B--b--but manlets get no girls :(((

Short & good looking > tall

i am comfortably slaying HBB 7+ sloots every weekend if i want to.

>calling manlets out for their heights, just proves that you never banged a girl in your life OR you're being insecure and try to feel better about yourself by comparing yourself to others by the one aspect in life you're better at

Good face trumps everything yes.

However with that being said, what you buttblasted manlets dont realize tall people gain more money, get quicker promotions and therefore can get facial surgery easier.

You however, will remain 5 ft 5 dwarf

> tall people gain more money, get quicker promotions and therefore can get facial surgery easier

too bad i am a med student and will make more money than you anyway, nigger

>being so insecure that you have to create a thread on Veeky Forums about how you fuck 7/10 chicks

Manlets will never learn

>that face
>good looking
>HBB 7+
More like 3/10 war pigs Tbh

no i am creating a thread calling out every "hurr durr manlet" thread & post (including yours btw)

and how about we see the girls you're banging

girl here - i love guys that are 5'7''. I can look them straight in the eyes and not on their fucking adams apple or nipples. Dont lsten to those lanky creeps! "Short" guys are cute!!!

Samefag lol! They never learn

Whatever you say bro

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