>gotta confuse the muscle
>2g of protein per pound of bodyweight
>girls don't like muscles
>diet was less important than lifting
>anabolic window
What are some Veeky Forums memes you used to beleive?
Other urls found in this thread:
Used to believe in the anabolic window.
That thicc is better than thin. Once I started having sex I realized that tiny girls are much better for fuck
>you must wait 48 hours between every lifting session
>splits dont work at all
desu this does carry a small amount of truth but not as much as i thought
t. Dicklet
That it's possible to over train if you're not already in good shape.
underaged and b&
>you must wait 48 hours between every lifting session
Was it implied that it didn't matter you weren't going to work the same muscles two days in a row?
source on this please
i think the argument is something how your hormones will react the same no matter if its different muscles, and you get peak test levels (aka muscle growth) if you take a rest day between lift days
not really sure whats technically wrong about that but ive met many split users who are strong/aesthetic since then
Girls dont like muscle.
>gotta confuse the muscle
>girls don't like muscles
>diet was less important than lifting
No one on fit has ever said these.
You can't throw a "thick" girl around like a slut
No, YOU can't.
Why do you even lift? Hell, DO you even lift?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
I used to believe the keto meme
Source is briggitparis cam milf.
Literally me its the only reason I fuck short girls. Anyone above 5'2 is a no go.
I drank a gallon of milk a day for about 11 days and realised pissing out my ass wasnt healthy.
I used to believe that I was wrong for putting so much effort into lifting, after seeing all the 'too intelligent to lift threads' so I stopped for a bit and started reading more philosophy and making social gains, then I looked in the mirror after a night out drinking and saw a bloated sack of dried semen looking back at me.
After that i've been on PPL ever since, there's nothing more important than getting your dream physique, thems intellect postes are fucking bait
Why do you think we fucking lift?
Dude, when you're 5'11" fucking a 4'11" qt3.14, there's just something about overpowering her.
its hard to think of a more disgusting array of liqueurs
Ever had 10 buck a handle vodka friendo?
Calories in/calories out
How is that a meme?
because its fucking retarded
it's thermodynamics you retard
Why did I laugh so hard at this.
2g protein per pound.
Since when is this a meme? It's even on wiki.
For gains its a good norm or isn't it?
its not confuse the muscle its shock the muscle
its like you didnt even watch the Arnold blueprints
Short girls can be thicc too you retards
I'm pretty sure it's been proven that you don't need that much. 1.3-1.5 grams per pound bodyweight has the same effect ( I believe)
Even 1g/pound bodyweight is ok. Proton companies have shilled this shit too hard.
So I'll say that the protein jew is the meme I fell for.
I stopped drinking whey and started getting my protein from real food instead. I eat quark for breakfast, most often high protein meats like chicken or salmon for lunch and dinner, and then cottage cheese as a before bed snack. Lifts suddenly stopped stalling. I started gaining weight again even though I was getting less kcal and protein per day than before.
I must have had trouble digesting whey and shat most of it out, can't see any other explanation. Maybe that's the reason why they exaggerate the dosages needed too
What do I believe anymore?
If you were fat and lost weight then that is where putting effort into gym matters. If you are skinny and try to bulk up then that's pointless, or makes it obvious that you obsess with gym, or gives you sometimes bloated muscles that don't look right.
>Don't train abs,they are made in the kitchen.Compounds are enough
>No need to isolate arms if you train chest and back heavy enough
Maybe for the genetically elite.My arm genetics are below average
>Keto and low carbs are the best for cutting
Yeah,if you want to dramatically lower your calorie intake and go down on your lifts by 50lbs
>Girls don't like muscles
Top tier bullshit made by people who don't lift and have tricked themselves they are genetically superior/too smart to lift.
>girls don't like muscles
I can't believe that there are males out there who unironically believe this.
>he thinks girls who see his muscle don't question why he had to go to the gym and what insecurity he is hiding
They don't.Where I live it's almost mandatory for men to be as big and strong as possible,nobody even thinks you lift for vanity reasons and even teen girls will respect you if you're not big.
It's because they listen to women who say it. I dunno how many times I've heard a woman claim that she thinks guys that are "too muscular" are unnatractive, yet in the presence of a fit male, they can't stop staring, and their whole demeanor changes, you can tell they are "activated" and impressed. They either don't know what they want or it's something they get in the habit of saying to dyel boys so they don't intimidate them.
*will not respect
If you're 200lbs that 400g of protein. How the hell would you be able to eat enough lol
I never said she wasn't, you faggot.
>I dunno how many times I've heard a woman claim that she thinks guys that are "too muscular" are unnatractive
100% of the time they're talking about overly vascular roid freaks
buttershots and smirnoff orange is disgusting as fuck, malibu is pretty ok tho
I believe the only people who say that are just fat fucks who think their 16 inch fatceps count as mucles.The female brain doesn't even register that you have muscles unless you have definition and some vascularity.I noticed too once I got to lower than 15% bodyfat and got the capped delts,the tricep and bicep separation and v-taper was when the mirin started left and right.Get lean before you comment that girls don't like your "muscles"
by not being a pajeet who's 95% of his caloric budget goes to biryani rice, naans and saags.
No, it's a meme
>If you are skinny and try to bulk up then that's pointless, or makes it obvious that you obsess with gym, or gives you sometimes bloated muscles that don't look right
fucking wot
>Implying muscle confusion is not a thing, like active almonds, shake weight, etc
It's like you don't pay attention to real life
>Yeah,if you want to dramatically lower your calorie intake and go down on your lifts by 50lbs
Woaaah, that problem can be litteraly avoided if you just EAT ENOUGH TO MEET YOUR CALORIE INTAKE, you ass-blasted dyel
">Don't train abs,they are made in the kitchen.Compounds are enough
>No need to isolate arms if you train chest and back heavy enough
Maybe for the genetically elite.My arm genetics are below average"
so very very true
u got meme'd
acutally, 2g per kg of lean bodymass is what you need to optimize protein synthesis.
at least you know your place
i've even read around 0.8g/lb bodyweight.
I havent strictly tried this with measurements, but i found that I would get the same results from doing an identical diet with protein shakes and without.
supplements are bullshit.
you don't need as much protein as they make out. think of their motivations to push this agenda on consumer DYELS who wanna get big fast
this. i lost 40lbs by realizing that my body doesnt violate the laws and physics and that less energy in would result in less energy being stored.
but by all means guys, dont let me stop you from having your acai warrior fat shred blends, im sure thats the weight loss secret that truly works.
Then you live in some shithole clearly where physical altercation is required for survival. Your people need to evolve out of the boulder moving age.