So I did some research, and the consensus seems to be that for an ectomorph such as myself with a fast motabolism, I have to eat 3000+ calories per day. How the FUCK does one go about doing this? Is this accurate? I'm 6ft 145 lbs. Before looking this stuff up I was probably eating about 1000 calories a day. Eating is a fucking joke. Pls help
Bulking advice
smoke weed
if you did actual research you would know that these somatotypes are not representative of real bodies and that there exists an infinite number of differences in human body physiology and development.
Regardless, I have a fast motabolism and I have never been anything more than 145 lbs
how does anyone gain weight? eat more.
>eats 1000 calories a day
fuck off you stupid retard and never post on my board again you fucking twig
1 cup oatmeal
1 banana
4 eggs
1tbsp butter
1 cup whole milk
like 800cals every day for breakfast
4oz pasta/rice
8oz some kinda meat
2 tbsp olive oil
2 cups Broccoli/green beans/spinach/etc.
like 1000cals for lunch every day
roughly the same thing for dinner with a different meat and vegetabe. throw in some whole milk and protein powder and it's fucking easy to hit 3,000. if you try hard enough your stomach will expand quickly and you will be able to eat this much in a week or so.
>I did some research
>for an ectomorph such as myself
Youre metabolism isnt fast.
Im 220 with a physical job and need 5000kcals on days im lifting to reach maintance.
your metabolism depends on activity levels and weight. Nothing else.
The easiest way to get in calories is with fluids.
Drink whole milk with every meal after you finished your meal. stop drinking water, and drink milk. start with 0.5L a day then work your way up to 1L and then 1.5L or 2L depending on how much weight you gain.
ALso your stomach can expand to accomodate larger meals, just eat til lyour full and keep going some more. Thats how fatties do it.
>How the FUCK does one go about doing this?
1 gallon of milk
I was a 6ft 53kg skeleton who always go told "wow you have a fast metabolism"
I'm recovering now and am at 71kg
Shockingly all it took was eating more.
Just eat more calorie densed food, monitor your physical activities throughout the day, and get enough sleep. I know that feeling, bro. Eating can be a fucking chore especially if you don't feel hungry. I did halfGOMAD when I started lifting and gained lots of weight. Now I reached the point where I can no longer eat more than 3500 kcals. But I'm still making gains by upping my protein intake.
>bag of peanuts
>1L of milk
>ice cream
>cheap pizza
>protein powder
Lift heavy and come back in 2 months
TDEE calc says you need 2,5k cals to bulk, you got your numbers wrong
I'm sitting @3k cal maintenance 6'3"@200lbs
This, plus have 3 of PIC included
>3 of those
you mean one, once a day and no other food
You answered your own question in your question...Eating 1k cals a day with a 6ft frame is obviously not going to lead to a good physique. I would actually argue that your metabolism is lower than the average athletic male, since you seem to be maintaining 145ibs with a 6ft frame on a measly 1k cals
That's a shop. Here's the original (which looks better imo). At least, he doesn't have comby tits like he needs a bra.
jesus. i dropped to 65 and though i was skellington, also 6'.
classic excuse from people who dont know how to eat
Recovered King skeleton here.
6'3" 59kg
+18kg and all it took was eating more. Not even a disgusting amount. You're lying to yourself about how much you eat. You probably gorge 1-2x a day and still come in around 2kcal
>165 3 years ago, 270 today
It's not super hard. Just take your time and try to make sure you eat 1 gram of protein per pound of your GOAL bodyweight. Other than that, fill your diet with plenty of carbs and sneak in fats wherever you can. Fat has 9 calories per gram compared to protein/carbs, which is 4 cals. per gram. So try and sneak that shit in wherever you can. (Put some extra butter in your pan for your morning eggs, dont put the bacon on a napkin, add peanut butter to whatever you can, drizzle extra olive oil in your pasta, etc). Just make sure you monitor the mirror and scale because this fallacy that you're a hard gainer may not be as extreme as you think and you don't wanna blow up too fast. Srs. Gaining weight is forreal not that hard.
No you don't. You just refuse to fucking eat.
I get so much shit from overweight people when they see me eat like a horse. And no matter how much I try to explain to them that I need around 4.5k calories to reach maintenance because of how much I spend not because I have magically fast metabolism they refuse to believe it.
nice user, saved and overwritten, I got the pics from google image searches, so..
always thought the pic looked off, and there were no results for image search, which makes sense since it's a shop
i eat more than that maybe 3500cals, im 6'5 and 180lb
wat do?
EAT MORE. This shit isn't rocket science. Keep adding more calories to your diet until you're gaining weight.
Also you probably don't ear as much as you think.
actually i count my calories and everyday is over 3500 and eating more is going to get hard, i simply dont have time to eat because of school
Mad lanket detected
acording to TDEE calc, 3.5k is not enough for your height if you are 'athlete'
make some Peanut Butter sandwitches and bring them to school, eat them during breaks between classes.
Can't even spell metabolism right but is dead-set on having a fast one
I used to be a 110 skelly and now I have to limit my eating because I was putting on fat too quickly. Just eat more you little bitch
>so i did some research
>an ectomorph such as myself
Read the sticky. Your research starts there.
Did you not see the fucking dinosaur?
>fast "motabolism"
>+3000kcal per day
Read the fucking sticky.
i'll try to eat more
are you eurofag? peanut halva is GOAT for bulking, almost 500cal in 100g and easy to eat (dense) plus delicious
just eat and lift I use to be a lanklet too
Fattie here. I stop eating when i feel full. I just used to eat junk food
i ate 3800 calories a day for a year and gained 35 pounds. Just eat you faggot . wake up eat eggs and oatmeal go the gym come back eat chicken rice veggies wait 2 hours eat pasta with meat and veggies then eat a big dinner... then eat some yogurt with some fucking peanut butter in it before bed... make your portions large enough to hit calorie target.. stop being a faggot again there you go buddy
I don't think somatotypes should matter all that much when it comes to training. IMO, if the goal is to add strength and size, everyone should train a few compounds, heavy, and eat a ton of food.
But, they're definitely are people who are predisposed to carry more mass and lift more weight than others. No doubt about that. This part of somatotypes isn't wrong.
Coming to Veeky Forums taught me that there are a lot of anorexic men.
It really surprises me, since it's usually considered a woman's illness
For me it's because I was raised in poverty. My mom could only afford 3 small meal for me, most of them being cheap garbage food. The first thing I did once I got some income was eat better. Bulking on delicious food everyday is like a dream
In most 'developed' countries, cheap food is usually more calory rich than expensive, healthy food though.
They have some backing towards it. But 1st year lifters should be more concerned with actually getting stronger.
What matters most in powerlifting and weightlifting, is having correct proportions to make the lift easier. If you have shorter legs, but average torso, you'll be more successful than someone with longer legs and shorter torso, given the same training. But really, that doesn't mean someone with 10 years experience will be weaker than someone with 1 year experience.
>all judges are single middle aged women with their biological clocks running out
>i simply dont have time to eat
There are always solutions. You've probably hardly thought about the efficiency of your eating. You can most likely eat much more than you are currently eating and spend less time on it.
Cook simpler meals. Use fast-cooking ingredients. Better yet, use ingredients that require no cooking. Don't eat tons of fiber-rich, calorie-poor foods like fruits and vegetables (do eat some though or take a multivitamin). Eat bigger meals. Force-feed until you get used to eating a big meal and it won't be a chore anymore. Eating a smaller number of larger meals saves time.
Why not just get abused as a kid so that food fill became your only refuge from psychological breakdown? Worked good for boogey
sure is NYR in here.
>all he had to do is smile
TDEE +500 kcal.