He's possibly one of the greatest military commanders of all time if you consider the possibility of him being an Austrian agent
He's possibly one of the greatest military commanders of all time if you consider the possibility of him being an...
I will never understand people who post watermarked stock photos on imageboards.
You wouldn't be albe to understand my intelligence anyway
I will never understand people who put watermarks on historical photographs
wtf is with everyone on this board always posting obscure historical figures and not including any name, region, or time period for those who don't immediately know? Like I'm not going to do a google FBI investigation into who this nebulous figure is, I'm just going to ignore your thread.
If you do not know who is he, then your involvement in the thread is worthless anyway. Go away.
>he's too retarded to reverse image search
This meme needs to die. Cadorna was a mediocre general, not an all time bad one like he's depicted. Once the austrians went on the offensive they used the same approach as he did with the same results.
The pointless meatgrinder was just the necessary consequence of the period's warfare.
lurk more
>I'm not going to do a google FBI investigation
>I'm too lazy to fucking google something despite there being an in-built Google search button in the site
"If i throw hundreds of men at a machine gun, one will eventually reach it" is the same tough everyone during the war used pretty much
Funfact: The Habsburg emperors had a special relationship with their army and would much rather lose a battle than mindlessly sacrifice lives.
And now you know why AH was "bad" during the War.
>he doesn't know based Luigi "Leave the Italians to me" Cadorna
Fucking casuals
You have no business being anywhere near this board if you dont recognize him.
And utter ignorance is not something to be proud of, even if you are an american.
>Once the austrians went on the offensive they used the same approach as he did with the same results.
They started their offensive at the very end of the war when probably a million billion Austrians had already actually died and the country was in the process of desintegrating around them and still went straight into Northern Italy, before american equipment and the little fact their their own country had ceased to exist stopped them.
Devil's Advocate - I lurk this board precisely because I know little and interesting threads push me towards reading more about a given topic.
That said, using reverse image search is easy so I don't suppose that guys beef.
>stock photo
what? How?
t. blackadder pro
>wtf is with everyone on this board always posting obscure historical figures
that's the joke. most board culture here are about making threads about obscure topics or epople with the presumption that everyone has intimate familiarity with it. also cadorna has been a meme here since almost the beginning of this board.
It's a 4chen secret club thing
Educate yourself, the Austrians launched multiple offensives before Capporetto. Each one failed. Capporetto also used all the newest tactics including use of poison gas and still ultimately failed.
Anyone with even a little bit of knowledge in WW1 knows who Cadorna is
why is this guy a meme when the french and german generals were as much as incompetent,
same for the austrian ones
>Cadorna you are like little baby
>watch this
They stamped their watermark over something they had no right to, most likely. It's not like there's anyone around slapping them with a copyright infringement lawsuit afterall.
Less likely, but possible: stock photography as a business goes back all the way to the beginning of the 20th century, so Alamy could conceivably have bought out the archives of an old company.
>obscure historical figures
WW1 is a standard topic of high school history curricula the world over. You are guaranteed to have been introduced to the likes of Cadorna, Foch, Pershing, Hindenburg, Ludendorff, Haig, etc. unless you're a fucking dropout or third worlder, in which case you don't really have a right to call anything you don't know "obscure".
Luigi, go back to winning your war of attrition.
Only Hotzendorf comes close to attacking the same place in the exact same manner 11 times
>implying he could have attacked anywhere else
>attacks the same place 11 times using the exact same tactics
>the only change in his plans is to bring more artillery guns and more infantry
>transfers or sacks officers who criticize him
american equipment?
where? other than some ambulances they didn't contribute much
numales will never understand what dedication and perseverance mean
I think numales have a perfect understanding of trying and failing over and over again until finally even your best friend can't handle your faggotry anymore
He attacked multiple points along the front. Not the exact same point 11 times
the absolute madman
did you actually go to high school? they don't teach you about any of the generals
>Funfact: The Habsburg emperors had a special relationship with their army and would much rather lose a battle than mindlessly sacrifice lives
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
he killed millions
Its pretty infuriating that he didnt face any consequences at all
The irony o the whole thing já that if they attacked a 12th time the pastas would have broken the austria line its like canceling a 99% OS update
>If Cadorna was austria this os the only anglo-itlo-franco-ruso men in history
Is this satire? What kind of High School teaches kids about specific WW1 generals?
if you don't know who he is then you literally have nothing to contribute to the thread anyways you fucking faggot
>once the austrians went on the offensive
Conrad was just as much of a retard as Cadorna, this isn't fucking helping your case
Thats Luigi Cadorna, literally the worst general in WWI.
There's an entry level youtube channel that literally introduces him and explains him. Go watch it, its The Great War channel.
>literally the worst general in WWI.
The most that Cardorna gets is that he was an old guard of the cult of the offensive. Beyond that he should've caught on faster, especially since Italy wasn't in the shitpit at the start. He had recent history to look at and results of innumerous failed offensives.
What the fuck does he do? Fight at a fucking river believing that morale alone carries the day.
He isnt Crassus fucking up everything, but he's still pretty bad.
I mean who else really has the title? Maybe Hutzendorf?
Why were the Italian and Balkan fronts full of these chuckleheads
austrians didnt do any better tbqh, we killed each other like idiots
Austria disintegrated when the news of K.u.K being entrapped in Vittorio Veneto reached the Empire, not the other way around.
For the record I know this was the fuck at the isonzo but can we maybe put the names of people in the filename or the thread title so we don't have to reverse image search?? Thanks fuckhead
Percentage wise both Austrians and Italians suffered similar casualties. But it's unfair to say Austrians didn't do any better. They were outgunned and outnumbered the entire time and it's a fucking miracle Boroević endured 11 battles while constantly balancing on the verge of collapsing.
You must be a 56% mutt
>Like I'm not going to do a google FBI investigation into who this nebulous figure is, I'm just going to ignore your thread.
Well you can fuck off then can't you newfag? We don't need or want you here.
Cadorna was fine as a general. The real problem was that he was fucking evil. He cared nothing for his men's welfare and he always blamed them whenever something went wrong. He seriously advocated for the idea of reinstating the concept of "decimation" for units deemed under-performing, which hadn't been used by the Italian military since Roman times, and even the Romans eventually discontinued the practice after they realized how terrible it was for morale.
>Based Cadorna
>obscure historical figure
pick one and only one
You're all being way too kind on Cadorna. He was indisputably the worst major commander of the war, and considering the other commanders that's really saying something.
Conrad von Hotzendorf might have been overly aggressive, but at least he displayed some imagination and strategic innovation from time to time. It usually didn't go well for him, but at least he had an inquisitive mind and tried to put it to use.
Likewise Enver Pasha might have been a total fuckup, but at least he /tried/ to read up on modern military doctrine and come up with something more complex than 'advance'.
The British and French commanders were nowhere near as stupid as usually portrayed, they just had the misfortune to be fighting more competent German generals.
Russia was a mixed bag, but they occasionally had moments of brilliance, as with Brusilov.
Cadorna was fighting that belligerent idiot von Hotzendorf and he still managed to perform worse. Luigi Cadorna had absolutely no tactical or strategic skills whatsoever, and whenever he was confronted with his own incompetence he blamed his men for not being brave enough. Executions and other disciplinary measures were higher in the Italian army than any other during the war, simply Cadorna could think of no other ways to improve his army's performance. 'Unimaginative martinet' are the two words that seem to be most connected to Cadorna, and they couldn't be better deserved.
Italy's army was in the shitpit in 1915. A large portion of the army was deployed to North Africa in order to quell Libyan resistance. They were pretty disorganized.
>They were outgunned and outnumbered the entire time and it's a fucking miracle Boroević endured 11 battles while constantly balancing on the verge of collapsing.
To be honest it's not that bad to be outgunned and outmanned if you outmountain your enemy.
Every single high school history class only taught wars in relation to the effect they had on society, never the actual details of the fighting.
> wtf is with everyone on this board always posting obscure historical figures
its a good way to keep /pol/ posters out
Fuck this subhuman Sh*talian, glad he's rotting in hell