alot of people who bought into link expecting swift to adopt them instantly, this is not how anything in the banking world works. this stuff takes time. if they do implement chainlink though its actually gonna be ridicolous how much money retards on this board will make. reminder eth went from 2.50 to .50 in the early days. just hold and we will all make it.
Other urls found in this thread:
SWIFT is not going to Chainlink. We all got scammed, I hate my life.
Gents will this dip back to around 20c? Or should I buy another 10K LINK now?
then why did they have them present a live demo at SIBOS YOU FUCKING NEET
because swifts bigger customers are already looking elsewhere for blockchain integration
its literally just "hey guys we're experimenting with block chain see!"
buy 50% of your position now if you are looking to be a long run holder
stop posting your faggy faggot video you faggot dogshit faggot FAG, you little faggot
>muh intellectual intelligent 200 iq
Lol "How did I know this was a SHIT coin that was gonna go down? Well that's because I'm really smart"
>BTC fork this month
>Conference sell-off
Wow what a mind
I'd say now to $0.24 is a good buy target.
Why are people still posting that mongoloid's video? Link haters even subscribed. All 20 of them. I dont get it. You say its a bad deal and didnt buy. You spend all weekend making dank memes and talikng shit. For what? Let your wallet do the talking. Your cartoon ass memes mean nothing. Only concern is why you stopped taking your meds.
so a bandaid for a shitty old system instead of actually entering the new age
top kek.
don't but dude. you are going to be broke. this shit is giong to less than one cent. there is literally no use for this coin, it's only for oracles not for buying shit
I 100% guarantee you it is the same faggot posting this thread after thread, and it's the video creator with a whopping 79 subs, and a whole 300 views. Fucking gay-ass failed youtuber needs to shill his 'superior intelligence' on an underwater basketweaving forum.
Desperate to FUD this coin so he can get a couple more youtube views.
banks are'nt gonna say fuck the old system altogether, this is the bridge that runs with the existing system, leading to full blockchain adoption.
Is his remark about even if lots of enterprise use chainlink, they won't have to use the tokens true?
Too obvious. If he's such a fucking crypto guru what is he doing here? Crazy lil bipolar fuck. It was funny this morning. I come back and he's still at it. Now i almost feel sorry for him.
Look through this list. Do you see Link? No. You never will. What you DO see however, is Ripple. This is just hitting the Normie wire, and Bitcoin money is flooding in to XRP as I type
going through his reddit account his so sad,
He's a failed gaymer, a failed music maker, and an all around dumb wigger DYING to get some attention. Poor guy'll probably an hero when he's wrong yet again.
okay this board is pathetic now.
I don't hold any link and adgaf about it simple because even if the adoption starts it'll probably early 2020s.
but this video is lowest I've seen in while. it's actually pathetic. whoever did that video for the whopping number of 80 subs has bigger problems and delusion than the link holders.
>Poor guy'll probably an hero when he's wrong yet again
what was he wrong about? he called link a pnd scam at the all time high of 10k
what has link been doing since then? bleeding 70%, top lmfao
youre right. jesus i lost 25% of my money
Talk to me about Kabbage
He hates you so much for buying link. Then he wants to save you. Then he wants to make fun of you. Then he wants you to subscribe. Then he makes memes. Then he says Veeky Forums is cult. Then he's here too. Then he ... psycho.
I'm sick of you, posting this on everything you post on this site from now on.
>He's a failed gaymer, a failed music maker, and an all around dumb wigger DYING to get some attention. Poor guy'll probably an hero when he's wrong yet again.
You're losing your mind my man.
nice try faggot, ChainLink still best performing new alt. stay poor forever
>crashed 70% from its all time high and still trading under 50%
b-b-but muh sibos moon mission!
kek user theyre already making their own blockchain???? why would they even use link to chain their own system when they already use another block chain
>nobody will use chainlink since they are already developing a system that integrates with blockchain