>All those evil goyim forced us to have influential and well paying jobs thoughout history
Why are Jews like this? Is at all valid?
All those evil goyim forced us to have influential and well paying jobs thoughout history
Last week someone held a gun to my head and forced me to become a banker. It does happen, user.
Christians are retards
>Dirty fucking JEWS!
>Being all JEWISH over there!
>Hehe, guess what kike? You CAN’T do manual labor or own land! Ha!
>And to top it all off? We’re gonna make you handle ALL of our commerce and banking!
>That’ll teach you!
>W-What? You got rich?
>You CAN’T do manual labor or own land!
Fucking retards actually believe it was like this? Christians practically begged Jews to take up farming.
>bemoan affirmative action
>cry that Jews are too over represented
What do neckbeards mean by this
Neither of the quotes you showed say that the Jews should take up farming.
Jews weren't allowed to sell crops, making farming useless and they'd basically be half starve do slaves
>Jews weren't allowed to sell crops,
>Jews should stop practicing usury and compelled to work
work at this time would pretty much be understood to mean farming.
Are you suggesting those quotes are fake?
>Christians practically begged Jews to take up farming.
Banning them from jobs outside of moneylending was a great way to encourage them.
>Banning them from jobs outside of moneylending
I'll take things that never happened for $1000.
Most Jews did normal ass jobs. The most typical Job for a Medieval Jew was a tailor. Moneylending was only for "Useful Jews" like the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are an example of what happens when Europeans don't execute and take all the money from the Court Jews they built up themselves. I find it funny.
Compare the Catholics
>Jews should stop oppressing people and put in an honest days work for honest days pay
vs the Protestants
>Jews should be ceaselessly destroyed
Is it any wonder why Protestants are inferior to Catholics?
It appears we have reached an impasse. Was the most common job for Jews being a tailor, or were jews forced to be moneylenders?
There's no valid citation provided, so they may as well be. Simply listing the book they're from isn't enough, there needs to be a page number listed as well.
>Was the most common job for Jews being a tailor, or were jews forced to be moneylenders?
It depends where they lived. No one is arguing that every single Jew was forced to be a moneylender. A Jew's last name will tell you his ancestor's occupation. Kushner was a fox tailor. There were however, "Useful Jews" and "Court Jews" and "Protected Jews" who were selected by European aristocrats to handle the finances of whatever Kingdom they were in. It pretty much always ended with the Useful Jew being killed along with his entire family and having all their property seized.
>No one is arguing that every single Jew was forced to be a moneylender.
Some people legitimately do. See or even the implications of . I take it these types of people don't really understand the world to make such foolish claims.
It actually sparked my interest now, are there any primary sources on the meme that jews were basically forced to be moneylenders? Any actual law passed or at least contemporary source describing any sort of regulation on the economical activities of the european jewry?
Daily reminder that wikipedia is not a source btw
If any legislation did exist to regulate Jewish economic activity, not only would it have varied polity and polity (which during this time would have numbered in the thousands) but ironically would have targeted Jewish moneylending. The thing they claim they were forced to do. Everyone would have breathed easier if Jews merely did non-parasitic jobs for a living.
It’s not influential if you have all your assets seized and your family murdered
>implying these guys were the same people who made the laws in question
Examples of such legislation?