Any good tuna recipes for cutting?
I'm getting real tired of chicken and protein shakes.
Any good tuna recipes for cutting?
ruuunnning on empty!
I'm fine if this ends up a reviewbrah thread but I really would like a tuna recipe I tried making patties and they where dry as shit.
tuna + spinach + mayonnaise
or vinaigrette for low fat
Can of tuna, two/three eggs, a half a diced onion, seasoning. Mix. Fry.
>mfw I wrote a letter to reviewbrah (written) but never got round to typing it up.
I like tuna spread. Just mix it with low fat cream cheese, garlic and spices (add olive oil or lime juice if it feels too dry), spread it on rye bread or oatmeal cakes or whatever and enjoy.
why not just eat ground beef patties/meatballs?
use parmesan instead of bread crumbs, fry some bacon for fat to cook it in, caramelize onions in the fat, put bacon and onions in beef with seasoning, and fry those bitches up.
Super tasty
cant stand this cunt
>tuna spread
I legitamately did not know this was a thing
Thanks user, i'll look into this tommorow.
that pic
>mfw normies
I eat sausages/burgers sometime. I'm trying to balance my fattier red meats with leaner white meats and fish.
Tonight for dinner I had 6 sausages and a pepper followed by some homemade gespatzo and some breadsticks..and 3 pints of henry westons cider.
Scoop out an avocado, mix with tuna/little red onion/tomato/coriander and put it back in.
Tuna + franks red hot or sauce of choice
That is it, delicious
I did this with out mayo. And dowsed in lime juice. Not great. But definitely better with mayo
Motherfucking tuna patties
Why are you eating like a poverted frat boy?
tuna's for pussies
Funny because I'm getting real tired of tuna
I'm also getting tired of fucking spam and canned chicken
There's no easy way for me to actually prepare food
tuna + brown rice + salsa is pretty good
basically tuna + brown rice + anything with tomato as the main ingredient
Sweet bell pepper
Parsley and mayo.
is canned chicken as disgusting as it sounds?
That smile's contagious. ReviewBrah is one endearing fella.
i actually fucking love this guy. idk why. hes great honestly
Why has nobody posted this it's the only thing you need. Put a little bit less salt than it calls for though
man i wish reviewbrah would review different lifts
similar topic.... any good ways to minimize gains loss during cutting?
Can of tuna mixed with 1/2 an avocado. Delicious, and has some staying power.
I made tuna zucchini quiche and that shit was absolutely top cash. Great zucchini and carrot, mix it with a dozen eggs, throw in 5 cans of tuna and brother the gains don't get better than that.
It feels unnatural to eat
I would rather not eat sometimes, actually just this week there was one day I had like 600 calories because I refused to eat that disgusting shit, though I ate it the next day.
Plain chicken breast cooked in a pan is based I could eat it all the time but canned isn't the same at all and for some reason I keep falling for the meme and buying it