>Vitamin D by how much though? If my bois pump out 10mg/day and i start taking the D (the vitamin i mean) by how many mg/day will it increase?
Thomas Perez
Lots of different vitamins All kinds of fats, get nuts and stuff CHOLESTERIN, people forget that cholesterin is a steroid. It won't fuck up your cholesterin levels, stfu with that bs.
Rest is correct. Also do squats, faggot.
Being positive helps because Depression causes low test
Noah Gray
Vitamins, sleep, exercise, eating right - none of these 'increase' your test unless you're deficient in them. All they do is bring you back up to your natural baseline.
The only proven way to increase test - is test. In a needle. Then it goes into your body. That's it, fuckfaces.
Nathaniel Walker
cholesterol is not a steroid, it's a sterol and it is certainly not directly anabolic or androgenic. but yes hormone synthesis is impossible without it.