/cbt/ Builtfat Edition
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Builtfat requires you to actually be built. You're dyel boyo lmao
You are skinnyfat
F E M A L E ' S
x X D E A L W I T H I T X x
Entering built fat mode
Lmao I'm 6ft2 195 bitches
Dont forget us homos
Muscle thicc boys are objectively the hottest
Look at this chart
F6 to f8 are builtfat
6ft1 195 of sedentary physique
6'2 180
>6'2" 195
shoo shoo spooky skeletal
But I'm stronk like bull m8
Ah but can you run a 5:45 mile, bitchboy?
>so many fat shits on Veeky Forums
So what you just don't work biceps at all?
wondering if 9A was really a fitizen or just a random pic from google?
I train them 3-4 times per week be it chin-ups or curls. The angle doesn't exactly help, my arms are 17 inches. Also I'm a power fatty so I care more about triceps, I mostly work biceps so I don't get tendinitis.
It's chestbrah, Zyzz's brother
he's 6'2, manlets get out
Not builtfat but posting anyways. Feel like im close to my natty max so don't really see the point in bulking too hard.
5'11" 175.
5'10 215lbs end of first bulk
Looks like bulking actually does work for some, but I just prefer trying to stay lean while building.
work your fucking core...
you got a long way to go, you're not very big or lean. 5'11 175 is tiny
i am e4 at the moment please what do i do to escape this fucking cursed body
Guess you don't know what a stomach vacuum is.
Yeah I tried that last summer and just wasn't feeling the results. Started bulking this fall and going heavy with my compounds and really started to notice. To be fair they are noob gains.
Doing an eca stack and running a half marathon this spring to help with the cut. Aiming for around 180 by may.
>5'11", 175
>natty limit
Good fucking lord dude, you're not even close.
well at least you know what roids are
ignore the jelly cunt. looking v. good. lifts?
Guess you don't know what an ab roller is
>not close to natty limit
Ill admit ive been slacking on abs lately. need to get back on it, my abs used to look better been focusing on chest/back/shoulders too much.
Twinkle that doesn't even lift reporting in
6'3" 190
smiley elliot rodgers
Looking good, but you're a ways off your natural limit based on most calculators, example attached. In these pics you're probably 12%ish BF. Assuming you're in your 20's, lifting 5-7 days a week, your natty limit at 10% BF is 190 lbs, which amounts to another 2-4 years of lifting from your current state.
to the fellow 6'2" bros
what are your waist / chest sizes ?
im sitting at 88,5 cm waist and 108,5cm chest
90kg bodyweight atm, gynofat
I'm not accusing you of roids, that dude is an idiot. You're squarely in intermediate my dude. You can easily gain 30 more pounds natty.
t. 5'10" 185 lbs
Fair enough, I didn't think that would trigger so many people. I did say close to my natty limit. Maybe more my upper body natty limit. Legs have more potential for mass.
Also assuming that calculation is based off a FFMI of 25 which is for the genetic ELITE.
Only a very small percentage of people can achieve a FFMI of 25 naturally.
If your saying 30 more lbs of muscle you are delusional.
Every time you post you have reverse progress. :(
I'm saying 30 lbs at a sustainable body fat. He isn't lean enough to speak in pure muscle gain terms because we're speaking based off of bf estimate.
I'm being real because he has some potential and room to grow and he shouldn't take the pedal off the gas out of complacency.
Again, t. 5'10 185. Pic related. I still have a ways to go myself, which is why I know he can.
Looking pretty thick meng. Thanks for the motivation.
Mirin arms. Would love to see you cut down to single digits in the summer to make the core stand out, probably would have to go down to 170-175.
5'11, 165
5'9 175
you should of ended your bulk 15lbs ago.
193cm aka 6,3
85 kg
pls r8 and h8
fck sht skns
mirin many of the brahs in here
6'0", 78kg currently
Here's where I'm at. I'm 5'11" and weighed in at 157.6 lbs this morning.
breh you gotta build muscle before you cut, even if you roid
I was 247 lbs on January 1st, 2016. You really think I should have been bulking before my cut? Lol
And I'm not on gear
Arms aren't bad at all, but it looks like your pecs are poor. Maybe it's just the pose idk.
Also, are you on gear?
hey elliot tftv says hi
How am I doing? About to start my cut to look good by summer
why would I stop a bulk if I'm gaining muscle and increasing my lifts? that ruins the point
Here's a shirtless one, but no pec flexing
So what gear are you on then? Your BF is impressive.
No, I'm not on gear
Builtfat. Cut hard in my opinion. You'll lose some muscle, but it'll be worth it.
If that's true, I'm very interested in your diet/routine. That much of a drop in less than a year is serious gainz.
Thanks, but no gear here. BF was 9.3% in November when I got my last DEXA scan. Just started my bulk 2 weeks ago. Loving it
Shit, you're an inspiration. I dropped 100 pounds before and unfortunately added it back on, but looking to get back on the grind. Routine?
post lifts
How is he on gear?
Hes literally in the gym with a pump
Pic related, me at 156 with a pump
Before: Nov. 5
233lbs 5'10"
DL 455
SQ 365
BN 235
OHP 165
Started a hell of a lot lower than that, wasn't even close to 1/2/3/4 before my bulk
Post more bb.
Yesterday: 207lbs
Fat pose in the first pic/arm back in the second pic kinda skews it but I'm not taking another right now.
Anyone have a bf% estimate?I don't think I'm capable of being honest with myself.
It's all good bro, you're well on the way to making it.
Thanks breh, I would normally start my cut in March but I'm going on a year long bulk to make up for my injury recovery during the past few months. I need that lmao3pl8 bench back. Here's where I was back in May of last year after 3 months of cutting.
Killing the chest development, man. Make 2017 your bitch and you'll be a monster.
Mirin weight loss dude, you look tons better. If you really want an accurate BF estimate, get it done next time you head to the doctor or something. It's not really all that important when compared to raw lbs lost anyways.
Thanks! Diet was 1,500 calories per day (45% protein, 30% fat, 25% carbs). Currently bulking on 2,875 for the past 2 weeks. My routine is a PPL split that I designed for myself.
Yeah, I don't know why people always ask if I'm juicing. It happens a lot, but I don't think I look like I do.
Solid chest, bench stats?
Taken last night.. not the ideal pose, but I like where I'm at. Been lifting for about 2 and a half years
It's because you're dry as fuck. Not surprised after your 1500 cal figure, though. People don't know that that kind of bf % is no sustainable year-round and assume roids instead.
Bright lighting + pale skin + lean physique + pump +flexing = white sand desert mode.
They've probably never cut enough to look like that and assume that everyone who gets down to that body fat must be juicing hard
Are you guys seriously believing that guy's lies?
Post your physique and prove you have enough experience to make a solid assertion that he's juicing or shut the fuck up, you insipid, crabs in a bucket piece of shit. You roidfags are in every thread contributing nothing.
Last time I maxed out was 275 for one rep. For chest I do weighted dips and incline Dumbell. Ohp also helps a little for upper chest development
Lmao you don't even lift skeletor
i need a rate no censor edition
do your worst i want to improve (criticism plz)
tfw im 20% bf with abs
Post more sexy faggots.
these are abs what's your point?
Cut more, buddy.
5'7 160lbs currently bulking to 175-180
>with abs
>That Chinlet babyface
>roiding for this
Fucking newfag
He's 5'7
Those are not 17 inches lmao silly dyel