Cutting Blues

>coworkers all chipped in for pizza again
>sat in the corner eating chicken and avacado like an angry little troll

you gotta learn to embrace being the cutting troll. I guarantee people are lowkey impressed that you're able to resist when there's food like pizza, breadsticks, wings, etc, in front of you

They think you're autistic... if you have to try that hard to be lean then the general population think you're kindof pathetic... In contrast to Chad who eats whatever, goes to the gym whenever and is lean.

well done, who gives a shit about them

I don't want to eat a pizza unless I can eat at least an entire one myself with booze.

Be proud OP, This is me literally every day at work. I get compliments for eating healthy but the office orders out every day - Chinese, pizza, mexican...what ever they can get their hands on. I can't even get these plebs to order sushi (probably because it's healthy) and then listen to them bitch about being over weight as they consume their lunch...they know what's good, just lack willpower.

>people are lowkey impressed that you're able to resist when there's food like pizza, breadsticks, wings, etc, in front of you

No, they're not. They're wondering what's wrong with you.

I'm the same way, minus booze. I don't know how anyone can "chip in" 5 dollars for a sliver of pizza and think they did a good job.

..and that's how you know they are normies and oxygen thieves. Don't be with people who think you're autistic for being a fat piece of shit who actually manages to resist getting fatter.

>They're wondering what's wrong with you.
If you're auschwitz, then maybe
But not if you're already a fatass