Lets take a look at the MAN CAO CAO and his achievements.
-He completely reformed the Han administration. Whereas before him, people could BUY government jobs, he made it so that only qualified and talented people could govern. He was also responsible for building several schools to find more talented people. He did widespread agriculture reforms. He (and the governors of Wei provinces) built roads, dams and other infrastructure. He also subdued northern barbarian tribes. In short, he developed the fuck out of Wei.
-Fought to preserve the Han, unlike Liu Gay and Suck Quan, both opportunistic bastards
-Had an actual court as opposed to the illiterate (((shu))) fools and the lunatics in Wu
Why was Cao Cao so based?
Why was Wei the best of the Three Kingdoms?
No retreat for the Han, no rest for the traitor
Cao Cao? More like Caca!
Yeah ummm take your fantasy books to Veeky Forums this board is for history
Cao Cao never lived to see the foundation of the Wei Kingdom.
Lmao who gives a fuck. Chinese history is so boring and irrelevant. All those weird names are retarded as fuck
>cao cao
When he introduced the merit based jobs he didn't forsee a consequence that has been haunting China since the Han.
The higher positions/jobs requered complex exam systems. The richer saw an opportunity in wich they could abuse the system by bribing the people during the several steps of said exams. Since then, corruption has been common pratice among the higher classes to influence, maintain family status/power or supress your enemies.
And please don't mock History.
it's a soft c sound, you idiot.
why are braiblets like you here? Doesn't your mind ever fill with wonder about the many things in this world you just don't know in an effort to master it? Do you not feel the need to understand the limits at which the human mind can create and reason? Are you really that shallow? Plebs like you are the reason why mass literacy was mistake.
I could say the same about Americans.
>George fought against George with Adams and Ben, while Thomas created a constitution. This is how USA was created.
Fucking waste of time taking US History
t. butthurt pseud. Does it sting knowing my vote is equal to yours?
History in general is a waste of time.
>History in general is a waste of time.
I know that it's pronounced like "Tsao Tsao". And it's just a meme you dip.
Do you know the 3 integral parts to any endeavor in Chinese culture? 天时, 地利, 人和, which means "timing, location, manpower". When Zhuge Liang was brainstorming Liu Bei's strategic plan, he said Cao Cao and Wei have the timing advantage, because of the whole holding the emperor hostage situation; Wu has the location advantage because Wu was segregated by the ChangJiang river; Liu Bei should take advantage of his talent superiority and the fact he's Han's kin. If you examine all the facts then it's pretty obvious that Cao Cao has all three advantages instead of one. Wei controlled central and north China which was the most developed and had the most population and resources, so Cao Cao had both massive location and manpower advantages. Zhuge Liang was merely speaking ancient Chinese autistic rhetorics.
THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE? You still didnt answer the question numbnuts. Leave and go to a place with hobbies more suited to you level of intellect like /tv/ or /v/
but it wasn't funny in the first place and the fact about pronunciation I mention further adds to that problem, loser.
Can anyone redpill me on three kingdoms? Historical and fantasy would be okay.
>suggesting the three kingdoms never happened
back to /pol/ with you, europoor brainlet
3 guys levy an enormous amount of starving people into a series of wars doing as much damage in property and population as the black death. It's almost interesting if any of them actually had any redeeming qualities.
Let's be honest here, did anyone in the histoey of the world who had such military ambition really have any redeeming qualities?
I suppose they weren't as cruel as say alexander. Boiling people alive or killing their families is rather merciful compared to forcing them to learn greek.
I know you're speaking in jest, but are you really trying to say other rulers in the past didn't have selfish ambitions and didn't do pretty fucked up things to their enemies? Btw, starting entire wars using your subjects and getting a good amount of them killed to realize these goals counts as fucked up. Most of the wars in history really are due to land squabbling, pride, and what boils down to "i don't like that guy's face"
What you say is true, but there have also been many rulers in history who were relatively content with simply maintaining the status quo. Those who were simply the defender rather than the aggressor wouldn't you say?
>this board is for history
Yes, hence we're discussing Three Kingdoms here, moron.
Is Veeky Forums getting raided or something? Front page is full of porn and threads like this are filled with pitiful attempts at trolling.
This. Seriously, no one gives a shit about Chinese history. Look at how pathetic this crap is:
>no one gives a shit about Chinese history
>except for 1/6th of the world that just so happen to be chinese
go on, continue to debate which mudhut is better in europe, you brainlet. History isnt just a european concept.
This is a terrible post but I do have to admit Cao Cao is a pretty funny name.