How many of you are completely against roids and will be a lifetime natural?
How many of you are completely against roids and will be a lifetime natural?
Me, I don't want to mess with my hormones. And I'm a greedy swamp jew so I don't want to spend any money or risk getting caught
I will 100% get on roids when I am older
Its honestly too much hassle to do that properly.
Besides, im against women getting surgeries to make their tits and asses bigger and its similar logic for me.
I couldnt care less about steroids if people were transparent over their use but this will never happen and er have those fake nattys everywhere that made 30% of effort of natural and look the same way.
I've used twice, never again. Its not until you've properly fucked with your hormones that you realize how important they are in day to day life. They make you, you. It took me multiple PCT's to recover from my last cycle. I lost my girlfriend,and almost my job because I was constantly a mess. Depressed, forgetful, emotional. It was fucked. Dont mess with your natural health. It is a gift.
1. dont like messing with hormones, gives me anxiety
2. i lift for fun and the daily benefits, looking better/suprjacked isn't my goal
i dont judge roiders tho, its everyones decision
i agree that i wish there was more transparency, fucks with ppls minds about how they should look and what is/n't realistic
If you are not a pro that makes a living with his physique and considering roiding... well at that point you might as well just get your muscles tattooed on your skin.
if you roid you should get a stamp on you forehead that indicates roid usage
imo it would fix the whole fake natty meme overnight
> being this jealous
The "stamp" is increased muscularity, strength, and progress when nattys stall (after lifting for 6 months)
Me. My manlet powerlifting friend started roiding a few years ago, and seeing the process and side effects is enough to keep me away.
>he starts out at 180 / 5'9
>gets to 240 lbs
>literally looks like a square
>ends up snapping his shit doing squats with 5/3/1
>stops roiding and stops working out
>ends up just looking fat af
>he starts complaining about his hairline (it was previously perfect)
>ends up going to a heart specialist to get a dye test and getting a monitor for two weeks. Doesnt have any history of heart problems
At least he was man enough to say, "i made the decision and have to deal with the consequences." What i dont like is that he did illegal drugs, yet is condenscending about me doing psychedelics. I literally don't even drink or smoke, yet he tries to call me a degenerate. You can't talk out of both sides of your mouth, roidfags
Your friend sounds like an idiot, and you do too.
>I don't want to mess with my hormones
Then you'll want to stop sleeping, eating right and exercising.
>Its honestly too much hassle to do that properly.
It takes less than 5 minutes every few days
>Besides, im against women getting surgeries to make their tits and asses bigger and its similar logic for me.
>I couldnt care less about steroids if people were transparent over their use but this will never happen
I can respect this, steroids are basically the same as dying your roots or getting fake tits- they're somewhat hidden means to an aesthetic end. The exception is people on TRT etc
>It took me multiple PCT's to recover from my last cycle.
Sounds like you did something really retarded. Any sensible cycle should take you 2 weeks or less to recover from. Don't blame the game when you don't play it right.
>If you are not a pro that makes a living with his physique and considering roiding... at that point you might as well just get your muscles tattooed on your skin.
I don't see any reasoning or logic in this statement at all and it sounds like a kneejerk reaction to something you don't like.
>My friend was a retard so I'm scared I am too.
I think what we're seeing from this thread is a common trend of people either
>Scared of messing with hormones
>Scared of making the same ridiculous mistakes others have
Steroids are exactly the same as diet- they're fairly simple and easy to manage but because you need a wide but shallow range of understanding & knowledge your average Veeky Forums user will commonly pick an extreme or not spend the diligence and time to get it right & inevitably fuck up
tl;dr Steroids are great and help improve upon what your body is naturally capable of, but they're easy to fuck up. Don't do something unless you understand it and you're not compensating for something else & you're fine
Once you hop on, it's hard to get off. If you go past your natty limit and you hop off, you're gauranteed to lose those gains.
If you reach your natty limit and hop off, you're more than likely to lose some gains and you'll never feel the same about the gym again. Lifting on roids is an amazing feeling. You feel like a fucking bull in the gym and in the bed. Do you really want to go back to not having that feeling?
>>Then you'll want to stop sleeping, eating right and exercising.
>because reaching peak natty isn't any different than getting your testosterone out of some niggers bathtub how can you even think that huh? like how dum you half to be to think that?
1 second later
>I can respect this, steroids are basically the same as dying your roots or getting fake tits- they're somewhat hidden means to an aesthetic end. The exception is people on TRT etc
roiders are fucking dumb if they all think like this.
no im cruising on test once i reach 35-40. there's no reason not to at that point
I never would, messing that much biologically and literally jabbing needles in my ass for the gym seems to be taking it too far and a cop out. No gains would actually feel earned.
That said if others want to do it then fair enough, we are all the owners of our own bodies. If it is seen as more acceptable then maybe we can finally do away with fake natties, they're the real scourge.
Me. This is why I don't admire Zyzz.
>furious druggie mad at everyone who disagrees with his shitty life choices
I work out (BW) for health benefits on top of strength/mobility, so taking shit that that damages the one things I want to improve most is, at the very least, autistic.
Cheaters in video games are usually just lazy and want the benefits of being good at games without working for it
I view roiders the same way, pimple faced fucking losers who want shortcuts
Why do roiders try so hard to convince us of their superiority?
Scared that my esteem crippling acne will come back and my already receding hairline will get worse so i'm going stick to the straight and narrow desu senpai
>work out
What is a swamp jew
same reason they roid
I don't care if other people want to use them but I just don't think there's any reason when most people have 4 years of basically infinite exercise time in college to hit the natty limit
Me for some really autistic and cringy reason.
I don't want to take anything that enhances my gains or makes my stronger that I would not have acces to if I one day would wake up in a place like Skyrim or Middle Earth and risk losing strength and gains over there while fighting trolls and banging qt 3.14's.
And that's my incredible autistic reason for not taking steriods.
How fucked am I Veeky Forums? Can I still be saved or is it too late for me?
> I don't want to lose my gains quickly incase I need them
wow, that was really fucking hard to make it seem not autistic
drink bleach re:zero fag
This, also I don't want to spend my final moments on this earth in a sauna surrounded by ladyboys
Schaam je
Me, cause I'm a jelly faggot that got out benched by a manlet fake natty the other day.
But tbf would blast myself if I could obtain it easier.
Nigger you dumb? I mean if im there for the rest of my life, not one night.
I'll probably do it when I'm 40+.
If you got to a magical world you could take magic roids. Plus your +40 autism points could be redistributed to strength and agility.
Me. It's more about the road than the destination for me, anyway.
but isn't lifting also a shortcut? why don't you go hunt animals with a spear and climb trees to get fit?
With both hunting and lifting you have to put 100% effort in and you are rewarded with as much gains as you put effort in for.
With roids you can make lean gains at 20 or even 10% effort for similar gains to a natty.
I'm working to finally surpass my brother who has been more fit than me my entire life. I want there to be no denying that I have won.
T. Retard
For now I'm staying natty, but I'll probably hop on once my natural test levels start to drop in my late 30s/early 40s
Same here.
Would never do it because a natty physique DOES look good, regardless of what fit says.
Everyone here is dysmorphic and compensates.
Roids aren't worth the money, effort, and the fact that you have to CONTINUOUSLY do them to maintain a physique, which otherwise would be maintainable, is the fina nail in the coffin.
For me it's simply because I cannot be bothered to research steroids to a point where I am comfortable injecting myself.
My best bud is a roider but I don't trust his advice about anything and think he's a moron in general but his roid usage doesn't seem to have affected him negatively in any way (other than some very mild backne) and he's a very jacked guy, but I see all these natty PL guys squatting/deadlift 300kgs and benching 200kg.
If I can't even get close to that naturally I would consider roiding cheating myself out of working for it naturally (even if I never actually reach those sort of numbers)
>it takes less than 5 minutes every few days
Probably true (idk never done them), but that's not the point. The fact is you HAVE to keep doing them. This logic is no different to a crackhead saying its fine because he only does it for 5 minutes once or twice a week.
>If you are not a pro that makes a living with his physique and considering roiding... at that point you might as well just get your muscles tattooed on your skin.
You just dodged responding to this properly, nice evasive manoeuvre. What benefit do you get from doing them if you aren't getting paid to do it? (Besides making you feel better about yourself, which never gets fully accomplished because you will never be satisfied with what steroids can give you).
I'm not against roids, they're just not for me. I have nothing to gain in the short term from them.
>The fact is you HAVE to keep doing them
That's the opposite of a fact, it's a falsehood you just made up
>You just dodged responding to this properly, nice evasive manoeuvre.
>If you are not a pro that makes a living with his physique and considering roiding... well at that point you might as well just get your muscles tattooed on your skin.
There's no logical/linear way to respond to it because it's simply nonsense. It's suggesting 1. Roids are fine only if you're a professional (professional what?) and making a living, presumably with your body like a model or bodybuilder and that 2. By having that as your profession you should tattoo muscles onto your skin instead of taking steroids.
They're unrelated and equally lacking in reason or common sense. In short, it's a retarded comment and I'm retarded for responding this time.
>What benefit do you get from doing them if you aren't getting paid to do it?
>Increased mood and mentality
>Faster gains
>Bigger gains
>Faster cuts
>Easier maintenance
>Improved sex life
>Social confidence
>Sports at any competitive level
To name a tiny few off the top of my head
Yes, it's easy to develop problems from steroid use if you're an idiot, but pretending the benefits don't exist is the last card of an idiot who has no idea what they're talking about.
of course the benefits exist, but the drawbacks just don't match up.
Getting gyno bitch tits,
hair falling out,
small shrimp dick
to name a few..
What I'm saying is that you shouldn't need to derive your confidence from the fact that you are bigger because it's unnaturally big and mentally and physically unhealthy.
And of course no one is putting a gun to your head and saying "KEEP TAKING STEROIDS", but my point derives from the addictive effect they have. Once you go that big/strong/lean/whatever you won't want to quit.
Have you quit? Do you plan to? How many times have you pushed back that quitting date?
I want to be the strongest version of me there is, and being dependent on drugs isn't my idea of that, also despite what steroid users say, they are a magical bullet that do most of the work
>i wish there was more transparency
same, can't stand thinking about a teenager being put off because others are getting big in 3 months and he thinks its possible naturally and then it takes him a year what it takes others a few months and then quits from frustration
>tl;dr Steroids are great and help improve upon what your body is naturally capable of
except your body isn't naturally capable of producing that much test
>not compensating for something
all your problems would go away if you didn't have body/strength dysmorphia, as a natural you can get big enough to stand out from others, also strong enough for any everyday task, there's no need to go beyond unless you have some mental thing telling you that you must
Steroids just show that you're mentally weak.
It's no different than a drug habit like heroin.
I like my testicles to stay the horse gallon jizz factories that they are.
i will when im older (trt), thats about it
>Getting gyno bitch tits,
Is from estrogen, not testosterone/steroids, and easily manageable
>hair falling out,
Is an indirect result of testosterone, but when taking steroids stems exclusively from overuse
>small shrimp dick
As above, the indirect result of low test because of overuse.
>What I'm saying is that you shouldn't need to derive your confidence from the fact that you are bigger because it's unnaturally big and mentally and physically unhealthy.
That's a given, and true in any walk of life regardless of steroids.
>And of course no one is putting a gun to your head and saying "KEEP TAKING STEROIDS", but my point derives from the addictive effect they have. Once you go that big/strong/lean/whatever you won't want to quit.
The first thing we agree on. It's quite common to take too much steroids or to become dependent upon them because people have misconceptions and simply don't understand what they're doing, but again, that's true of anything in life including natural lifting for comparison
>Have you quit? Do you plan to? How many times have you pushed back that quitting date?
I've only cycled twice and I was sensible and did my research both times. The huge benefits far outweigh the one drawback that I had- shitty mood and less reps for 7 days post cycle.
I'll likely cycle for a month twice a year for the rest of my life, but not because I'm dependent or because it gives me confidence, but because I'm simply far better off when taking it than when not other than a single 7 day manageable drawback which is a price I'm perfectly willing to pay.
>except your body isn't naturally capable of producing that much test
Completely false. Compared to the 50s men in the west have dropped test levels by something like 70% when controlled for age and other factors. Most sensible athletes are on 600/week which is LESS than what we scientifically conclude and studies have shown people living off the land average.
Admittedly you do sound like the most responsible and knowledgeable user i've ever spoken with, so good for you man.
I disagree with their use because of what I've seen people go through as a result of it, the shit posted on here all the time, and running into guys in the gym who have (always) taken it too far.
Keep doing wat you're doing if it's working for you, and do us all a favour and educate some of these other fuckers out here
Dick size is not affected by steroids
I'm against roids and would never use them while I'm still an active competitor but I might when I'm 45 and starting to fall apart. Fake natties still make me angry after all these years.
6 year natty lifter, don't see any reason to roid unless you're going to compete and make a career of it.
1. The natty "limit" (or around peak natty size and strength) is basically the optimal look for getting chicks
2. I don't have to constantly spend money to keep up my size with more roids
3. No nut shrink, extra balding, or added stress
4. I can actually figure out what my natural genetic potential is
5. I'm still stronger than most of the obvious roiders in my gym anyway since they're basically balloons who didn't develop their CNS and fast twitch muscles enough
I'm tall, I have frame, and am decently looking, don't need a false roid veneer to help out
can someone photoshop a massive hanging cock onto sandow to fit his body?
>tfw determined to be natty
>tfw hopping on MK-677 literally tommorow to help heal an old knee injury
It was nice while it lasted
Because my goals are attainable with out them.
Does TRT once I decide to quit competing in powerlifting in a decade or three count?
me too, natty for life bro
Roiding erodes your integrity, since you will necessarily be presenting yourself as natural to all but close friends. It also trivializes your accomplishments, since you know that you are basically playing "easy mode," and the progress feels good until you wonder how far you could have made it on your own.
People who roid are more concerned with taking shortcuts to have an impressive physique for people to admire as soon as may be, they lack discipline and patience, and crave attention. You are only hurting yourself spiritually if you go down this road, and also risk fucking up your body if you make a mistake, not to mention the money you will spend.
TLDR it's not worth it.
I'll be natty until I'm getting close to 40 and then I'll hop on before my natural test levels really stop declining because aging is by far my worst fear and I'm gonna delay it as long as I can with moderate doses of test
Why not just embrace and try to age gracefully?
There's no reason to be scared, friend.
It's less about looks and more about function desu
The longer you stay on, the worse you will crash when you hop off.
Impotence and infertility however are linked to steroid use.
stop trying to defend roids
Guess I'll be cruising till I'm dead then
Stop talking nonsense to try and shit all over them.
Safe steroid use has been around for 70 years and anabolics in particular are used for everything from nasal spray to insulin for diabetics
The disparity between the reality of steroid use and the horror stories of impotence being thrown around here are frankly ridiculous and laughable and anyone who's been on even a single cycle will tell you the same
Cycle and then shit all over them all you like, until then stop talking nonsense.
I'm too lazy.
what if i just want to leav humanity behind? what if thats LITTEREALY AL i wanna do and i dont care for anything else? fuck you and dont put other people down for wanting other thing from life than you, faggot
How ugly is your face that you thought you had to do steroids. Is it pic related to your post? Are you a dog face/10?
That's like being given a job because you're a nigger and they needed to meet affirmative action. Do you really feel good about it? Can you really claim to have accomplished something? Your achievement is cheapened and you're just... fake.
I'm not but I'm afraid I'll cuck my shit up. And I'm a manlet anyway. If I did anything it would be just barebones test. Money isn't an issue.
I'm just lazy and cheap so I won't ever go out of my way to buy roids.
Its just like Ive always wanted to get a tattoo. But Im way too calculating and overanalysing to ever do something that could affect me a lifetime. So Ill probably end up doing neither
I don't want to depend on a drug to keep my gainz
I just don't see the point. I'm just under 5'10 and would look absurd on roids. I've managed to make plenty of gains as a lowly natty, and also they're illegal here.
no I'm not a high inhib pussy
>I'm just under 5'10 and would look absurd on roids
This meme needs to die
>steroids make your dick small!!
when did Veeky Forums get infected with middle-aged moms and their bullshit
but not size. If the studies are to be believed, the opposite might be true. Some of the strongly binding derivatives like halotestin may promote phallic enlargement.
I would totally buy them if they weren't fucking illegal. Not sure what is so hard to understand.
Only way I'd get on roids is if it was somehow making me a /comfy/ living.
I'll be natty until CRISPR based in vivo genetic procedures and or cybernetic enhancements are safe and available.
Until then, I'm going to protect my heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and hormones from undue fluxes in balance.
What exactly does the phrase "leave humanity behind" mean to you? What do you feel you would be accomplishing?
I am not against other people using them, I just personally don't like the idea of it. I like the idea that one day I'll have hit my limit. Not in a de-motivational way, just in a way that nature intended me to.
>Shilling this hard for roids
Can you get more pathetic
What's the story with that picture?
I think I'll use them eventually. I haven't yet research them enough nor, have I read up on the deep web enough to be able to purchase.
I already weigh 195 somewhere around 12% bf. Are you trying to say I wouldn't get larger?
Women, in my experience, don't want the huge roid bods, they want, essentially, a built otter mode. I want to be bigger than that desu but my goal body in no way requires the use of roids.
That being said, it is requiring copious amounts of other supps to get there though.
Increased for what purpose? So your gym bros can smack you on your tight butt and say good job on your lift and suck each other off or what?
I'm against roids because I lift purely for personal health and there are no benefits for me. I have no aspirations of being an instagram model or a power lifter or any other professional lifter. I do it just for the health benefits.
people dont even consider 677 a sarm
Who cares how big your dong is if it doesn't work or if you can't have kids.
That is the literal definition of fitness in evolutionary terms.
Does it work?
I know with my genetics and my ability do consistent research on cycling and what dosages/supplements that are required I would enter God mod
>and what, Guldan, must we give in return?
Yeah no I don't want shrunken testicles.
Steroids are used as often to lose weight as gain, particularly test