Book suggestions?

Hey Veeky Forums, suggest me a book that changed how you think or see the world. Looking for some self-improvement books as well

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The Holy Qur'an

Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi

>inb4 Veeky Forums approved list of books worth reading
gtfo with that outdated literature bullshit

Watch Elliot Hulse's Youtube vids. The guy can be a little nuts but he's amazing at inspiring self improvement and gives fantastic life advice most of the time.

Getting to Yes - Fisher

You're welcome.

The Sermon on the Mount
by Emmett Fox

kinda boring/way too Christian for the first 15 pages, but then it really does turn into a metaphysical textbook.

>self-help books

the meathead stereotype really is true sometimes

>The guy can be a little nuts but he's amazing at inspiring self improvement and gives fantastic life advice most of the time.

Topkek, Hulse is the definition of "batshit crazy" and is basically running a cult.

Sophie's World.

A Sport and a Pastime


Revolt Against the Modern World, by Julius Evola

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

changed my life forever, turned me into an extrovert, just changed everything

Just pick up a book and stop being a fucking autist.

Read for fun, read to learn, and especially read viewpoints that oppose yours. One of these days I'll finish an Ann Rand book without tossing it against the wall every other paragraph

I'm getting back into reading for fun after I stupidly let college ruin it for me
Reading through the original 6 Dune books for the first time currently and honestly they've helped me to try and look at things in my life a bit more objectively and not let myself react on emotion as much.

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx used to not be that way...he used to have some really quality stuff.

>*Tips* the Book

I'll do you one easier. Webpage that changed how i see the world:

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell will change how you view everything forever

Reading Ender's Game actually made me think deeply about motivation, goals, and why there's inherent value in doing difficult things, even when they do not pay out.

The rest of that series is a polemic mess, but that one is great.

The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
These books have been by my side in all the literal dark holes I've been in. Douglas Adams isn't some serene prophet or self help faggotron but it helped me enjoy myself in my life which has been 1000 miles beyond Fucksville and most certainly should not be enjoying near as much as I have. Now I've broken my seven month shitpost Lent to tell you this, go read it.


Machiavelli's the Prince
and Thomas Hobbes The Leviathan


homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow


the complete works of chang tzu, translated by burton watson

>life is meaningless, but existing in itself is meaningful, but that meaningfulness is also meaningless

pretty liberating stuff once you get your head around it

Starting Strength - goes really in depth about technique, tho with some bs that can be ignored (i.e., GOMAD).

Practical Programing Barbell Training - continuation to SS when you enter what Rip call intermedate (can no longer hit PRs every workout, read the book is a must).

I also heard good things about greyskulls and there was this book about oly lifts but i cant recall the name rn.

>not listening podcasts in 2017

For A New Liberty - Rothbard


l is not f you retard