If done correctly does pic related work? If not what others methods do you use for measuring body fat?

If done correctly does pic related work? If not what others methods do you use for measuring body fat?




Usually things like that or the monitors built into bathroom scales are accurate within a couple percent but can be thrown way off by hydration levels. Real question is do you actually need to know your bf% for anything specific? Because if not then the mirror test is all that really matters

I don't really need to know, I'm just curious.

They're not the worst measurement but lack precise accuracy. Really should only be used to give a general case

I would be interested in this as a tracking method. As in I do not care what the number is, i just want it to be consistent so I can verify it is going up or down.

It could read 773.4 jiggleflips for all i care, i just need something to track progress. Would this be good for that? Are they at least consistent if not accurate?

I bought a caliper and use online calculators to keep track. Cheap and decently accurate after some practice.

Good for tracking change in bf but absolute readings are utter shit

Ive read many stories were these werent too off compared to bodpod. The only thing is if youre 200 pounds 20% bf youre not technically 160lbm yet but people assume that.

Gave me 16% body fat and I've got 30 inch hips and a 34 inch gut.

Not convinced on accuracy.

You needed a reader to tell you you're a fat fuck?

if it's even accurate it will still measure basically only your arms+chest as the electric pulse will take the path of least resistance.

so you might still have fatty boombalatty legs and think you're okay

the real question here is why you want to know the exact %, instead of looking in the mirror and judging wether or not you're a fat shit or not

Coath Adam says it's pretty good

I need a reader to tell me how fat of a fuck I am

Post hands.

Don't have any yet. Working on it.

Thats their exact issue, they arent precise
Google difference between accurate and precise


I know I'm not fat. I just was thinking about it as a progress tracker for a cut

fucking kek, spit kidney beans at my screen

whenever i use these my bodyfat comes out too low. I refuse to believe im 10% and dont have abs