fixed it for you
Uniform wise SA
Wasn't the leader of the SA a literal faggot?
The leader of the SS was a backstabbing coward.
Wehrmacht > SS > SA
Hitler literally murdered his own men to get the Army's approval.
*teleports behind you*
SA > VC > V > IV > III > CW >VCS > LCS
>nazis are cool
Nazis were all a bunch of degenerate.
>dressed as a nazi
>doing the communist hand sign
That's a gesture to day hold up or stop moving in the military
>we will never live in the universe where the Night of the Long Knives failed and Rohm starts the Brown Revolution
Nazis were soy boys
>he doesnt think the SS was bad ass
Imperial Army > Wehrmacht > SS > SA
Only faggots disagree.
Why did Hitler continue to wear this piece of shit for so long, even after becoming Chancellor? He looks like a total clown, especially when he wears the tie really short in some photos. It comes across as cheap and flabby, not really an image you want to project when you're the Fuhrer. He also looks severely underdressed when standing near the SS.
I get that it was probably about muh Nazi tradition or something similar, but surely looking like a respectable leader trumps this when it comes to the image of their leader?
Nothing. Personel. Kid.
>a bunch of retards LARPing as soldiers
Yeah real badass
Imperial Army > Wehrmacht > Reichwehr > Waffen-SS > SA > Allgemeine-SS
His party's name was literally the National Socialist German WORKER'S Party. The image he was aiming for was a leader who was responsible for everyone in the nation, not just the elite. Especially during his early years, he did his best to appeal to the workers especially, as he figured they would disarm any efforts at a communist ideology, and also because he hated intellectuals.
If that’s the point you’re trying to make then posting that image was not a good idea. The SS uniform is way snazzier.
>318% casualty rate
>Father, please step out of zhe shot
Cleansing the world of unwanted trash is pretty based imo
No shit. Their leader was literal soyboy
>Please, take a sit.
>National Socialists
Yeah, I'm gonna need some proofs ty.
He dressed somewhat nicer later on.
>Himmler, head of the secret police has no chin
>Goring off his head on morphine and LARPing in jewel encrusted sandals and togas with make up like a drag queen
>Hitler a walking pharmaceutical factory
>Rohm, head of the SA liked to diddle little boys
>Supposed ideal Nordic poster boy was fucking Jewish
It's almost comical
You just posted accusations, but where's the proof?
spotted the kike
Spotted the nazi
That scertainly sounds like a superhuman feat
>Supposed ideal Nordic poster boy was fucking Jewish
Wait is this about Heydrich again? Where did that meme even come from?
He looks jewish as fuck
>fat lips
>piggy eyes
Canaris talked about him as "mongoloid jew" once
>Where did that meme even come from?
his fucking face
the only thing they cleansed was dirty G*rmen blood off the face of the earth
*Teleports Behind You And Stabs You With Long Knife*
Hehe~ Nothing personal, fellow "Socalist"
The only good thing G*rmans did during the war is that they died.
*unsheathes stone axe* heh not so fast kiddo
>he joined the SA instead of the stahlhelm
top kek
I think it's about this guy. He had a half jewish ancestry. "The ideal German soldier."
Exactely how gay was the SA?
Gay people usually have good taste in clothes