/PLG/ powerlifting general
A thread dedicated to the sport of powerlifting.. But mainly trannies
/PLG/ powerlifting general
A thread dedicated to the sport of powerlifting.. But mainly trannies
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First for trying hard, still not a meme.
My rhomboids are really weak. Whats the best way to train them? Im already doing 5x10 rear delt flies
>powerlifting a sport
whoa i think i shuld check my eyes almous looks like somebody thinks powerlifting is a sport
form check
Rear delt flyes, vertical pulls, horizontal pulls, really focus on retracting your shoulder blades to initiate the pull.
I do this stretch every day with my legs straight, I'll let my back ease as I go down though. From now on I'll do the stretch with a straight back.
Top 10 Iskra imho.
Hi Norsie.
>graduated with a civil eng degree
>get offered a cost estimating and contract administration role
Should I take it plg?
Chinups/pullups. Their most important movement is downward rotation of the scapula.
Those boobs remind me, my friend got implants today, she's in the hospital right now. I almost scheduled to get implants with her, but a few friends pressured me not to.
Kinda regret not doing it on impulse.
just do squats and diddlys to get a big ass
if he prefers titts hes no bf material and should sudoko himself asap
I'm happy with my glutes and thighs so far. All the training did them well. They look nowhere near muscular but that was not my goal anyways.
Everyone says small boobies are fine, but it's like when girls tell guys an average dick is fine. It actually is completely fine, but in the guy's mind he still feels super insecure about it regardless of how many people tell him it's fine.
I kinda like my petite boobies but at the same time everytime I see a girl with nice C-D boobs I get insecure about myself s:
I wear those enhancing bras when going out hehehe
And if I wear a tshirt that's a looser fit or a sweater they just disappear completely.
And I'd be doing it for myself, not for any bf.
>I kinda like my petite boobies but at the same time everytime I see a girl with nice C-D boobs I get insecure about myself s:
Well luckily for you, you're not a girl and you literally never will be one
what does this have to do with powerlifting?
They're pretty nice. Spent the weekend with GF's best friend that looked alot like this, only hotter face.
shit was quite frustrating.
ayy bby
Talk to me /plg/ I love you. What's bothering you?
I talked about my glutes and thigh muscles, which are the most important muscles for powerlifting by far. And I mentioned my training and how I'm happy with the results of said training when it comes to developing those specific muscles.
lol I actually had to give it a second look cause that girl's face is exactly like the face of a friend of mine. Like, in almost every single detail lol
How you doing? Able to train with any sort of regularity again?
oh, I was actually referring to Typical blonde bombshell. arguably an internet 9/10, but in real life. Shit was impossible to not stare at kek
can't be a millionaire, be jacked&lean, strong as fuck all at the same time. other wise life isn't so bad.
just getting into body building and cardio. There's no reason for me to train right now. Just try to get bigger and heal up some joints and enjoy being in the gym again vs wanting to blow my brains out after every session lmao
lifes a little better though. which is always a plus
>implying chins give you rhomboids
I thought we went over this months ago.
That's good to hear lad. It's better to enjoy what you're doing than hate every minute you're training.
my hornyness has peaked along with my antisocial feelings. i hate everyone equal to how much i want to fuck them. what do?
Leave Norse..Nors..Nor...Norm...Normi..Normie!
How come not long ago trappy said she got fired as coach and now she's claiming shes a coach again?
Main function of the rhomboids is downward rotation, not retraction. Just like the main function of the lower traps is upward rotation, not retraction or depression.
There's no arguing to be had here.
Will retraction work your rhomboids? Yes.
Will downward rotation work your rhomboids in a more complete manner and through a longer range of motion? Undou...
... wait a second...
I quit, I wasn't fired. They didn't want me to leave at all but I had to.
I'm still working though, just not in the gym.
Hate fuck them. It's the obvious answer.
o trappy my trappy when will you kill yourself
Did you have a bad breakup recently
It's literally a meme, this one user claimed that chins didn't work your rhomboids whatsoever, and that only rows would work.
When the aliens overlords arrive to wipe us all from the face of the Earth with their rays of energy that will scan through the surface and leave nothing but a trail of burnt remains and blood on the ground.
OK thank you, I'll take your advice and stretch more often during the day.
The part about the tight hamstrings and hips due to sitting could possibly be a factor as I'm in college.
BTW are you trappy with a new trip?
No i think it's like a second puberty thing. i don't want to deal with anyone but im drooling over chicks all day walking around with a hard dick.
Its like crossed wires in my reptile brain or something, i want to fuck but i also want to kill.
Do you like getting your nips sucked?
Dear Diary, every night i dream about cheating on my wife even though our sex life is great. Lust controls my every moment, i flirt with girls all day but i know i would feel terrible about cheating if i did. What do?
Maybe you've watched too much hardcore porn or something. Start talking to more women
Non I'm teapot :3c
Deadlifts are certainly better for developing the glutes than squats, no doubt. But deadlifts are also a big exercise for your back, so I tend to avoid those as much as I can as I don't want to thicken my back or widen my shoulder area that's already too wide for a girl short like me.
Though eventually I chose to say fuck it and just take training more seriously. I still wouldn't deadlift, but I'd do clean pulls and snatch pulls in order to improve my WL lifts.
I mostly still just relied on squats and accessories for hip extensors tho. Which is not very ideal for a sport so lowerbody-centric.
Not worth it.
He's wrong, a belt helps you lift heavy ass weights safely because it allows you to better support your spine.
A belt, however, will not guarantee protection from back injuries, especially if you're lifting like a retard
Goddamnit, quoting
Right well I'm still the poster that posted the form check, after each weightlifting session for stretches I'll do deep squat, standing pike stretch, standing glute squeeze, crucifix stretch, and cobra stretch, all held for thirty seconds.
I was planning on doing that same routine throughout the day. Is that advisable or should I just do the starting stretching routine in the sticky?
How can anyone compete
>consumed ~5000 calories today
>still have a craving to eat more
What did my body mean by this?
You need to reach the 120s
But then I'll have to change my name to Mystery Fat.
Why aren't you posting with your trip? The rules here are easy to abide by, if you are who I assume you are.
Have you compared INOL of Sheiko against other programming?
how often can you get to the gym?
>I'm still working though, just not in the gym.
Yeah I'm sure you have heaps of clients. Who wouldn't want to be coached by someone with has never competed in powerlifting.
If you're going to lie at least make it plausible.
>Who wouldn't want to be coached by someone with has never competed in powerlifting.
Sheiko has hundreds of clients dude lol
Dear ladies of plg (not you trappy, sorry bro)
I would like to formally announce my strong desire to bust nuts into each and every one if your pussies. Carry on with this knowledge that there is a man out there who thinks you are attractive, you are strong, your personalities are charming and you are above average women. Have a nice day you bunch of qts.
An effective coach doesn't have to be successful in his coached sport.
However, trappy shouldn't coach anything. Leading other human beings requires a strong, confident mind.
Trappy is mentally ill, and young.
Maybe in time.
>Dear ladies of plg
>Dear Esme
Fixed that for you.
Pretty sure there's no other girls who lift and come here regularly.
>being this jealous of someone's success
Still hungry after eating 2 gyros, gonna get a gallon of chocolate milk. AMA
Come on, fuck wilks get total
But the strongest lifters in every class have the strongest wilks!
Y-you too
Fat Retard's Discord (not /plg/) fags will say there are dozens but it's not true none of them are part of plg's community.
Trip on, Trappy.
Also, all of what I said is reasonable.
Being a great coach takes mental stability and confidence.
I don't see much of that here from "the gender confused one".
Pretty sure they're all underage kids who just started and can't even deadlift 2 pl8
How naive you are my friend, there are plenty of beautiful bbygirl anons posting and lurking. All of whom I have seen are top tier babes.
So sheiko has been a coach his whole life? What is his history?
Anyway. Sheiko is proven, some mentally ill teenager is not.
Not always, sometimes in the supers the light guys can outwilks the fat guys
weighed in at 355 today fml
6 month cut coming in
What's it like being 6'10"?
Thats cray.
A true gentleman right here
thanks bb
6'1" fat as fatass
>mixed grip
Trappy isn't gender confused, she's a confident adult woman.
The only confused people are here on Veeky Forums.
He was never an athlete. He went to study coaching after school, worked as weightlifting coach, eventually became a powerlifting coach, ranked up and became president of a lot of shit, etc. Nowadays he coaches both weightlifting and powerlifting.
He was never a lifter at all.
>Sheiko is proven
Sheiko is also an old fuck. No one is born a proven master.
Trappy does coach but not anyone who's remotely impressive
just crossfit fags and noobs who will listen to a literal tranny who doesnt lift
>"I don't post without my trip"
Said the tranny who is constantly posting without his trip.
How do you feel about INOL as a measurement of program difficulty?
Don't derail my fuck-talk with trappy bullshit. I want to make sure all these ladies know that I want to bust nuts in them. Everyone be quiet.
>still working
>24/7 Veeky Forums/plg/
doubt it.jpg
>reptile brain
>Not impressive
Is this supposed to imply I'm trappy?
I have no idea what INOL is my dude
>these ladies
Esmeralda, trappy.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. does sean pretending to be a girl count?
I aint no fag
would you consider banging trappy if she was the last semi-woman in the world?
>Is this supposed to imply I'm trappy?
Pick both
number of lifts / (100-%ORM)
>trappy coaches frog
telling frog to do sheiko is NOT coaching him
Yeah I'd hate fuck trappy. Not because of desire, more like a prison rape style power move.
>weighing almost 60lbs more than ssb
Pls respond trappy/teapot/fat retard/other trips
Who is this semen demon and do I need to add her to the list of plg girls whose pussy I'd like to bust a nut in?
Element22. Not a plg girl, she posted here for a couple threads but the neets of this board scared her off
>asking how much trappy helped his achievements so far
>he met trappy a few weeks ago for the first time
I know you're dumb lith but cmon.
point is, I don't think frog is doing any better cause trappy told him to do sheiko and change his bench grip a bit
Doesn't count as coaching imo
>listening to a girl in bench press matter
there is no man in frog
Ask him if trappy is currently being a good help or not and if he thinks she is a smart coach or not.
>bench press
I want to fuck Jennifer Thompson
ask him yourself
Do it.
What are you afraid of?
>tfw you keep using your arms to muscle up power cleans
Can't seem to convince myself to shrug/leg drive the weight up rather than use my arms
Also this whole keeping my back rigid business is tough and I'm actually inflexible as shit
Are you me? Shit is PAIN. I use it to fuel my lifts - if I get jacked enough, the obvious mires from women will give me enough psychosexual validation to hopefully dampen my urges. Fuggen doubt it though.
We're fucked dude
Practice practice practice power shrugs. As an exercise, lock your elbows while using a light weight, and power shrug. Try to keep your elbows locked, you'll see that once you produce enough power shrugging, your arms will naturally just float on up, especially once you GET UNDER THE BAR.
Best of luck
Gotta suffer on. It's summertime here though and goddammit that sweet jailbait pours through my work 24/7. Mercy.