How will European society change when the native population becomes minorities for the first time in their history?
How will European society change when the native population becomes minorities for the first time in their history?
europe will finally be a diverse place free of hate and bigotry
You probably think about western Europe because east is safe.
It probably won't change a lot with the exception of more random terrorist attacks.
And it wouldn't surprise me if right and left-wing nutjobs started shooting each other too.
It'll probably become more right-wing socially, but stay about the same economically.
Lemme tell you what will happen
Some of the muslims will blend into the population as the ruling caste
The rest won’t be very different
And 500 years from now blonde haired blue eyed pasty mullahs will decry Christians as “LARPers”
OP here, it may sound like I'm trying to racebait but I'm genuinely curious about how the societies will change.
Expect a surge of civic nationalism, and increase in right-wing social policies, increased religiosity, more crime and social tension, and larger economies and militaries.
>islam was always european
>fuck off christian go larp somewhere else
>but stay about the same economically.
Nope. Guess what having a large third world population costs a lot of money, just ask Brazil or Haiti. Ironically enough, Europe is going to leave their beloved socialized healthcare system and free college behind and start to pursue the same American economic model as the number of non-whites will just be such a drain on the system.
nah, islamic fuckwits will just have free reign when they reach a critical number
the free and progressive western european society as we know it is already crumbling as we speak
>comparing the infrastructure and stability of previously colonial provinces to europe
what the.......
Hard-right Christians and fundamentalist Muslims have the highest birthrates (typically far above replacement) - secular/left-wing whites typically have very low birthrates (in the range of 1-1.5) which will be enough to both half their proportion of the population within a generation and double the far-right & Muslims proportion.
These two groups will dominate the continent and crowd out the moderates from power. When there's a side that wins outright there will be a brutal crackdown on the other side.
It will probably be similar to the parts of Europe that already have a majority of non-europeans.
Pretty bad.
>This growth has even accelerated at the end of the 20th century
That's a lot of French wombs getting TURKED
>comparing the infrastructure and stability of previously colonial provinces to Europe
Australia, Canada, and the US are also former colonies with a general great infrastructure and stability. Haiti got their independence in 1804, Brazil in 1822 and they're both shitholes.
Fair point, I could see them being forced to leave their current system behind in favor of a more American version of the economy. Overall I'd say it's an improvement for the world.
>Overall I'd say it's an improvement for the world.
Literally how
I won't have to listen to leftists constantly bitch and whine about how we should be more like Europe. Also a lot of the faggotry involving things like feminism, hate speech, and gun control will likely decrease as populations that just don't give a fuck come pouring in.
Thank fuck I'll be dead by then. Or will I?
Feminism will probably suffer but hate speech laws and gun control will only increase
>hate speech laws and gun control will only increase
Perhaps, but I get the feeling hard-right Christians and muslims will value saying "fuck you" to each other more than they value not getting insulted.
Either way we're likely to see harsher laws against drugs, porn, and prostitution.
Impossible you idiot.
Muslims are already agitating for anti-blasphemy laws relating specifically to Mohamed.
There's no scenario where will be mutually banned to mock Christ and Mohamed
Completely different scenarios you ahistorical fuckwit.
Less than 2 generations away with current trends
How can you say impossible when you can see the demographics changing in this graph? In addition, you can see that the rate of change is increasing as well, and becoming progressively faster.
Population shifts of your supposed degree only occur when there's lots of deaths in the population being displaced.
Fair point. Although I'm not sure if gun control would increase or decrease, if violence between muslims and Christians occurs I could see an increase in gun control but as it is European gun laws are already fairly harsh.
It'll be interesting to see how the muslims and Christians cooperate and fight on certain issues. Both will be destroying neoliberal secular states but attempting to implement their own brand of right-wing religious traditional states.
Canada was 90% White when I was born and its about 70% now.
I'm only 23, so in one generation we went from a White society to a majority White society.
Soon there will only be a White plurality and then there will probably be a Chinese plurality.
In the past, there has been a clear link between stable societies with a high degree of trust between the citizens, and a homogenous population. Seems like we have a hard time being trusting, when we are too different from each other.
>Implying Europeans are white to begin with
Pic related shows the proportion of new bones tested for sickle cell disease. They test all children whose two parents are from Africa or African diaspora, near and middle East, India and southern Italy.
Europe can finally be united under as a federation, since they now have one common language (Arabic) and religion, on top of the currently existing institutions. The army will be recruited from former Jihadists who compromises with the Islamic businessmen/sheiks by giving them each a complete set of their favorite football club jerseys. The cross in Barcelona of course will be replaced.
So is that effectively the non-white percentage in each region?
The boomer generation will die in the next two decades. That's a lot of white people.
Whites will go the way of the Neanderthal.
No. It's only the percentage of newborns...
Note that it doesn't count mixed kids, who are not at risk for this disease.
yeah, one has tons of white people in it, while the others have none or fewer.
you stopped your spot short. continue it on if you will.
>Haiti is poor for some reason other than its filled with niggers
I wish I had my brainlet wojak folder right now
Dominican Republic and Botswana are doing significantly better despite being black as well.
that still doesn't bode well. am i reading this chart correctly? it says the total percentage of non-white newborns in France then is 38.85%? and 73% in Ile-de France? that's pretty insane, i'm not sure if that's faster than US demographic change, but it's probably close..
And Black Americans do even better than both of them.
But they're still shitholes, including black neighborhoods of the US.
Yeah it does. The country is doomed.
Venezuela and Nigeria has huge oil reserves as well but their economies are shit.
Yes, but the point is that not one of those black-majority countries could develop in the same pace as white countries.
I'm not saying they're gonna be on par with white or asian nations, genetically low IQ can't be fixed, but they can create successful nations.
The country with the fastest real GDP growth today is Iraq.
holy shit richard spencer btfo
>When there's a side that wins outright there will be a brutal crackdown on the other side.
Just the same shit huh? I wonder how these progressives will be remembered (assuming there will be anyone who gives enough of a shit to) after this society in Europe collapses
Oh, I left out the part about antisemitism. Jews will get blamed for it and be driven out.
>I wonder how these progressives will be remembered
Like pagan societies were remembered when Europe was Christian.
>all of those African countries are resources extraction neo colonies of white counting
Way to prove me right, buddy. Also, World Bank funds.
American aids.
The definition os being successful is always plastic. The standards are always increasing. Blacks and black-majority countries always get left off when they aren't given any positive discrimination.
They will crash and burn, become third world tier countries. We're already seeing it unfold in virtually every western country that has subscribed to taking in a huge amount of non-europeans.
Who cares, this is just more fascist BS and fearmongering
The immigrants will eventually assimilate and become indistinguishable from the natives
When are people with blond hair and blue eyes ever pasty?
Slavic domination of the continent.
Not history. gb2pol
Yes because the immigrants WILL BE THE NATIVES on this future Europe no Eurabia.
Muh stormfag iq post
He gets blowed out Dailey on here lurk more
Lol I wouldn't agree, black culture needs to reevaluate its family nucleus
Because those countries only existed for ~50+ years you faggot.
Ethiopia and Djibouti aren't resource extraction and Tanzania doesn't have much resources programmable to the bigger players.
IQ isn't concrete.
>unironically being a racist
>not being a civic nationalist
Wow. I didn't realize immigration rates were so low in France. Or that they were so likely to be European.
This is showing sickle-cell spread through one demographic, it doesn't list anything at all about how large that demographic is.
This guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
The media divides time between these groups. But it focuses on the 'New Right', and criticizes the statements of politicians and pundits, not the statements of user combed from reddit. Then they do stories about the dark side of the alt-right trolls on the internet every so often, in what seems to be support of the 'New Right' policies like censoring the internet and policing morality.
I unironically hope for mass genocide and ethnic cleansing to stop this from happening. Europe is more important than your retarded Utopian farce of multiculturalism and diversity.
>to stop this from happening
You have it all wrong. Step one is import immigrants, step two is never give them civil rights, step three is immigrants and natives hate each other, and step four is people like you vote to get rid of civil rights entirely so the immigrant problem can be ended. And then you don't get your civil rights back again.
You unironically support the whole process.
/pol/ is the new age boot licker, lurk more
The predominant ethnic group cannot be demographically replaced by other ethnic groups in a democratic nation state.
“No”, you don’t understand statistics
Is that why all the policies "intellectuals" support are all exactly the same as the boots they whine about?
No, it doesn't show the spread of the disease but the percentages of newborns tested for it.