I truly hope that someday they do, since (as Putin remarked a few years ago) Jews composed 85%-90% of the top Soviet butchers, in particular heading gulags. Lazar Kagnovich was accused by Khrushchev at the 20th party conference of having murdered over 20 million Russians via various methods, including the Holodomor.
Did he deny the charges? No, he simply responded 'your hands are not clean, either." And he was allowed to live to his entire life in peace and luxury, and the Jews resort to tracking down and imprisoning men in the mid-late 90s who allegedly were bookkeepers for a time at a Jew work camp. Also, new laws in Cus congress to try to allow the Jews to will EVEN MORE from european nations, ''when nd how does
>Whites and Reds can go to hell.
user, may I ask your level of Uni-level education on this matter? The Whites and the Cadets were genuinely heroic and brave men, trying to save their nation. It drives me insane when people comment without the least insight into the Russian revolution, which is among the most complex topics of the 2-th century. Having spent the better part of the last 15 years studying it (first as a UG, then briefly working toward my Masters before switching over to LS, then as a hobby).
>unable to educate the population and industrialize the country
but the romanovs were actively industrializing the country, user. And he just continued lenin's education programs.
Interesting can you give me your source
>make it relevant
Yeah, solely as a social experiment of what a real life dystopian society would look like.
>educated the population
>can you give me your source
I' e been trying to recall the name of tha article for quite some time. If you have a general interest in the Jewish role of Bolshevism, highly recommend to you Solzhenitsyn's book "200 years.
I really wan tto find that article, haven't been since grad school and it made some remarkable points. Amazingly, a JEW realizing and even admitting his tribe's guilt in what was by far the most murderous doctrine
The problem with Nicholas is he was the worst of both worlds when it came to monarchy. The guy LOVED to micromanage literally everything, but then he would also enjoy just fucking going off on vacation causing the entire nation to screech to a halt because he was micromanaging everything.
The February revolution was actually the Masons.
yes, a certain (((group)))
Friendly reminder that Russia in the four decades prior to WWI had seen some of the most intense industrialization, modernization and urbanization in history and this was all derailed by Bolshevism
>kill 40 million of your own people
>set back heavy and light industry by more than a decade
>use the Imperial 30 year infrastructure plan but take 50 years to accomplish it
>never succeed the target goals of the 5 year plans you set yourself
>two of Russia's worst famines ever a decade apart despite having prime soil and a massive workforce
>destroy anything that looks like freedom or culture
The Romanovs are practically board culture now
stalin is still very popular in russia, it's only buttmad anticommunist exiles and fascist liars that worship the czars
>The case for the success of the Russian economy becomes much weaker when structural change is analyzed. About three-quarters of the population were peasant farmers in 1913 —scarcely down from the 1861 level. Conversely, the proportion of Russians living in towns of 5000 or more increased from about 6 percent in 1800 to 7 percent in 1850 and reached only 14 percent in 1913 (Bairoch 1988, pp. 221, 290). The population statistics show little evidence of structural transformation. It is the same story when GDP is broken down by sector of origin (Table 2.1). Agriculture accounted for 59 percent of the economy in 1885, and its share only slid to 51 percent in 1913. At the same time, the industrial share rose from 6.6 percent to 14.9 percent, thus taking up the slack and matching the growth in the urban population. Russia was developing a modern economy, but the pace was glacial.
>The central role of agriculture is even clearer in Table 2.2, which shows the growth rates of the sectors and their absolute contributions to the rise in real output. Agricultural production doubled, and the large size of the sector meant that its expansion accounted for 45 percent of the growth in the whole economy. Since grain was the main cargo of the railroads and since the wholesaling of grain was a major activity of the trade sector, agriculture probably accounted for over half of the growth in the Russian economy. Light industry and handicrafts accounted for another fifth of the growth, with cotton textiles accounting for much of that. Finally, heavy industry and construction, which were at the center of the investment process, accounted for almost another fifth.
While nostalgia for the soviet union clocks in at a little bit over half of the population I question how many of the Stalin admirers like him for his actual political goals or just that while he was in power Russia was strong. Russians tend to have a sort of fixation on that above other things.
>The Whites and the Cadets were genuinely heroic and brave men, trying to save their nation
Who the fuck cares how brave they were or if they kissed babies or not. The nation they were trying to preserve was a decrepit monarchy that had long proven itself incapable of meeting even the basic needs of its subjects. Better to burn the entire fucking thing down then wait for these pampered assholes to get things in line. The whites either had material gain in mind or were rubes. They deserved the bullet either way.
>decrepit monarchy that had long proven itself incapable of meeting even the basic needs of its subjects
A-are we talking about the USSR?
>pampered assholes
Read the Romanov diaries. I don't know you, but I'm confident you're fairly spoiled in comparison to the standard they set themselves to.
Whatever you think of the replacement, the present wasn't worth preserving.
And yeah no shit, anyone middle class in the first world essentially lives like a king if we go back even a century. The opulence and pageantry that maintained the monarchy was not resources well-spent considering the material reality of the underclass they rested atop of.
>anyone middle class in the first world essentially lives like a king if we go back even a century
That's not what I meant. They seem to have had a very disciplined, though not quite stoic, mentality of how they should be and especially how they should present themselves.
>Whatever you think of the replacement, the present wasn't worth preserving.
The USSR put Russia on a far worse trajectory. There's no question about that.
kornilov fucked it up himself. A dictator has to prove his mettle by seizing power and keeping it. Kornilov failed tremendously and that is entirely his fault that kerensky outfoxed him.
Again, why do these personal traits actually matter? Who cares what decorum the Romanovs cultivated if the reality of their rule was famine and war? This defense of the monarchy is basically celebrity culture.
>The USSR put Russia on a far worse trajectory. There's no question about that.
There's PLENTY of question about that. You act like this is a solved problem of history.
why is alexei dead in heaven?
not OP but yes, if you send millions of men to their death in a pointless war and you just go to play tennis, you are worse than scum, a bullet in the head is a mercy for you
>the romanovs are fucking spoiled brats
>okay they're not spoiled brats but they dindu well cuz food and war
>oh the USSR gave them the two worst famines they've ever had and constantly pushed them into conflicts with it's neighbors
>the USSR that never fixed the food problem and had to import food from it's chief rival and failed the expectations of the empire before it
>You act like this is a solved problem of history.
Communism permafucked the Russian imperial trajectory. If you haven't realized that yet you haven't learned enough.
>the Tsar started the war
>the Tsar wanted the war
He was too pure for normal heaven so he ascended to an even higher plane where Charlie and Anne and the others dwell.
Don't put concessions in my mouth. I care very little for the personalities of the Romanovs when I said pampered I was referring to the opulence that them and their circle enjoyed in return for utterly incompetent rule.
>but they dindu well cuz food and war
lol, why are you trying to belittle this? Lenin did not inspire people with resentment towards the royal family. His motto was "Peace and Bread", fuck the king, fuck "the nation", peace and bread are what the Romanovs failed to deliver. How good they were as people doesn't matter and neither does it matter for their gun-toting lackeys.
I'm not defending the USSR, but I question by what analysis you can determine that the monarchy would have fared any better.
They werent even real Romanovs
At least post romanovs
Nicky is a good man who didn't deserve his fate.
I can't sanction the murder of children, despite heirs posing a legitimate political threat in exile. But Nicky himself was the most extreme political threat. His very existence was justification for the re-in-statement of the old regime and he had no shortage of political sympathizers compared to the Bolsheviks, who had none. This is why historically nobles have had to be shot.
*or guillotined
>losing the empire your family has carved out for 300 years that spanned Europe and Asia to a bunch of peasants and slum dwellers then having you and your entire line get shot and bayoneted in a dirty room
The weak should fear the strong.
What's this from?
>heaven is a monarchist shithole
send me to hell, please
>as apposed to the democratic shithole you live in right now
If God rules Heaven, then that means Heaven is monarchist. That would make monarchy a divinely inspired political system which rises above the pleb-tier modern peasant trash "oppressed"/equality based political systems.
Check mate, Marxists.
>"Lenin hated what he perceived to be the "bourgeoisie" with a destructive passion that fully equaled Hitler's hatred of the Jews; nothing short of physical annihilation would satisfy him." (pg 728)
Oh, it's another (((historian))). Give me a summary of the book so I don't have to read almost a thousand pages of nuhistory drivel.
>the Germans fighting the Russians are sending money and aid the anti-war Russian communists to weaken the East for Germany's advance
Too bad they got their ass beat by a Jewish soyboy with no military experience despite invading with the USA and Entente on the side of the Tsarists.
>sperging out this much because an off-hand comparison is made with muh based uncle adolf
The (((book))) is very critical of the (((Bolsheviks))). Don't know how much that's worth to you though since you'll completely dismiss it over something like that.
>He doesn't realize that Republicanism was God's plan all along
It's like you are unironically retarded or something. Stop being a degenerate monarchist and accept the awesome virtue of the republic.
God bless you user
He discredits himself as a historian by believing in 70 year old allied propaganda about the Germans. I don't care how much he's critical about the Bolsheviks, it's the little things that make me question his authenticity when discussing history.
Apparently almost every historian save Irving and a few others would be discredited in your eyes then.
politics wouldn't exist in heaven f_ggot
Even I'm suspicious about Irving. History should be objective and unbiased, not some state enforced propaganda. Traditional historians are trash-tier who mislead the public regarding any historical matter. The world isn't as black and white as they make it out to be, one side evil and the others saints who are oppressed for no reason. It's a joke.
virgin republicucks vs Monarchist Chad
>what is Lucifer
Imagine being outfoxed by Kerensky, of all people.
Trotsky's military claim to fame was reorganizing the disparate red guards as a red army, a traditional european army with a red star. It was something anyone with a modicum of military experience could have done. As a battlefield commander, his record is entirely mediocre.
>The Whites and the Cadets were genuinely heroic and brave men, trying to save their nation
Maybe some, but the rest were little more than rambunctious former aristocrats, semi-bandits, and literally insane mongolian warlords.
t. red army commissar
>This is why historically nobles have had to be shot.
You do realize for most of medieval history at least in Western Europe killing people of blue blood was a very severe crime? That's why they were exiled and sent to some distant realm or a monastery.
I also doubt Nicholas had massive support from the population. Remember the time when he ordered troops to fire on protesters demanding better working conditions in St. Petersburg?
>all these rampant kulaks circlejerking over nicholas 2
You know he was like, hands down one of the most incompetent people ever to run a country right? And he got literally cucked by rasputin?
>Stop romanticizing whites
Fuck off SJW liberal cuck, this is a history board not your fucking echo chamber
So should every world leader be shot in the head for starting wars and not caring about the gorillions of dead and wounded? Cuz most of them went and played tennis or bowling afterwards and put the fact that they sent millions to their deaths out of their minds.
You are defending the USSR. You're claiming it's ok that Stalin did what he did to industrialize a backwater nation. Because it's ok to kill millions and feel nothing about it if it's in pursuit of progress?
Yep, I can't believe he ignored the obvious warning signs of an impending German invasion, despite the fact that literally everybody was telling him that Germany was about to invade, and then locked himself in a room for two weeks crying when it turned out that Germans were actually invading. Oh wait, that was Stalin.
But I can't believe that he put a man who didn't believe in Darwinian evolution or natural selection in charge of agriculture and had 3,000 actual biologists arrested for saying that this was bullshit, effectively putting a stop to all agricultural research in Russia for 10 years. Oh wait, that was Stalin.
Can you try harder to be more of a faggot? You're only just peaking the faggotry levels here, we can go higher.
>Locked himself in a room for two weeks, crying
Man of Steel lol
Russia should've made the transition from a monarchy to fascism, much like Italy and several other countries. I think fascism is just naturally suited for Russia.
Instead it went from monarchy to a short-lived SocDem republic and then communism, that's recipe of a disaster. Russian culture is inherently rigidly hierarchical so a soyboy egalitarian nonsense like communism was bound to fail there.
Not an argument
Also bitch as much as you want about stalin, when he died russia was a nuclear armed superpower
When nicky died russia had just suffered the worst military defeat in its history and was beimg torn apart by civil war
Stupid fuckimg kulaks have no idea what constitutes good government
He didn't order them. That was the local commander. Nicky raced back to the city once he heard what retardation had transpired.
>Because it's ok to kill millions and feel nothing about it if it's in pursuit of progress?
Yes, Human advancement above all else.
Your feels be damned, especially if it's just to be manipulative.
Really? Damn, looks like I was wrong. Source?
>Not an bagument
>Calls people kulaks
What kind of stupid bourgeois faggot are you? Do you have a house? Do your parents make a moderate income higher than the absolute lowest in the village? Your parents would be fucking executed as kulaks, user. They would kill your parents and rape your sister just as quickly as you bloviate that Stalin saved Russia. You're not just a bootlicking cuck. You're a suicidal lemming, swallowed up by the most insidious propaganda campaign in human history because of nothing more than your own pathological feelings.
He was a good man, but a bad tsar.
You probably don't imagine yourself being starved or murdered in a pursuit of a """greater good""", right?
Still not hearing any arguments
My parents arent landowning peasants like yours so im having a hard time believeing they would be tried as kulaks, also they wouldnt be stupid enough to burn their grain during a famine, furthermore i dont have a sister.
Shout as much and use as many buzzwords as you like the soviet union is without a doubt one of the greatest and most important srates to grace the face of the earth, furthermore the revolution is still inevitable and when it comes i will bathe in your tears, decadent capitalist swine
>Executes political goes
>Executes thousands of innocent people
>Turns children against their families
>Starves millions
>Slaughters more people just because
>Legislates into law the fact that people have no rights are nothing more than machines by which the Russian Empire will profit (but we're better than those capitalists because reasons)
>Still ignores the warnings that his country is gonna get a severe Kraut infestation
>Only wins by ordering every soldier who is captured or retreats to be sent to Siberia
>But all of this is ok because they stole nuclear secrets from the Americans and used Nazi scientists to develop their own nukes so they can inflict their niggerdry on the rest of the world.
You either don't understand history or are wilfully deluding yourself just to be edgy on an anonymous imageboard. Either way, you fucking suck at it. Try again.
Wouldn't reply again.
>blahblahblah lots of people died
The same happened in literally every indusdrialized country during the process of indusdrialization
Why do people keep pretending that industrializing your country is an actual challenge?
Most western countries pretty much bumbled into it by accident. Don't see why all the dictators make such a big deal of it.
>industrializing is easy
>all the czars flopped at it
>kulaks existing in 2018
How's that LARPing going, JaMarcus?
It actually matters, dipshit. Countries are composed of people. They're divided into useful people, and people like you, who serve no purpose to society and would be cleansed from the gene pool in any rational world. Stalin took it one further by murdering all of the productive people and allowing people like you to exist at the barest minimum for survival, knowing you would develop Stokholm Syndrome on a nearly North Korean level.
When you're too fucking stupid to notice talent and murder most of your scientists and generals, you're forced to fall back on the repression of the populace and suck your own dick until people believe that that's all you needed for a functioning state anyway.
Lol who needs people to not be eating each other and killing babies for their meat? Sounds like a shitty capitalist society! We industrialized and ground up most of our population in the gears of industry and wrote it into law that people have no rights. But we're better than you damn capitalists because you had bad working conditions for like ten years before that changed because people have rights in your countries. We never even NEEDED to fix our shitty working conditions because citizens are stuck in one job till they fucking die!
But they're not serfs anymore so hahahaha dumb capitalists
>You're claiming it's ok that Stalin did what he did to industrialize a backwater nation.
The entire problem with this premise is that it relies that the false assumption that Russia was somehow incapable of industrializing until Stalin came along and magically made factories appear by making enough people die to appease the machine gods. The truth is that Russia was already rapidly industrializing from 1900-1913, and without the Revolution, it would have industrialized even more rapidly than it did in real-life. The Russian Civil War completely destroyed the Russian economy, which is why Stalin had to rebuild everything from scratch in the first place.
The proof is in the numbers. Let's look at the economic growth of Russia from 1900 - 1913. During this period, the Russian economy grew tremendously. Note that in 1913, the Russian economy actually surpassed the German economy. In fact, Russia had the largest economy in all of Europe during 1913. Now look at the values for 1925, and you'll quickly realize that the Revolution set Russia's economy backwards 20 years. The Revolution hurt Russia more than losing WW1 hurt Germany; let that sink in. It isn't until 1938 that Russia comes close to surpassing Germany again.
>The same happened in literally every indusdrialized country during the process of indusdrialization
That's completely wrong. America, Britain, France, and even places like fucking Mexico managed to industrialize WITHOUT committing democide.
So im having a very hard time making out any kind of argument between your swearing and weird examples with no basis in history. On the one hand you condemn stalins murder, but on the other hand you also call for people like me to be killed. It seems like your general point is that stalin failed to indusdrialize the country but pretty much all the historical evodence directly contradicts that statment. Your other point could be (im really not sure what your post was actually about at all let me make that clear) that killing lots of people to indusdrialize the country is not ok, in which case i refer you to my first statment, no country indusdrialized without widespread suffering and brutal loss of life.
You don't seem to realize user. You would be fucking executed if this happened. The niggers and the spics would be the ones rising up and murdering whitey. You would run to them with open arms and they would skin you alive and mount you to the front of their pickup truck.
You're a modern day kulak. You're no better than anyone else because you suck the cock of your oppressor and demand that everyone be as much of a coward as you. You're weak, you're wilfully delusional, and you would not last against a US government killdroid. A Commie "revolution" in America would come to a screeching halt the instant you retards fired a shot.
Can you imagine watching the rest of your Gender Studies classmates getting their heads pierced by an inch long metal flechette, shot directly into the frontal cortex through four walls and a floor? Cuz that's what happens to revolutionaries in today's society. They don't see their own death coming. They don't even get to think about how fucking wrong they are. They hear a little THWIP and it's fuckin lights out.
Please, try this revolution. Please. I'd love to see the stupid expression your facial muscles pull into with a little metal pellet pressing down onto your brain. I'll share it on Facebook and make a funny caption for it. You'll make people smile for the first time ever.
Doesn't it just warm your heart?
>no country indusdrialized without widespread suffering and brutal loss of life.
This is complete nonsense.