Homemade philosophy thread

Homemade philosophy thread

Post philosophical ideas you have created and shit on other peoples ideas.

>dude, what if the mind causes reality to manifest in such a way that it causes us to do what we want to do

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No one is selfless. Now I know what you're thinking
>but anoooooooooooooooon, what about soldiers, or firemen, or other people whose jobs put them on the line?
Right. Some people may do that because they need money. Others, the "selfless," kind do it because it makes them feel heroic- notice how it makes them *feel* heroic. They do it for that feeling, which is a positive in their eyes. They're getting something out of it, hence a selfish action.
Now obviously there are varying levels of selfishness. The man who steals money from poor people is probably more selfish then the man who gives money to poor people to feel good. But they're all based on the same desire to get "something" for themselves, whether its material or emotional.
In this you can understand everyone's actions and personality; they are all, at the end of the day, trying to get something for themselves. So don't trust people's "altruism."

>believing something makes it real, at least partially.

>we owe our loyalties to God and our fellow man, not churches or government. As long as you thank god, pray, and help people, your pretty much good to go.

>racism is nonsensical because the reasons people give for justifying it often mean the rich, not colored, should be lynched first.

>Ayn Rand and anyone who takes her seriously are fucking brainlets

>believing something makes it real
I believe that you are the brainlet here, my friend.

My line of thought was kinda weird. A thought is a bunch of electrical signals in your brain. Those electrical signals carrying information are composed of electrons and real matter. Therefore your thought has real substance and can be real and not real at the same time.

Also I’m a wonky spiritualist too, so that plays into it some.

There definitely is life after death.
We have two possibilities: either souls exist, or they don't
If they do exist, then we have an afterlife by default
If they don't exist, it means we are mere matter; we have existed for billions of years before this life, and will exist for billions of years after this life. Why would we only achieve consciousness in this instance, and not before or after? AS far as we know, there is nothing special about the circumstances that brought our atoms together into this form. Why would we not be able to achieve consciousness again, after this form of life is destroyed, in some other form, if we were able to achieve it now?

What the HELL did he mean by this?

I have political philosophy theory. Albeit, I may not be the first to come up with it.

But it's that two true powers can not exist at one time, at least not at peace.
And even if they have peace it is only temporary until conflict breaks out, even if just proxy warfare.

History backs it up, simply by looking at these examples:
Hittittes and Egypt
Persia and Macedon
Carthage and Rome
UK and Napoleonic France
Nazi Germany and the West
Hungary and the Ottomans
Among others.

I don't know. But it was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time

I sincerely believe that human behavior is almost entirely dictated by animal instincts. That in the same way a dog acts like a dog wherever you find them, people act like people wherever you find them.

Are their behaviors more complex? Yes. Are they just as similar across individuals? Yes.

It doesn't matter that it's 2018 and we have amazing technology, you are still a tribal ape that wants to spend his days adventuring, solving problems, fishing in groups, hunting monsters and fighting for your tribe of 50-150 people, with a primary focus on 10-12 adults.

The subconscious mind cannot perform an action that is exclusively negative. Even something like self harm is done in the pursuit of a release.

People overlook the importance of sincerity. It's not easy being convinced by someone who wants to convince you of something, while their goal is to gain money or whatever it is. Sincerity should be strived in the workplace, if you do your duties and find them a slog, it should be in your best interest to reflect on what others you might find interesting in this task. Whatever you are stuck in, gain new perspective so that whatever made you annoyed you can actually find enjoyment in doing.

consciousness isn't a real thing

That is another part that I'm still considering, that perhaps "we", as in the consciousness, don't even exist, maybe we are just the byproduct of our senses registering to the brain.

Are you me?

Consciousness is, at some level, a physical property of the universe, like gravity or mass.

Kept expecting him to break into rants about the Star Wars prequels and his worthless imprisoned son.

All women are whores.
All men are killers.
Society just conditions us otherwise.

Property rights exist. Commies aren't people.

/x/ I recently learned that Alex Jones is literally right.

are all people stupid who dont graduate from universities with

Is time real? I don't think so. All real things are captured in

Is time all

Where can I post my ideas?

Is Veeky Forums considered technology? /Is g/, the board itself, a tool?

Hi Veeky Forums, I'm a philosophy undergrad. It's my sophomore year and I

>the more your mind wanders the more depressed you get
>tfw adhd and discursive daydreamer
>fml lmao

If thinks are fucked up I feel bad and everything around me looks crooked.

Literally everything is "thoughts." By what you said

I don't think any thing matters. Moving up antifragility

Hello JF,

I've been thinking about this and was wondering what you might think. Nothing is real insofar as what is real is what is perceived [known]. We [Homo Sapien]

I do not have an epistomology, but I think the idea so far is . Evolutionary thinking has been amazing since my discovery of anthropology in 2015. I had biochemistyry/pre-medicine ambitions prior, but my outlook .

I am now a philosophy student, but will soon be getting a business degree

Thank you for elevating the ideas in this locale of

Who here /bladesoutforBrady/? Take a shower before and enjoy your bodily emparative

Did Amazon set this up? I had a pair of Klipshe S4s that broke a few months ago. For Christmas my mom got me a pair of S4is which I've been using for the last two weeks. They've been shocking the shit out of me while I carry my Galaxay S8 in my jacket pocket. It's horrible

Today, I did an order on Amazon and after I submit . They're going to be here Monday.

Hello JF

Is every problem in the world the result of bad parenting. Is there a change in one's moral position.

Does changing the ecology of the mind with mass media

Advanced selling is the future. Advertising will with the proliferation of automation. Captilaism will survive in the best supply-side scenaioro. Consumption will continue as necessary in driving wealth creation. Catering to each individuals needs through amazing technology. A heavanly paradigm

From a political perspective

not really mine.
oughts dont exist
morality is nothing to be dogmatic about. at best it's just some intelligent guidelines to follow to get what you want out of life


Sure, even the man who throws himself on a grenade to protect his friends is doing it because it makes him feel good to think that he will have saved lives, but if people are willing to do things that materially benefit others and are exclusively detrimental (outside of emotional fulfillment) to the doers themselves, then does it matter in a practical sense whether true selflessness exists?

>racism is nonsensical because the reasons people give for justifying it often mean the rich, not colored, should be lynched first.
What do you even mean by this
P.S. racists hate rich "non-whites" as well as poor "non-whites"

Selflessness does exist, people who unquestionably give their lives for others are simply untermensch the sacrifice is meaningless as they are simply cattle who freely give their life away.

True, in a sense, but the definition of selflessness is attaining pleasure chiefly from helping others, disregarding (or in direct contempt of) direct personal gain.

Man I have a couple. It's hard to resist the urge to spam.

I believe the unconscious is a powerful director action and thought. But further I think it's possible that it is actually smarter, more aware, and more rational than the conscious mind.

I've been coming to this belief after a lot of online political debate over years. I notice people will use fallacy extensively, but then turn around and recognize the same type of fallacy they used turned against them later as a non argument. Shouldn't a fallacy like the ad hominem be totally convincing at all times if a speaker genuinely thought Drumpf/crooked Hillary are unvotable due to their character? The truth is the unconscious knows the argument is logical bullshit at all times but doesn't always communicate that to the conscious mind when it's strategically valuable.

Other examples of this in action are schizophrenics that seem to just how to avoid getting their magical powers tested "right now" in demonstration but still genuinely believe they have them. Or a writer that can expertly portray the mindset of a serial killing pedophile, but would claim on book tour they can't truly comprehend the mind and desires of such a monster.

The unconscious mind knows. It receives the world much more unfiltered, then communicates a more digestible reality to your conscious "self". When necessary it will reveal the backlog so you're not completely caught by surprise when you're confronted with a situation you thought you couldn't understand.

>implying power isn't an individual hierarchy
>implying everyone doesnt have imaginary power number ratings in the world

I guess you just mean superpower states. On the cintrary I think that superpowers feed off of opposing superpowers, and couldn't be possible otherwise.