So what are the PROVEN ways of increasing test levels?

So what are the PROVEN ways of increasing test levels?

What I know:
>Vitamin D
>Excercise (duh)

Pseudoscience ways:
>Taking risks
>Being positive (some people claim it helps)
>Looking at tits

How are your test levels doing, anons?

Test general

Other urls found in this thread: D/

posting thicc women apparently does something

watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

jerking off to sissy hypnosis

What is that on her back?

Pinning it.

>Vitamin D
by how much though? If my bois pump out 10mg/day and i start taking the D (the vitamin i mean) by how many mg/day will it increase?

Lots of different vitamins
All kinds of fats, get nuts and stuff
CHOLESTERIN, people forget that cholesterin is a steroid. It won't fuck up your cholesterin levels, stfu with that bs.

Rest is correct. Also do squats, faggot.

Being positive helps because Depression causes low test

Vitamins, sleep, exercise, eating right - none of these 'increase' your test unless you're deficient in them. All they do is bring you back up to your natural baseline.

The only proven way to increase test - is test. In a needle. Then it goes into your body. That's it, fuckfaces.

cholesterol is not a steroid, it's a sterol and it is certainly not directly anabolic or androgenic. but yes hormone synthesis is impossible without it.