Someone assumes or asks if you go to the gym

I just do loads of push ups, sit ups and eat plenty of vegetables.

Why is this really?

I never understood why would you need to lie about something like this?

Because others lie about it too and you dont want to appear that you need to put effort into these things?

You guises insecurity really makes me sick sometimes.

>too autistic to admit you go to the gym

Is there something Im missing here?

>Yeah, I do.
I usually go for a joke and add
>Yes, I know I don't look like I do.
which sounds a bit better in my native language.

They might ask follow-up questions and turn it into a whole drawn out thing and oh God I just don't wanna deal with that

I do 10 pushups a day

I only go a couple days a week

I don't think that's why you avoid answering.

I think you want to appear "gifted" to others and make others mad that they don't get anywhere without any effort like you seem to be getting.

Why are you scared of talking about the gym?

You use steroids dont you?

I do p90x only on weekends.

I go to pilates with mum and do lots of wii fit